Hey Everyone! Sorry for the lack of update. It's been quite a busy few weeks. But, summer is sadly coming to a close for me (I'm a Florida girl, we start in two weeks) and so I'm gonna be getting a lot more time to update in the coming days. Here's a small update for now, and I'll try to get a bigger update in by tomorrow night.

So enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I do not, under any circumstances own anything Superman related. although I wouldnt mind owning a bit of Brandon Routh whistles

Chapter 5

"Jason! Sweetie, are you ready yet?" Lois raced around the kitchen, preparing breakfast as quickly as it was possible in 10 minutes. Hearing the bell signaling that the water was boiling, Lois rushed over to the stove and picked up the pot, burning her hand in the process.

"Crap!" She screamed, grabbing a towel nearby and placing it on her burnt hand. If only she had remembered to set the alarm…Lois cursed quietly as she remembered how she had overslept that morning. Apparently her talk with Superman had drained her of more energy than she had thought. As she made Jason's breakfast ready, she went over the events of the previous night. Learning that Superman was none other that shy, mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent had affected her less than she thought it would've. A part of her wondered if Clark would react differently around her at the office now that both she and their son knew his secret. Their son. A shiver went down Lois's spine. She wasn't the only one who had taken the big revelation the night before lightly. Jason had reacted to it so well, but as she thought about it, she realized that there was no other way he would've reacted differently. Her son had always been a bit shy around people, but around Clark he was happy and outgoing, and the knowledge of the two getting along so well should've surprised Lois. She sighed. It was too complicated to think of all the signs in the past.

"Honey?" Lois looked up to see Richard hovering over her, a look of concern on his face. Looking down, she realized that she was still standing above Jason's plate, a spoon and fork in each of her hands. "Are you okay?" Richard moved to put a hand on Lois's back but she suddenly moved away, and cast a smile in Richard's direction.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just kind of tired. I didn't sleep really well last night," Lois turned and walked back to the stove, picking up the plates of bacon and eggs and placing them at their respective places at the table.

Richard raised an eyebrow and then shrugged it off, sitting down at his seat and sticking a fork through his eggs. He knew better that to try to get Lois Lane to talk when she didn't want to.

"Morning mommy! Morning Daddy!" Jason skipped into the kitchen, kissing each respective parent on the cheek before hopping into his seat at the table. He couldn't wait to get to mommy and daddy's office so he could see his other daddy, Mister Clark.

Lois smiled at her son's enthusiastic manner. "Eat up, you two. We're gonna be late for work."

Clark groaned as he slipped into the apartment, immediately falling on the floor once he was safely inside the living room. It was nice, he decided then, to have a place of his own. And what a nice place it was. A relatively average size apartment, with two bedrooms – one he hoped for Jason one day – and two bathrooms, as well as a kitchen and living room area. All, of course, courtesy of Bruce Wayne. Apparently, his old friend had decided that a simple 'welcome back' card wouldn't be good enough, so he had decided to purchase Clark an apartment. At first Clark had declined the gift, saying it was too generous, but Bruce had reminded him the dangers of living out of the Daily Planet's storage room, and then when that hadn't sealed the deal, he promised to tell Clark's mother of a few embarrassing things he had done in college. Clark chuckled at the memory of this as he stripped off the suit and stepped into the shower. Only Bruce Wayne could use blackmail as a way of giving gifts. Pushing thoughts of this aside, Clark remembered the previous night. It had been a relatively quiet night to begin with, a trip to Bruce's and his mother's to say hello, and a trip to Lois's, which had been very revealing, with all the secrets being told between him and Lois. He couldn't help but smile. Jason and Lois both knew the truth now, and he hoped that in time, he'd be able to take his son to meet his mother and best friend. A laugh erupted from Clark at this thought. On second glance, maybe it wasn't that great of an idea for Jason to be introduced to Bruce. Bruce would do everything in his power to spoil the child rotten, and he wanted to be the one to do that.

Pushing all these thoughts aside, Clark went forward remembering the rest of the night after he had left the Lane-White household. The night had gotten pretty busy with a few robberies as well as a 3.1 earthquake in Indonesia. Clark stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, picking up his glasses in the process. When he walked into his bedroom he glanced at the clock. 7:35. If he didn't hurry up he'd be late for work. He grabbed a suit and threw it on, grabbed a bagel from the kitchen, and used his super speed to get him to work on time.

The office at the Daily Planet was loud and rambunctious as usual. People ran around, trying to get their articles in before their deadlines. Clark Kent squeezed through this mess, and finally reached his seat. He smiled once he noticed that his seat was a bit occupied.

"Hey, Jason." Clark said as he set down his briefcase, motioning for Jason to stand up from the chair. Jason did, and Clark sat down, setting the small boy on his leg.

Jason looked up at his dad and grinned. "Hey," his voice dropped to a whisper, "Superman". Clark tried giving him a stern look, but then, realizing he couldn't, gave up and laughed. He leaned down so only Jason could hear him speak.

"Jason, you can't call me unless I'm in my suit."

Jason nodded, and then suddenly got extremely confused. He looked up at Clark. "Then what am I supposed to call you?"

Clark paused, not sure of how to answer. He knew it was probably a bit soon to be called daddy, but he hadn't really thought of any alternatives. He looked at his son.

"I don't know, Jason. What do you want to call me?"

Jason pondered this question for a moment. He had to call his other daddy something, but the only thing he really liked calling daddies was daddy. He looked up.

"Can I call you, Daddy?"

Clark's voice caught in his throat. He hadn't been expecting that.

"Jason, you can call me daddy when we're alone, or with your mommy, but since no one knows yet, maybe its just best that you call me Clark for now."

Jason nodded his head, understanding. "Okay, Daddy."

As Jason moved to grab his crayons and paper, Clark wiped away a tear that had unknowningly fallen across his cheek.

He was 'daddy'.