The Mummy Chronicles

By TriGemini

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of the Mummy, or the Mummy Returns, Stephen Sommers does. So please do not sue me.

A/U: This will be a series of stories. That will surround the characters of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. However, there will also be new characters involved, as well. Each of the stories will be a different plotline about the beginning of their fate, to everyday scenes of their lives in ancient Egypt during the reign of Seti I, to their lives in the present, moving up to the events of The Mummy. Then I will continue the chronicles during the ten years before the events of The Mummy Returns. Not to mention, a few concerning the years afterward that lead up to the events of the last story I am going to write for this series. In addition, just a warning I am planning to write my own versions of both, The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. For it will be apart from this series that I am writing, including the story that will go after The Mummy Returns that will conclude everything. Additionally, I cannot promise that everything will be historically accurate. So read of your own accord.

Chronicle 1: A Beginning To Fate

There's a divinity that shapes our ends –


Fate! Do you believe in fate? Do you suppose that there is a power that is able to determine events before they can even happen? In which man has no control over. If not then you are not a believer. That's all right though, it doesn't matter if you truly believe or not. For in this world there are many who do think that fate does exist. Then again, perhaps they simply believe in the fact that anything is possible and some things could always happen in one's lifetime. However, in order to believe that certain preordained events are meant to actually come to pass. That is a test of faith one must take and be able to decide for their own-self. For in order to believe, you need to look pass what you can see or experience. That in fact is the only way to understand what fate really is about. Furthermore, it seems that fate tends to work in mysterious ways. In general, at first we probably don't understand why certain things have to happen. However, with time, patience, and most of all faith, we come to an understanding that for every action that is done, for every intention that is meant, there is a reason behind it all. Even if we deny it and don't follow fate. As the saying goes, "what's meant to be, will find a way". Meaning that sooner or later, fate catches up with you and has its own way. For there is no escaping it. Even as it ends, everything will draw near and come to what it was truly heading for. Anyway, even if we did get to decide on our own course of life. How does one know for certain, that the choices one makes in life will not be influenced by fate itself? That in fact is simply a mystery that is left to be resolved on its own.

It is supposedly said from the very beginning of time, that the ancient gods and goddesses of many, contrived fate for their own amusement. Watching idly by as they toyed with the fates of many and wondered the many possibilities that this new power could give them for their own benefit. However, with time passing they came to realize that their ability to control fate was a powerful tool. Particularly, knowing that in their hands was the gift to shape the lives of those who not only revered them, but feared them, as well. Thus, the beginning of an ancient plot, which would span many centuries and set in motion a time set of events that, would not be deterred by interference. Hence, from the divine mouths of the gods and goddesses to their many acolytes, who served them devotedly came the beginning of their culture. Starting from the many myths that had originated during the ancient times, to the ones that had survived the centuries and countless of generations, the stories from long-ago, were told and retold, until they became ingrained in the memories of the surviving people. As a result, from this the people learned to not repeat the mistakes of the past and guard the secrets of the ancient desert. Nevertheless, if the day should come, and the one thing that shouldn't be raised from the dead does rise, then there would be fierce consequences of what could happen if the stories proved to be true. Just for that thought, fate will begin to set in motion a sequence of events that had been designed by the ancient gods and goddesses, themselves. That would ultimately intertwine the fates of many people and in the end change their lives for the better or worse.

For one in particular, he was duty-bound to watch over the ancient ruins and keep the secrets of his people from the day of his birth. Just like so many of his ancestors had previously done 3,000 years before him. He had always believed in the ancient stories and in the old ways. Never once doubting that what occurred in the past during ancient times, might very well could be brought back again if not properly taken cared of in the present. For that reason, he keeps watch to make sure nobody disturbs the secrets that lie within the ancient ruins. His duty is to be the watcher, the guardian of the ancient city, and he will do anything to keep outsiders from discovering what lies underneath the ancient ruins…always. Then again, he does not realize to do this task, he will encounter those who will bring forth the beginning of a new path for him. He will rely on his faith, his allies, his friends, and mostly himself, as well. To face his true destiny that lies ahead of him.

A non-believer who doesn't want to know what fate has in store for him. He doesn't realize that fate will change his mind over what he believes when he encounters this new path chosen for him. Unknown to his knowledge, he too bears the mark and he's a protector, as well. It will take much for this one to believe. However, with time he shall come to terms with his own fate, when he does believe.

She was a modern thinker and didn't believe in nonsense but in real facts. Her belief was 'if she could see it and touch it then it was real'. However soon enough her world and way of thinking would be challenged by an accidental discovery. She would soon realize that some things couldn't be explained by science but by belief only. Moreover, that sometimes our very present determines the outcome of the future, but explains also the past. Soon enough she will discover her regal past and accept that part as herself without much disbelief.

He may not be the wisest person in the present. Nevertheless, he can be trusted when he is most needed. For he's a brother and a true friend, even if he comes off like a foolish person at most times.

He made a mistake in the ancient past and paid it with his life. Condemned to eternal torment and never finding peace. He suffered the worst fate ever by being cursed. Yet he believed that he did it out of love for his beloved and himself. However, was it really worth all the sacrifice in the end? Or did he realize it meant nothing in the end?

She was forced into a life that she did not want. Chosen by her Pharaoh to serve him, she had no choice. Her only happiness was that of the friendship she had with one of the Pharaoh's daughters and the secret love she held for the High Priest of Osiris. Even though, it was forbidden, she was willing to risk it. Not to mention, withholding a grudge against another daughter of Pharaoh, which in the end proved to be a contest of wills between them both. However, in the end it all led to tragedy due to a forbidden love, a risk, and the loss of a great friend. Her present isn't any better. She is sneaky, persuasive, and again is willing to risk it all for the sake of regaining her lover back once more. And she will do it. But in the end, she will realize that her present course could have been different than the one she chose.

She was of the royal house in her past life and yet was of two different worlds in the present. Her soul throughout the ages had remained the same, only slightly altered by some of the modern ways. For she was loved by one of the greatest men of the ages and even today, he waits to reunite with her again, for their love was eternal and it was a bond that could never be broken. In the past, she gained the friendship of the person that would one day betray her family. However, in the end she never had the chance to fulfill her destiny in the past due to the untimely tragedy that befell her. Never realizing that her death would be the spark to cause a chain of events that would end the happiness of those she loves. Now she lives again and has a second chance to do what she couldn't have done in the past. Moreover, this time it will turn out all right.

What none of these people realized at this point was that soon enough the moment would come and it would be time for fate to make its move. It would be bringing together the forces of good and evil in an all out battle. Clandestinely the ancient gods and goddesses as we speak are planning out their fate. "If you wish to hear what they say wait for the next scroll."

A/U: So is it good so far? Or is it bad to read? Not worth continuing at all because there's something completely and very wrong with it? Tell me and be nice but honest also…okay.