ok...it's finally updated...

special thanks to Super-Kyo...because had it not been for you...i would have forgotten that i had the next chapter almost finished, and basically just needed to add it...so thank! and i'm sorry that the chapter sucks, but if it makes you feel any better...this one's pretty much angst free.

like i was saying...it's kind of short, and rather sucks, i'm not entirely sure how it turned out cause i was fine when i started it...but i was really depressed by the end, b/c i'd just finished hana-kimi 20...and it made me sad!!!! so yeah, sorry if it seems really weird.

hope you enjoy it at least a little...reviews are awesome, critique's cool cause i already kno i suck, but please no flames! . thanks!


I struggled to look up and see who it was, but decided it was too much work and muttered a quiet 'yo', instead. It didn't take long to figure out who it was.

"Why if it isn't lucky Kyo! Though, you don't seem to lucky stuck out here in the rain."

I hate Ayame…I think I hate him just a little bit more than I hate the damn rat.

"So what are you doing stuck out here in the rain, hmmm?" Aya questioned, kneeling down and tilting my chin up so I could look at him. It turned out to be such a wise decision, because the moment I was looking directly at him I sneezed, right in his face, and than transformed.

All in all I think Aya took my sneezing in his face very well; I can't say I remember much, but I don know that after his initial shock, he picked my clothes, and myself up, and carried us back to his horrid shop…where I awoke several hours later.

It was still raining when I woke up, though not as much, and not as hard, so it was easier to concentrate. At first I didn't really know where I was, but of course, it didn't take me too long to figure out. The thing that scared me most when I woke up was that I was naked, in a strange bed, which generally means something not so good.

"AYAME!" I screamed, only to be met by his assistant….his female assistant.

I pulled the sheets up around me and screamed every curse word I could think of telling her to get out and to get me Aya. She ran blushing from the room.

"Aww, I see lucky Kyo has awoken! And how are you feeling this dreary afternoon." He sang as he pranced through the door.

"Aya…..where…are my clothes." I muttered through clenched teeth.

"Where do you think kitten? They were dirty, they needed to be washed!" he said waving his arms dramatically in the air.

"What the hell am I gonna do till they're done!"

"Tch, Tch, Kyo, after all the trouble I took of saving you and providing loving care for both you and your drab clothes I really think you should be thanking me." Aya pouted.

"Fine! Thanks! NOW get me some clothes!!" I glared at him.

I could tell from the smile he gave me, that it might have been a mistake to demand clothes from him of all people, but it's not like I had much of a choice in the situation.

Aya came quickly with a box of clothes, and left again quickly before I could open it. I knew I was in trouble then. Much like I had foreseen, in the box was some weird, frilly, and probably sensual outfit of some kind waiting for me. It made me want to cry looking at it. It made me sick to realize it was for a guy, because it was a stupid frilly low cut top, and a very very short skirt. I mean, what kind of a guy would dress in this stuff…..never mind, stupid question, Aya would.

Needless to say….I wasn't going to wear it. I screamed for Aya for about five minutes, till my throat started hurting. Then I decided to get up and try to look for some half way decent clothes.

I pulled the sheet around my waist and started my long tiresome quest. I have to say, despite all, I had been pretty lucky that day, though I'd never admit that to any one in a million years. Aya had saved me, and the shop just so happened to be closed that day so I could continue my quest for clothes in peace.

I was on my fifth aisle of clothing when I heard the shop door open. Not wanting some perv wandering the store while I searched for clothes, I called out and told them that the shop was closed, and pulled down another box to examine the contents. It was a maid uniform…you know the kind, the kinky ' I'm going to seduce you' kind of uniform.

I suddenly heard soft laughter coming from the front of the aisle. I looked up and felt all the blood rush to my face. "You know,….it's not what it looks like, master, I swear." Yeah, it was Kazuma, just standing there laughing at me. My face continued to grow more red as I tried to explain the situation. It wasn't bad enough that we hadn't seen or talked to each other in a couple of weeks, but now when we did meet up, I was half naked with a sheet wrapped around me hold a kinky maid outfit.

The more I tried to explain, the harder he seemed to laugh. I finally shut up and let him laugh at me. It took about a minute for him to finish laughing and keep and amused grin on his face.

"You finished?" I complained.

Kazuma nodded and tried not to smile. "Yes, I'm sorry." He coughed as he tried not to start laughing again.

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" he asked, the smile gone from his face, and his voice serious. "You don't come to the dojo any more."

I racked my brain for an excuse. "Uh…yeah," I replied scratching my head. "ERR….I've been….buys, you know, with school and all."

He nodded, though we both knew I was lying. "I see. So Aya called. He said he found you caught out in the rain?" he asked rather obviously changing the subject.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I was jogging….and just, got caught in it I guess. I replied, thankful for a change of subject.

There was a long awkward silence.

"Well, I was just checking to make sure you were ok. I guess-"

"Master?" I chocked, I had decided I would apologize, but the words didn't seem to be coming.

"Yes Kyo?"

"Uh…umm…."I tried, but still no words came. "Could you maybe…errr…find me some clothes?" I asked sheepishly, and after a second of thought added, "and then, maybe…we could go back….to the dojo, together?" I asked hoping he would see that I was trying to make amends to him. I know it wasn't really an apology, but it seemed to be the best I could do.

Thankfully Kazuma seemed to get it. "Yes, I'll get you some clothes, though I better make a trip to Shigure's for that…I don't think you'll find much here that you'd be willing to wear." He replied smiling as he turned to head for the door.




i have to be honest...i really wanted to put kyo in drag...but honestly...it just wouldn't happen...and the more i tried to redeem the idea, the more ridiculous it seemed...so yeah.