Beautifully Broken
Disclaimer: I own nothing other than new characters
Summary: set in seventh year but not half blood approved. Draco and Hermione are Head Boy and Head Girl. Then something terrible happens on Halloween what could it be?
A/N – My second story and a changed name Was Sexii Mudblood not RAVEN MERCURY please read my story
Chapter One
"MEME!" Yelled a voice from the top of the stairs in the heads dorm
"MALFOY I SWEAR IF YOU CALL ME MEME ONE MORE TIME I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Yelled a beautiful brown haired girl with brown eyes.
"Meme Don't make empty threats." Said a gorgeous blond boy with greyish blue eyes as he walked down the stairs slowly "And—"
"THAT'S IT FERRET YOU'RE DEAD." Said Hermione launching herself at him. She started hitting and punching him.
After about 15 minutes they both broke out into laughter. Draco had Hermione pinned under him and hr hair was spread out around her. Draco Malfoy had changed. He had shown up at Grummald (Can't spell) Place one night blooded and battered. Harry and Remus Lupin brought him in and fixed him up. On the day that Harry and Draco had to go to Diagon Alley they ran into the Weasley's and The Granger's. They also ran into Draco's good friend Blaise who told Draco that he wanted nothing to do with Voldemort. He asked Draco if Draco knew of anywhere he could stay and Harry said that Blaise could stay with them.
"Meme where are you?" Yelled a muggle looking man walking threw the fuss and bustle of people
"Oh god please no." Hermione mumbled
"What was that Granger?" Asked Draco looking over at Hermione
"MEME!" yelled the muggle man again "Oh there you are." He said pulling Hermione into a hug. He looked to be in his late 60s to early 70s.
Ron and Draco snickered but stopped when Hermione glared at them.
"This is my grandfather. Granddad this is Draco, Blaise, Harry, and Ron." She pointed to each one in turn.
"Well Meme I will leave you to your friends. Have fun and I'll see you at home." He waved and left without question.
"Meme…" Draco mocked
"Malfoy don't start." She snapped
"Let's go get something to eat." Said Harry shaking his head at his friends.
End of flashback
"Draco get off you whale." Hermione smirked
"I am not a whale. I am very skinny thank you very much." Draco said voice full of confidence
"To skinny if you ask me. You're not eating nearly enough no scratch that you barely eat." Said a voice from behind them
Draco looked over his should to see Harry.
"What are you to doing?" Asked Harry changing the subject
"He keeps calling me Meme." Sighed Hermione
Harry looked quite amused "Then why pre tell is he on you?" he smirked
"She called me a whale." Said Draco
"After you pinned me." She countered
"So…you hit me."
"You called me meme."
"Enough you to are worse than a married couple." Laughed Harry as he sat on the couch
Draco got off Hermione and helped her up and they went to sit with Harry. Harry, Hermione and Draco were inseparable. Many nights Harry would crash in the Heads common room. Ron and Blaise were in a relationship and were always spending time together. It took them awhile to actually tell the three of them because of the whole gay thing they didn't want their friends thinking of them differently. Nobody did but they slowly began to drift away.
"Are not." Pouted Draco
"Anyways. All the plans are done for the Halloween Ball. It should be a blast. Other than…" Hermione stopped short
"What?" Asked Harry after a minute
"Nothing." Hermione answered way to quickly "I'm going for a shower and going to bed I'm tired." She said as she got up she gave both boys a kiss on the cheek and went up the stairs.
"Something's up with her." Said Draco getting up and plopping down on the other couch. He stretched out but his 6 foot 3 height was too large for the couch.
Harry looked over at his friend. Draco was far to skinny and he thought of the boy as a younger brother even know Draco was 4 months older than Harry.
"Something's up with you." Said Harry finally
"Harry can we talk about this another time? Please?" Said Draco looking into Harry's green eyes. Harry nodded.
"Who are you going to the ball with?" Asked Harry
"Pansy asked and so did a Ravenclaw. I told Pansy no so I'm going with the Ravenclaw." Answered Draco "You?"
"Ginny." Harry answered shortly
Little did they know that Hermione was standing at the top of the stairs listening to the whole conversation with tears in her eyes.
Very short chapter i know but i just wanted to get started...i have babysitting tonight so i will try to update as soon as i can hopefully tomorrow