
Many of you guys have been so helpful with your advice and comments on my story. There have been those who have been contacting – asking whether I will be finishing this story and some people have been angry since I've left it so long.

Well to tell you the truth – I'm angry as well at myself for leaving it so long. But have no fear reassurance is here – at this point in my life I have no time for this story because I've have coursework deadlines coming NORTH! EAST! SOUTH! And WEST! at me – I have exams starting in 4 weeks so these few last weeks are going to spent up all by revision and hard solid studying but I guarantee that on June 20th I will be able to finally continue with this story.

I am so sorry for any inconvenience and I hope you all don't hate me too much. This block will only be until June so please bare with me a little longer.

Thank you so much and I hope you all can understand this situation.

