-1Hey this is a story I thought of after watching "Last Holiday"

The basic idea is the same but I changed a lot!

Disclaimer- No matter how much I wish I do not own danny phantom nor "Last Holiday"


(Sam Manson, 25, is at work which is at a Barnes & Noble, and she stacking a new shipment of books on the shelves with the help of her best friend Renea)

Sam- We have 25 new "TTFN" books

Renea- we probably need to order more. The girls eat those books up.

Sam- a book all in IM is always more fun to read then a normal book

Renea- hehe very true! I read it twice.

Sam- you're 25 years old and you're reading and 13 year old's books.

Renea- hey my 53 year old mom still likes to read teen magazines

Sam- ……I swear your family gets stranger and stranger everyday!

Renea- yeah I know but I love that book

Sam- then you need to get a life

Renea- no crap!

(a tall, slender man walks into the store and walks up to Sam)

Man- hey um I was wondering if I could apply for a job?

Sam- (she's just staring at him with dreamy eyes)

Man- excuse me miss but I…

Renea- of course you can apply for a job…right SAM!

Sam- (still staring)…..um..what…YEAH…of course!

Man- okay my name is Daniel Fenton but most people call me Danny.

Sam- Danny….I like tha….I mean okay just follow me to the front desk.

Danny- alright

(Danny follows her and Renea stops her for a moment and whispers……)

Renea- should I call an ambulence or did I just see you blanking out in front of him?

Sam- Shut up!

(Sam continues to the front desk and they sort out all of the information)

Sam- okay you worked at Wal-Mart for 3 years so you have experience.

Danny- and in college I worked at the college campus store while I was there

Sam- where exactly did you go to college?

Danny- Stanford

Sam- hmm…that's a good school...so you've got brains, you're tall which is good for stacking books and you're handsome……

Danny- excuse me?

Sam- …uhhh….which means you won't scare away the customers…..

(Danny smiles)

Danny- yeah that's always good

(small pause)

Sam- sooo you got the job and you start tomorrow at 3:00 to !0:00

Danny- alright well I'll see you then

Sam- bye (smiles)

Danny- bye (smiles and leaves)

(Sam walks back up to Renea)

Renea- 3:00 to 10:00 Sam? We needed more people for the 8:00 to 3:00 shift.

Sam- I know

Renea- I mean we work that shift also

Sam- exactly

Renea- wait….oohhhhhhh I get it

Sam- this is why you're the ditz and I'm the smart one

Renea- hmf…I guess

(Sam laughs and then they both look back at each other and then they start laughing hysterically and then their boss walks by and looks at them and stairs at them until they notice him and then they calm down and then he walks away)

Renea- seriously he is a total hottie

Sam- I know! His smile is gorgeous

Renea- hey next time you see him…

Sam- meaning tomorrow..?

Renea- yes meaning tomorrow….get a good look at his ass

Sam- hey what the hell is wrong with you! I'm not one of those girls who gets a cheap thrill by looking at someone's butt like SOMEONE I know!

Renea- see this is why you're the smart one and I'm the ditz


(Renea giggles)


Okay sorry that was such a short chapter! But they will get longer! Promise!

Please review!