Wedding Day
Chapter One: Confessions
A.N: Sequel to Proposal. I'm planning to put all of this into six chapters, the last being… Well, you'll have to wait.But Ithink you can guess. If anyone can guess what this story has in common with the rest of the trilogy gets a treat!(Cookies and/or cinnamon rolls!)
Thanks to random review, lilangelzdevil, Quantuniverse, MoonStarDuchess, Gray November, Demon Slaying Riza, loyalsoul, liam, and winryrockbell2, lady burgundy, HighSummonerMelecca, rizahawkeye13, ShizueAoki, bananakitty and Mekhena. Ha ha, Mekhena, you didn't have to review you know, cause you're my beta. Technically you already reviewed. Thanks for reviewing! You all get cookies and cinnamon rolls!
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. But I do own the pencil I used to write this long hand. So HA! TRY AND TAKE IT AWAY, I DARE YOU! (glares at approaching pencil thiefs)
p.s. Anyone have a pencil sharpener? I can't seem tofind mine.
"Do you really think this will work?" Winry asked, biting her lip. Maria Ross, Gracia, Sciezska, and Riza were trying to sneak Winry into a night club. Maria waved the fake I.D around.
"Of course it'll work! It's full proof!" she said, still waving it around. Everyone looked at Maria oddly.
"Maybe she's had too much to drink?" Winry whispered to Sciezska. Sciezska nodded. All the adults (except for Sciezska), had a few drinks before they made it there. 'There' meaning Riza's apartment.
"I feel so guilty about this. I told Elysia we were going shopping!" Gracia cried out saying it out of no where. Riza heard Maes gasp in her head.
'Gracia lied to our darling daughter?' Maes said, sounding really shocked.
'Well she couldn't exactly say: Bye Elysia! I'm going to a night club with my friends and we're all going to party and get drunk all night long! Oh! And I'm going to help my single friends find guys and I might find a guy for myself as well!' Riza said. She heard Maes gasp again.
'She's going to meet guys? And drink? And party?' Maes exclaimed. Riza smirked.
'Don't worry Maes, I was just joking. Gracia won't marry another man and none of us are single anyway... Not since Roy became Fuhrer.'
'So does this mean you were kidding about the partying and drinking all night?' Maes asked. Riza almost laughed out loud.
'You wish!'
'NO! What have you done with my wife?' Riza smiled.
'Maes? Maybe you should go check on Roy now.'
'But-' Riza cut Maes off.
'NOW, Maes.' She heard Maes muttering something about kidnapping Gracia and putting some evil clone in her place, but he didn't say anything more.
"So, should we go now?" Winry asked. Maria giggled hysterically at this and collapsed on the couch. Everyone looked at her.
"Not until we get some coffee into her." Riza said, pointing at the giggling brigadiergeneral.
"I'll go make it!" Sciezska offered. "Does anyone else want some coffee?" Riza and Winry shook their heads.
"I'll have some." Gracia said. Sciezska nodded and went into the kitchen. Riza studied Maria on the couch. She grinned.
"Imagine what Bloch would do if he saw her like this." She told Gracia and Winry. They all stared at each other for a moment, and then they started laughing. Maria sensed that they were laughing at her expense and started pouting on the couch. Sciezska came in holding a tray with three cups of coffee on it. She set it down on the table,
"Coffee's done." Sciezska sat down on the couch and grabbed a cup. Gracia and Riza did the same. Riza sat down next to Maria.
"Maria, do you want some coffee?" She asked, holding the cup in front of her. Maria gazed at it. She smiled.
"Denny likes coffee." She said, taking the cup and staring at the dark liquid within. "He loves coffee, but I wish he would just forget the coffee and love me." Maria stopped smiling, and frowned. "He's so in love with coffee, and he won't leave me alone. Its coffee this, and coffee that! Maria, have you seen my coffee? Maria, want to go have a cup of coffee with me sometime? I FRICKING HATE COFFEE!" she said, slamming the cup on the coffee table. Riza and Winry looked at each other. Winry nodded. She got out her wrench and…
Maria was down. Everyone stared at her unconscious form. Riza stood up.
"I'll go get a funnel." She disappeared into the kitchen. Gracia and Sciezska put their empty cups on the table. Riza came back with the funnel. She stuck the funnel in Maria's mouth and started to pour the now-cold coffee into her mouth. Maria woke up and spat out the funnel. Winry tilted her head back and held her mouth closed until she swallowed the coffee.
"Here, drink it by yourself." Riza said, handing Maria the coffee. Gracia smiled at Maria while she drank it.
"What?" she asked.
"What's all this about Denny?" she asked, grinning now.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Maria replied, busying herself with her coffee. Everyone smirked.
"Don't lie Maria. We all know you like him." Winry said. Maria blushed.
"Yeah? Well, we all know you love Edward." Winry blushed.
