TITLE: Secret Admirer

AUTHOR: Lady Sirius



FEEDBACK: Of course all rights to Harry Potter belong to JK Rowling

- I only wish that Sirius and Remus were mine, other than in my heart!

DEDICATION: To my glorious, talented, wondrous and everlastingly sexy

inspiration - Gary Oldman - and to my Remus - Amber - for whose friendship and devotion I shall be everlastingly grateful.

Secret Admirer

Epilogue (or is it?)

i An electric shock surged between the two boys as their lips connected, a jolt which reverberated inside their very souls as they proceeded to wind their arms about one another and deepen the kiss.

"Remy," Sirius said, once he found the breath to speak, "I've been in love with you for a long time, but... I was afraid to tell you, afraid you'd laugh at me..."

"I'd never do that, Siri," Remus assured him solemnly, "I was afraid to tell you that I loved you. I mean, all those girls... the kissing... " He trailed off uncertainly.

"Meant nothing," Sirius said, "I didn't even like their kisses. But yours..."

"But mine...?"

"Yours was magic," Sirius sighed. "Can I kiss you again?"

Remus made no reply, simply offered his lips for the taking, and although it was December, and a damn cold one at that, neither boy noticed for a very very long time. /i

They finally came up for air, their lips swollen and beestung, their hearts much lighter, beautiful smiles gracing their faces, both talking at once.

"I wanted to ask you to the Ball..."

"I wanted you to ask me..."

"But Hestia..."

"But Lily..."

"I only agreed to go with Hestia because I thought I didn't have a chance with you," Sirius admitted sheepishly, "I was sure that you were in love with Lily, and that I'd lost you forever. I didn't really want to... and...oh Merlin!" he swore.

"What's the matter?" Remus frowned in concern.

"Hestia! I just walked out on her, she won't have any idea where I am! I need to tell her the truth, and apologize..."

"Why don't we go back to the dance then?" Remus suggested, "we can tell her... together... if you like?"

Sirius nodded, relieved. "Remy?"

"Yes, Siri?"

"Will you... I mean, would you... consider the possibility..." He looked shyly down at the ground, unsure just how to proceed, or what to say.

"I would love to dance with you," Remus said softly, as they swayed toward one another once more, mouths meshing in perfect harmony.

They walked back to the castle together, at a much more sedate pace than they had originally left it, fingers entwined, hearts beating in synchronicity. And their entrance was not lost on a certain redhead, who even now was wrapped in the embrace of one Mr. James Potter as they moved together in the dance. James, of course, was oblivious to everything but the girl he had finally inveigled into his arms, a goofy grin plastered upon his face. Lily smiled to herself, observing the linked hands of the two boys, a sure sign that all had certainly gone well with them, and that her good intentions had not ultimately gone awry. James looked up when he heard her chuckle, saw the two as well, his mouth dropping open slightly.

"Did I miss something?"

Lily smiled at him sweetly. "Nothing more than usual. Don't they look cute together?" And before he could say another word, she kissed him softly.

"Mmhmm," he replied, distracted by her lips, which was her intention.

Hestia too saw the happy couple, but who was she to argue with fate, as she floated upon the dance floor in the arms of her Hufflepuff boyfriend, who had taken the opportunity to approach her when he saw Sirius sprint out the door. She waved at Sirius to show him that all was well, no hard feelings.

"Well, I guess no explanations are necessary," Sirius commented to Remus, who nodded his agreement, giving Sirius his most radiant smile. As of one accord, the two boys walked together out onto the dance floor, finding a space for themselves within the dancing students. For a moment they looked at one another, as if unsure how to proceed, but they quickly sorted themselves out - Remus taking the lead, putting his arm about Sirius' waist, taking the darkhaired boy's hand in his, as they adjusted their steps to one another, beginning their dance.

At first they did get a few curious looks, there was no getting away from that, and perhaps not unreasonably so, as Sirius did have a reputation for being the hearthrob of Hogwarts. And more than a few girls sighed in dismay, watching the two boys entwine themselves so closely that it was more than apparent how they felt about one another. But the music continued, the novelty wore off, and life went on pretty much as before.

Except for one particular Slytherin, who watched enviously from the sidelines. How dare they be so happy when he wasn't allowed to publicly be with the one he loved, when he dare not show his feelings, for the sake of the other boy, whose reputation would surely be ruined by such a revelation. Why had he even bothered to come to this thing, this farce, merely to torment himself, watching his Lucius dancing with his acknowledged fiance? When it should be his arms wrapped about the beautiful blonde, as it was when they were alone, in private, the rest of the world shut away?

Merlin, why was life so cruel?