Chapter 1 – I'll remember

Two months, almost three, had passed since the whole accident with Inuyasha and things were pretty much normal in the gang's eyes. Autumn was gaining on the terrain and the temperature was getting lower with the days; in two months or so, snow would show itself slowly, but surely. Since Chikara and Sesshoumaru's relationship had taken a better turn, she was now living most of her time at the castle; she would visit her friends from time to time.

Although Kagome had felt that Inuyasha had changed somehow, she never mentioned it. Actually, the half-demon had evolved during those months and he was happy with this changing. Although unknown to Kagome, Sango and Shippo, Inuyasha had met with Koga during the nights. Miroku knew about all those meetings, but didn't tell it to the others; he knew Inuyasha wanted to keep it a secret. At first, they were simply sitting by each other, but with time, they grew out curious to feel a kiss again, since their first one. They could feel something special between them, but they couldn't put a name on their relationship, because they didn't love each other, and still, Koga liked to tease Inuyasha a lot. The dog demon was a bit bugged at the wolf's behaviour sometimes.

The gang was now searching, as usual, for Shikon shards. They were walking toward a small village. Kagome didn't want to spend the night outside so she approached Miroku while walking: "Huh, Miroku?"

The monk turned his head toward her, still walking: "Yes, Kagome?"

She gave him a shy smile: "Do you think you could… huh do your 'dark aura' thing? You know the one you do when we want to sleep inside?"

Miroku smiled at that and with a light chuckle, he said: "Sure, why not? I guess we all need a good bath."

Inuyasha cut in: "Wait! Doesn't this mean taking advantage of innocent people Kagome?" He snickered, knowing she'd be confused about what to answer.

Kagome blinked and looked at Inuyasha: "Can't I think for myself and have a nice hot bath for a change?" She gave him puppy eyes, knowing he wouldn't protest, not being able to resist that kind of 'attack'.

The half-demon sighed and brought a hand up in sign of defeat: "Okay… but just for tonight."

Kagome jumped around, picturing a nice bed and good food in her mind and yelled: "Yay!"

Inuyasha slightly smiled, amused.

Miroku added: "Also, it will be less stressful to have a roof over us because… tonight is the new moon."

The dog demon didn't answer, although his ears twitched, but everyone knew he understood what the monk meant.

During the night, everyone was sleeping peacefully in the leader of the village's house, except for a certain half-demon; Inuyasha woke up from a nightmare. He dreamt about a demon attacking them in the middle of the night. It looked so real that it gave him the chills.

The half-demon – now human - shook his head, trying to chase the images, but they were still there. He sighed; he'd better get up to take a walk because otherwise, he wouldn't get any sleep tonight. Anyway, if demons would attack them while he's in his human form, it would be better if he'd stayed far from his friends, so at least they can stay safe.

So he walked out the house and wandered in a small forest nearby for about half an hour when he spotted an old tree that its roots were sticking out of the ground.

He sat between the roots and closed his eyes to meditate. He steadied his breath. He started to think: 'How long again until we find all the Shikon shards and finally destroy Naraku?' He was tired of fighting and wanted all to end.

He was swooped out of his thoughts when suddenly a voice came out of no where: "Hey Inuyasha, what's wrong mutt? Didn't you hear me coming?"

Inuyasha tried to search for the source of the voice in the dark; he couldn't sense where it was coming from.

"Oops, sorry I forgot; it's the new moon tonight…" Koga smirked at his last words; he just loved teasing Inuyasha. He came for his daily visit, just like he had been doing for the last months.

The human's face changed from confused to irritated: "Shut up Koga! Go away I don't wanna see you right now!" Inuyasha growled, scooting away from the standing wolf demon.

Koga raised an eyebrow: "Thanks for the nice greeting. Are you trying to scare me dog breath?"

"Would you stop with those insults? Just go away, I would like to be alone…" Inuyasha said, covering his eyes with his bangs.

Koga was surprised at the change of mood, but also felt the sadness in Inuyasha's voice and he intended to see why he was down. His smirk faded and he took a serious tone: "What's with the long face Inuyasha? Usually, you react differently at my insults. It normally doesn't bother you and all… I thought you liked it when I called you mutt."

Inuyasha snorted and looked away: "Normally it doesn't bother me, but right now…" He felt reluctant to talk about his feelings to Koga; he didn't know of he could trust him. Even though they had been seeing each other in secret, Inuyasha still had a bit of problems to share his feelings with the demon.

"Now what? Why is it different?" Koga really intended to find out what was ticking off the human. He crouched to be at Inuyasha's eye level and then sat beside him, snuggling to keep the human warm because of the cool autumn air.

The human sighed; he leaned his head on Koga's shoulder. A minute passed before he answered: "I feel helpless…and lonely. The way you just treated me isn't helping…" Inuyasha let slip out a single tear down his cheek. He chuckled: "Feh. I'm such a weakling; can't even control my emotions. I just can't help it, I love being human" he said sarcastically, drying his face with his sleeve.

Koga frowned at what he just heard. 'Why is he acting like this? Can't he act normal for once?' he thought.

He took a deep breath; gently taking off Inuyasha's head on his shoulder, he faced the dog demon: "Inuyasha, listen to me: you are not a weakling. Tonight you are human, but you'll turn back to your hold self in the morning." Koga put a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder, showing him he cared and with his other hand, forced Inuyasha to look up at him in the eyes.

