Disclaimer: All right...so, basically--this is Tamora Pierce's, not arianna99's or mine, so you can't sue us now, HA!

Dear Dom,

Hello, I greet thee from the ranks of the palace pages. Feel honored that I am taking the time to write to you. That maniac who deigns to call himself "Training Master" is most definitely sent directly from the Graveyard Hag.

As you see, I have once again outwitted you- I am sure you do not know who the Graveyard Hag is. She's the Carthaki national Goddess, daughter of the Black God. Daine recently told me about her encounters with her about two years ago. She says it's one of the events leading up to the war just passed. Speaking of which, how are Aunt and Uncle? I heard of a centaur attack on Masbolle.

On to brighter prospects. I heard of a girl coming to the palace to train as a knight. Some newly ennobled fief or other. At any rate, I think it's a wonderful idea- very emancipated. Unfortunately, Lord I-Have-A-Stick-Up-My-Rear-End Wyldon disagrees. He has decided to put the new girl on probation. For a whole year. If he is not satisfied, she will be kicked out. Which means, in basis, that he will let her hang around for a year and then tell her to go home. Poor child.

He has also told the Lioness that she must keep out of it. The Lioness, as you can imagine, was not delighted. I believe she has quit the palace and refuses to come back for quite a while. And I have extra duty for two weeks for remarking on the fact that it is hardly fair that the first female page should be treated this way after there being a law made stating that it was allowed.

I'm afraid my lord Wyldon has all the understanding of a tree stump. He glared at me and called me insubordinate. Ah yes, the fun of being a page. That amounts to the 47th time he has said that I am insubordinate since spring. And don't you dare call it pathetic that I keep count.

So how goes it with the third company? Still enjoying the common warrior's life? A thing I feel I have to ask about: What will you do when you marry? Aunt and Uncle will hardly accept it if you don't, and you know it.

Now I will rub under your nose that as a page, I get to whack at things half the day and actually learn useful things the other half. I will get much more money then you. And I will be famous, carrying on the name of the Queenscove knights. I will receive the glory of upholding the Queenscove line, which, by the by, is the line with the second most amount of knights, less only than the Naxens. I feel it is my duty to uphold it.

Of course, Father thought I was crazy when I made this decision, as did Mother, as did Daine. Daine looked at me with that skeptical look of hers, the one that makes her eyes sparkle.

Have I ever told you about her eyes? They are indeed very unique, a grey-blue like a stormy sea. Quite matching with her hair, a somewhat smoky shade of brown, and curled beautifully. I will never, ever understand why she stays with Numair. He is much too old, much too odd and much too distracted for her. He's her teacher for heavens sake!

Well, enough admitted to you about my highly private affairs, feel honored for my writing to you,


AN: This chapter was written by arianna99, so if you have anything particular you'd like to say, PM her about it.

Please, please, please review! Please?