A/N: This is just a drabble I wrote.





Have you ever had an epiphany? An epiphany like the one you have when you're eleven years old and you go to a new school? You sit in the back of the classroom and wait for someone to talk to you. You look nervously around the lunch room and wait until someone motions you over to a seat next to them. The first friends you have are two boys that are considered the outcasts and you seem to fit in with them.

When you're twelve and your hormones kick in, you realize that you have feelings for both of them, but mostly because they are the only boys that you are around all the time. It's childish at the time and you make a choice and choose one of them to like.

Your epiphany comes years later when you're sitting in a classroom with the one that you didn't pick after a not-so-pleasant break up with the one that you did choose. He is sweet and nice and talks to you for hours about nothing and everything at the same time.

And then it all makes perfect sense.

He is the one that you should have chosen all along.

He is the one that you should be with.

But this makes things more complicated because all along he has been just a friend. You don't know if he feels the same about you and you don't know whether to tell him your feelings or not.

You dream about what would've happened if you would've chosen him. You dream about what your life would be like if you told him your feelings. You are torn between a relationship and a friendship because you know what it has done to your friendship with the one that you had chosen before.

Do you take the chance?

A/N: Feedback is appreciated. I breathe reviews.

Love and Lemons,