The human played with a strand of his hair in his hand: "But I hate new moons. Why do I have to be a half-demon, instead of fully human or fully demon?" he said, his voice starting to shake a bit.

Still keeping eye contact with the half-demon, Koga said with his nicest tone: "Well that is your destiny. You don't choose who you fall in love with Inuyasha. Your parents knew that very well since your mother was human and your father a demon."

"Yeah right. Thanks for reminding it to me," Inuyasha said sarcastically, chasing the wolf's hand on his chin, which held him prisoner from Koga's intense gaze.

Koga frowned: "You know what? I like you like you are: a half-demon, and a human at new moon. You know why?" he asked, trying to convince the human.

"No…" Inuyasha was barely listening to Koga as he was too caught in his own thoughts.

"I like you because you stay yourself no matter what, and you're always sincere; unlike most demons around… Inuyasha are you listening?" Koga said, tilting his head on the side.

"Huh? Yeah, whatever." But in fact, he wasn't really paying attention.

Koga looked aside, trying to hide his emotions: "Listen, Inuyasha… Might get it out for good, because it's been on my mind for a while" he took another deep breath. "I think I have some strong feelings for you. Look, since that time when I saw you in the woods months ago, I…well" he paused, all sorts of feelings rushing into him, "Inuyasha, I think I… love you."

That caught Inuyasha by surprise as Koga approached him to be nose to nose. Koga waited for something to happen. Seeing nothing was going to take place, he leaned in to kiss the dog demon and the said person calmed down as the amazing sensation of Koga's lips was soothing him. So he kissed back and let go of his emotions. They separated when the air was running out, but Koga embraced Inuyasha to put his chin on top of the half-demon's head, then he told him in his human ear: "So, do you love me?"

Inuyasha got out of the embrace and looked in the wolf's eyes, stunned and uncertain. "Koga, why would you love me? I thought you loved Kagome" he blurted out. He didn't understand why Koga had said that.

"Maybe," the wolf smiled, "but I don't seem to have the same love for her as I do for you."

"Yeah, that's called lust, Koga" Inuyasha scoffed.

"Don't the kisses awake something in you? You always kissed me back after all…" the wolf said, as he blushed. "Ever since the small number of days we traveled to get back to the village a while back, some feelings took place in my… heart. At first, I stayed with you because I knew that if Kagome would have learned that I had left you alone weak like you were, she would have killed me." Koga laughed at that thought and continued: "But after a while, I kinda liked it to be there with you, to protect you and Takato. He blushed deeper: "You'll say that's silly, but it felt right, as if we were… a family. I mean it Inuyasha when I say that I like you a lot." He paused, thinking about what to say next. "Look, why do you think I came to visit you almost every night for a while? Simply because I feel good with you."

Koga chuckled and leaned on the hanyou. He then snuggled closer, his arms around the dog. The wolf sniffed inside Inuyasha's neck; the smell was intoxicating, giving him a feeling of happiness. He backed a bit to look into Inuyasha's eyes.

He smirked and then sat on Inuyasha's thighs and started to lick Inuyasha's neck. He looked up at the dog demon: "I think we could go farther than a few kisses tonight; I give you my body. Do whatever you want with it, 'kay?"

Inuyasha's eyed widened. "What? Are you…sure? I mean, you're so sudden and all…" The look in Koga's eyes was saying everything. Inuyasha sighed. "I've never done this before, how could I?"

Inuyasha was showing insecurity but Koga reasoned him: "Don't worry; it's my first time too. We have time to discover ourselves…"

"But why not the other way? I mean, you seem like you always want to be the alpha one…"

Koga smiled: "Well the answer is simple: I don't want to hurt you. You don't have your demon healing powers because of the new moon."

- Warning: Lemon has been cut out, because of the no-smut rule. If you wish to read the full chapter with it, send me a PM

The moon was shining high in the sky and was reflecting on their sweaty bodies. Koga opened his eyes and saw that Inuyasha was already sleeping.

He collected the sleeping human in his arms; being a demon, he had more stamina than a human. He brought him back to the village, following Kagome's scent. He noticed that there was an outdoor bath that was still filled. He approached it and began cleaning Inuyasha and himself.

After finishing, he went to put Inuyasha in his bed, making sure no one would wake up.

As he came to pass the bedroom door, he looked back at the half-demon and right there he had an odd feeling in his gut. 'Damn. What have I done? What took me?' Then it dawned on him; he could be pregnant because of that mating. But there would be a chance that he's not too. 'Yeah, I'm probably not'. But still, he had to clear his mind about all this: Inuyasha, that mating, and the consequences.

He slowly got out of the house. The wolf sighed and said aloud: "I hope you won't remember what we did tonight, Inuyasha… because I'll remember without a doubt."

Koga sped off in the end of night. Inuyasha woke up in his bed, feeling something missing. He shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

Helloooo everyone! Yup, I'm back. For those who read "The Love of a Mother", I'm glad you're following my stories -giggles insanely-

I know this chapter took a while to write, but hey, it's the lemon's fault, seriously. This was my first, and in the beginning, I hadn't planned one, so yeah... I hope it wasn't too bad.

I must warn you though, because this story will only last about 5 to 6 chapters only. I haven't finished writing the plan of the story, so maybe I'll take time to finish it before writing chapter 2. Oh and please review... I love to read what you have to say... maybe someone will even leave some construtive critism...