A/N: My lufflies! I am so sorry I have not written. D If you keep pestering me, I will write though!

Anima P.O.V

"How did we get here?" Anima said, blinking slightly. She cast a sideways glance at Rain.

"It started during a science class, we decided we would fly to England and we'd kidnap you.." Rain started, taking a seat on the floor.

Tom raised an eyebrow, looking at both girls.

"You decided you'd fly to England and kidnap me." Tom repeated, blankly staring at Rain.

"Pretty much." Rain said, nodding slightly.

"But we intended on going in a dumpster plane." I said, looking at Tom.

"What the hell is a dumpster plane!?" Tom said, a confused look appearing on his face.

"We were going to attatch wings to a dumpster." I said.

"And we were going to go to China first, not England." Rain added, smiling.

Tom blinked, silent for a while as he looked from Rain to Anima.

"So... You're mentally unstable?" He asked, sounding unsure.

Both Rain and I laughed, nodding slightly.

"Now.. tell me how you actually got here." Tom said, frowning.

I glanced at Rain, biting my lip.

This is going to be an interesting story.

Tom P.O.V

Only these two could think up a contraption like a dumpster plane.

I looked at Anima, before my glance shifted to Rain.

"Long story short.. I had friends who helped us get through the airports, unseen by the police." Rain said, running a hand through her hair.

"I'm guessing your both minors. Your parents would of noticed you left." I said, raising one eyebrow.

"They did notice." Anima said, moving to sit beside Rain.

"We left good bye letters. They wouldn't of let us come, naturally..so at three am, we snuck out of our respective houses.." Rain started.

"Our good friend Henry drove us to Sydney. There, we caught a plane to Singapore.."

"And there, we were met by Tali, who got us through the airport, so we caught our flight to Istanbul.."

"From there, Lana got us to a train station where we were smuggled to France."

"We got a boat to England, and Bubbles met us there..."

"And he caught a train with us to London." Anima finished.

"..Seriously?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"Of course we're serious!" Rain snapped, a dark expression crossing her face.

"You left your homes to kidnap me." I said.

Anima nodded, and Rain sighed as she did too.

Rain P.O.V

I watched Tom for a while. He had become very silent, and I frowned slightly. I hated the way this conversation was going.

"You intend on going back home?" Tom asked.

I shook my head, resting a hand on Anima's back.

"No.. And if we do go back, it will be years before we can without being noticed." I said, softly.

"So you gave up everything to kidnap me?" He said.

"Yeah. We did." Anima said.

For a few moments, there was an awkward silence.

"..Why?" Tom asked.

I'll forgive him annoying me, only because he's hot.

"We think your hot." I replied, smiling slightly.

Anima giggled, and Tom raised an eyebrow.

"And whats your plan of action?" He said.

I laughed, standing up slowly.

"Like I'm telling you. Dork."