Summary: Chase and Zoey get in a fight and then make a deal. CZ in later chapters. Set

after the gang finished watching Gender Defenders in Spring Break-up. I suck at summaries. Just read, it's good, I promise!

A/N: This is my first fanfic ever so please be nice to me! Constructive criticism accepted. No flames please!

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoey 101 or any of the characters in it. It would be SO cool if I did though! )


Chapter One

Zoey Brooks looked down at her Tekmate, now fallen into the fountain. She had been looking for it for the last ten minutes, and she found it alright. The coolest gadget she had ever, and probably will ever, own was now swallowed by the water.

"Great, this Spring Break is just getting better and better," Zoey said to no one in particular, as she reached down to grab the Tekmate. The screen was blank, and Zoey tried to turn it on, but it was no use. She sighed and sat down, thinking of how badly her spring break was going.

"Hey, Zoe!" an overly hyper voice screamed, coming toward her.

"Hi, Nicole," Zoey said dully. Not noticing how sad Zoey was, Nicole began to run her mouth like crazy, no surprise there.

"Oh my gosh! How cool was it to be on TV? Wasn't it so cool? I thought it was so cool! Except maybe I should've changed my outfit, you know, to look better on TV. Wait! Oh yeah, we didn't know we were gonna be on TV! They so should've told us, right? Right, Zoe? Right?" Nicole babbled. Zoey sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so," Zoey said, smirking sadly. By then, Nicole had seen the light.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. Zoey said nothing, just held up her wet Tekmate. Nicole took it.

"Is it broken?" she asked.

"No," Zoey said sarcastically. "It's just soaking wet and not turning on!" Nicole brightened up.

"Oh, okay! That's great!" she said, not noticing Zoey's sarcasm. Zoey laughed to herself.

"Nicole, have you ever heard the word 'sarcastic'?" she asked, laughing. Nicole thought for a moment, and then her perky face turned to a sad but perky face.

"Oh, so it is broken!" Nicole stated.

"Yup," Zoey said, sad again. Suddenly, Nicole had an idea (A/N: GASP! LOL).

"Maybe Quinn can fix it!" she suggested happily. Zoey's eyes got wide.

"Nicole, I never thought I'd say this, but you're a genius!" Zoey squealed happily. She hugged Nicole and went off to find Quinn.

Chase's POV

I wonder if Zoey found her Techmate, I thought to myself. Ever since I pushed that send button, I've been regretting it. After I saw that Zoey noticed her Techmate was gone and ran off to find it, I watched to show again (we had recorded it on TiVo). Not the entire show. Just a few parts. Like to part where I ran off after the others, which is when I had Zoey's Tekmate. Why did I have to send that message? I thought angrily to myself. Then I would've never stolen the Tekmate in the first place, Zoey wouldn't have been mad at me, and everything would be back to normal! I fast-forwarded the show to the part where I took that fall for Zoey. There were two reasons in particular that I took that fall. One was because I could never hurt Zoey. And secondly, because we were then even. After all, they would've won if I hadn't stolen the Tekmate, right? I sighed, wishing bad things didn't happen to me, and began to rewind back to the first part.

"Man, stop torturing yourself!" Michael demanded, plopping down next to me. He tried to grab the TiVo remote from my hand.

"Give…it…back…," I said, struggling. He, being stronger than me and all, pried it out of my hands and shut the TV off.

"Do you see what you're doin' to yourself?" Michael asked. "Fighting to grab the remote so you can watch your mistakes over and over. You thinks that's gonna fix them?"

"Sorry, okay?" I answered. "I'm just freaking out about the message I sent." Micheal raised an eyebrow.

"You mean the one you sent that was meant for me? I thought you deleted that! Oh, man, did you not? Oh, man, that's not good. I – "

"Dude, you're starting to sound like Nicole," I said. "And it's not that message. While everyone was watching the show, I sent Zoe a message telling her what the message said." Michael's eyes got wide.

"You sent her a message about the message?" he asked, shocked. "As in that message?"

"Yes, that message," I repeated, slightly angry. "But her Tekmate was missing when I sent it." I sighed.

"So, has she found it?" he asked.

"No, if she did I would be having a panic attack." I stated, obviously.

"Oh, right. Of course!" Michael said, sarcastically. "Well, I gotta go, man. I didn't do that algebra homewoek yet."

"There was algebra homework?" I asked.

"In Miss Estricto's (A/N: I don't know the name of their algebra teacher, so I'm just making one up!) class! Man, do I hate that woman!" Just then, Miss Estricto walked by.

"Well, Mr. Barrett," Miss Estricto said sternly behind Michael, causing his eyes to bug out. "If you hate algebra so much, then why don't we get you and it more acquainted? Do pages 678 and 680 as well as pages 676, 677, and 679. Two additional pages should really get you to know the magic of algebra!" she walked away, and Michael headed for the dorm.

"Why is it that I have such terrible timing?" Michael muttered angrily under his breath.

"I was thinking the same thing," I muttered to no one in particular.

"What were you thinking?" a familiar voice asked from in front of me. I looked up. Zoey.

A/N: Sorry if it's kinda a cliffie! R&R! I'll get the next one up ASAP!
