If You Could Change Anything

Luke and Lorelai lay in bed quietly cuddling. Lorelai had her head on Luke's chest, playing with his fingers with her hand, just thinking about how people always seam to want to change things about their life.

And suddenly she spoke "Luke?"

"Yes Lorelai?" he sighed knowing this was going to be one of her quirky comments.

"If you could change anything about me would you?" she asked

He was surprised by the question. He thought that was the stupidest question in the world (aside from the one about the pens) why would he want to change anything about her. She was perfect, and he loved her just the way she was. He loved that they bantered over coffee every morning, and that she insisted on going behind the counter even when she knew he would yell at her, because to her, that was half the fun. He loved that she dragged him to town meetings and festivals, because with her it was ok, with her it was fun. And although he would never admit it, he loved that she drank massive amounts of coffee. He loved that she could make him do anything with her pout, hair flip and little black dress, and the way her smile made his heart melt. He would never change her in any way because if he did she wouldn't be Lorelai and that to hem seamed to be obvious.

"No Never" he replied without hesitation

"Why Luke? Wouldn't you want to change my eating habits, of my coffee intake of …" she was cut off by Luke's hand over her mouth.

"Nothing" he said firmly

"Why?" she asked

"Because I loves you for who you are, because if I changed anything you wouldn't be my Lorelai anymore. Because I love your quirky behavior, and your eating habits, and your coffee intake, because they make you, you. Because I am completely in love with you Lorelai, just the way you are."

Lorelai smiled at him thorough her tears. "I love you too"

"What about you?" he asked "Would you change anything about me?"

"Well…" she pretended to think about it before she whispered in his ear "I wouldn't have to, you're perfect in everyway"

"Well not perfect"

"Nope" she stopped her "Your perfect, and what I say goes because I am your beautiful fiancé"

He chuckled and the silence ensured again

"Luke" she spoke

"Yes Lorelai" he sighed

"Thank you for giving me the right answer"

"Your welcome" he chuckled as he kissed the top of her head" now go to sleep

"Ok" she replied as she snuggled back into him. Falling asleep in the arms she wanted to be in for the rest of her life the arms of the man she loved, Luke. And she wouldn't have it any other way, she wouldn't change anything.