A/N: This our new story, its totally different form the one we have posted just now. Not about Remus :( Sorry for all you's that like him but he is still in the story and plays a kind of important part in one of the first chapters. Written some of the first few chapters but they take quite a while to write each chapter, so the updates could be a little unregular. But we promise to get them up as fast as we can! Here is the prologue of our story! Please read and review! And you can read our other story (My world; My life) if you're a remus or marauders fan.
Disclaimer: We do not own this but all the OC's are ours and only ours MWAHAHAHA! Sorry :( Hyper
The graveyard was dark, as it was the middle of the night. A cold wind blew from the north and swept jet-black hair onto a pale face. No gesture was made to remove the hair; the figure just kept on walking.
The figure hugged the black cloak it was wearing, around it more, as if to squeeze the warmth out of it. Grey headstones were covered with moss and spindly handwriting, giving an almost sinister look to the land they were on.
Walking passed them; the figure finally removed the hair on its face with an annoyed look and tucked it behind a pierced ear. The spiked earrings hung down from the lobe and swung around when the person moved. An owl hooted in the distance giving a sound to the late night sky.
In the distance, voices could be heard, and the person turned their head to the sounds. A small congregation of people were gathered at the top of a hill, exactly where the person was heading. The pale face smiled and brown eyes shown out into the night. The figure's pace quickened, to get to the group faster.
None of the people on top of the hill were wearing their usual meeting clothes. This was only permitted when it was unexpectedly called, and you had to make your way there as fast and as soon as possible.
Slowly about a dozen ears picked up the quite sound of grass being rustled underfoot. The figure's smile expanded into a grin. There was a quelled spark of worry in the brown eyes of this mysterious figure.
She was late.
No worries. She was positive they would understand and if they didn't; she was willing to pay the price. Stars dotted the sky and the clouds parted to reveal a moon, in its full light. A hushed silence settled upon them, and no one dared to speak. What kind of retribution would be delivered for being late to this meeting?
"You're late." Someone hissed. This someone was standing in the middle of the group, the very centre, and arms out stretched and waiting. Strangely, he did not look angry, in fact, he looked slightly amused.
"Sorry master, the training ran later than planned, I gave every trick in the book but they refused to permit me to leave until I finished. I ended up transfiguring a brick to look like me and sat it on a bench. Please accept my apology. There was nothing I could do."
Some gave snorts of disbelief and others nodded in agreement. "AAAWWWWWOOOOOOOO!" howled a dog.
"Hmmm, did I not say that this was non negotiable? My most faithful of servants and you ignore orders because of a simple training exercise!" The man exclaimed. He raised his wand. A phoenix cored wand.
The girl remained motionless, knowing exactly what incantation he was about to say. The Crucius curse. The pain wasn't half as bad as it was before. The girl was slowly growing immune, numb to its effects. "Master, please. You said so yourself it was an advantage to have a person on the inside. If I had not stayed it would have aroused suspicion," She said.
The argument was week and she knew it. A death eater in the background tensed. There was a voice in his head, distant and quite but still it was there. "Keep and eye on her and her partner on this mission," said the voice. Inside his mind he replied, "Two, as often as I can spare them," It was met with silence.
"That excuse is thin! CRUCIO!"
Without a sound she crashed to the ground. Additional pain of breaking her wrist mounted with the effects of the curse. Pain surged through her bones, burned her muscles and racked her body from all breath. Eyes squeezed tightly shut, she uttered no sound. She wouldn't dare give them the satisfaction and, well, the pain wasn't that bad. Was it?
Soon her throat burned and her lungs ached for that sweet gas. The gas that keeps us all alive. The snapped bones in her wrist shifted and moved as she wriggled. Panting she opened her eyes, searched the faces for pleasure, which of course, she found lots of. But in one face, there was disgust though he hid it well, but not well enough.
And then it was over. The curse may have been lifted but her muscles ached, an after effect of the retched curse. Slowly and carefully – on wobbly legs – she rose from the ground. Her eyes trained on the flat land in front of her feet waiting for the nausea to pass. The sneering stopped.
"You all know the plan. You all know what is expected of you. Leave us," Commanded the man in a hiss. The being in front of the girl was obeyed without question, his unusual eyes pierced the night.
His eyes were red.
Suddenly the grass parted to reveal a rather large snake. It slithered forward and headed for the four remaining people at the top of the hill. "Nagini!" Said the girl softly as she bent down to pet the snake. "Hi girl, how are ya?"
The snake hissed in reply. "She said hello, and she's well, for those who do not understand her tongue," Said Voldemort, looking straight at the man as the other two present knew what the reptile had said.
"You are the three going on this mission. There is another that will meet you there. You know who this is; he is the youngest of you and will require surveillance. You never know what stupid message he may utter," Voldemort informed them. Swiftly the snake moved towards the other female and began hissing softly but she did not look like she understood. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and the light reflected off it, like a beacon. "My dear, this is your partner, she will be working with you and I trust you know who you are reporting to?
Both girls nodded and indicated to the other present. This was their queue to leave and so they did. The blonde hair girl raised her eyebrows at the other and apparated. The girl with the black hair however smiled secretively before choosing to walk down the hill. "What? No red eyes?" called Voldemort after her.
"I'm wearing contacts. I'll take them out next time if you wish." she whispered. A sudden wind picked up and blew her tousled hair over her face, and when she swiped it away, they were gone. Shrugging, she proceeded to go down the hill.
Screaming, a boy in St Ottery Catchpole awoke with a start
A/N: So? What do you think? Remember to review! It will be appreciated.