"I do not!" she said.
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Bark!" Black Hayate joined in. Maria and Winry looked at him.
"What do you think?" they asked.
"Bark!" Riza smiled and picked him up.
"He thinks that you're both right. Don't you Black Hayate? Don't you boy? Yes you do, yes you do." Riza said, kissing him on the nose. Gracia turned to Sciezska.
"Sciezska?" she asked, smiling.
'She has that look that Maes had when he was telling Roy to get a wife…' Riza thought as she looked at them.
'I heard my name, what's happening?' Maes said.
"Yes?" Sciezska replied. Gracia's smile got wider.
"What do you think of Havoc?" Sciezska blushed and looked away.
"Havoc? Jean Havoc? That's the one right?" she asked. Gracia nodded, still smiling. "He's okay… I guess." Gracia jumped up.
"AHA!" Everyone looked at her. Riza stood up too.
"Maybe we should get going." She said, walking to the door. Black Hayate followed her.
"Sorry boy, you can't come." Black Hayate whimpered but he stopped following her. Gracia looked at Sciezska; she had an evil gleam in her eyes.
"You can't escape." She said, following Maria out the door. Sciezska looked at Winry. Winry justshrugged.
(Outside the night club)
"I.D please." The man said. Riza, Maria, Gracia and Sciezska got through with out any problems. Winry stepped up.
"I.D please." The man said again. Winry showed him the fake I.D. He took it and studied the picture. He kept looking back and forth. Finally he gave back the I.D and let her in. Winry sighed.
"Glad that's over." She said as she followed the group to a table. "Loud here, isn't it?" She looked around.
"Well, it's a night club isn't it?" Riza said. "You can dance, drink and party all night here." Maria looked at the bar.
"I'll get the drinks." She said, heading towards the bar. Everyone looked at Sciezska, who started to sink under the table.
"So, Sciezska," Gracia said. "What do you think about Havoc?" Sciezska blushed.
"I, uh… Um… He's all right. He's got a nice personality… And he's good looking… I guess." Gracia grinned.
"Do you like him?" she asked. Sciezska blushed even redder.
"Well, he's an okay friend. If that's what you mean. So, yes, I like him." Gracia shook her head.
"No, I meant, like him, like him." Sciezska fell off her chair. She sat back on her chair again. Everyone was laughing. Maria came back with a tray full of shot glasses.
"I've got the drinks." She said. She grabbed a chair from another table and sat down. Winry looked at the glasses doubtfully.
"What is it?" It was a very light colored liquid. There was a bottle of Tabasco sauce and a bowl of lime slices on the tray with the glasses.
"Tequila." Maria said, pouring the Tabasco sauce in a few glasses. Riza squeezed a little bit of lime juice into the glasses. Gracia picked up a glass and downed it. She winced.
"That's hot." Maria laughed at her.
"Can't stand the heat? I didn't put that much in." The glasses she put the sauce in were mostly Tabasco rather than Tequila. Riza grabbed a shot. She winced too after she downed it.
"You put too much in." She said, her voice raspy. Maria just laughed and grabbed a glass. She downed it. Her face turned red.
"Okay, maybe I put a littletoo much in." she said. Winry hesitantly took one and downed it. She stared at the empty glass. Everyone stared at her. Winry's face turned bright red. She started panting.
"Water, water!" she said. Riza grabbed a glass of tequila without the Tabasco sauce.
"Here." Winry grabbed it and downed it. She stared at the glass. "That's not water." Riza nodded.
"Your right, its not. It's tequila." She said, grabbing the Tabasco sauce and another shot glass. She put a little bit of the sauce into her glass and downed it. Gracia passed the sauce and a glass to Sciezska.
"Here, you haven't had any." Maria filled her glass with a generous helping of tequila. She passed the glass over to Sciezska. Sciezska grabbed it and drank it. Everyone stared at her again. Sciezska stared back. She looked at Maria.
"That's not hot." Everyone looked at her in surprise.
"How can you think that's not hot?" Riza asked.
"It's just not." Sciezska put some more Tabasco in another glass and drank it. Her face turned red. "That's hot." Everyone grabbed a glass and started a shot contest. When all the tequila was gone they all went to the dance floor and partied all night.
A.N: Sorry that took so long. Have I mentioned I don't know anything about night clubs? I only know what my party animal cousins tell me. When I went to the Philippines my cousins on one side of the family would party every night. Apparently I have to go with them when I'm 18… (shrugs) I have a bad case of writer's block, so the second chapter will come when I'm cured. The doctor has subscribed 10 minutes of remedial writing every day, and a large pizza. Unfortunately, I do not have a large pizza, but sour candy is a great replacement. XD. I'm going to try a write a bit of the second chapter each day… This is way different than what was on paper. I'm pretty sure this is O x C, so sorry about that.
Review, and no flames please.