Disclaimer: I obviously don't own FF9 or any of its characters. Square owns them.


The temperature rose with the sun. Ever since the disappearance of the mist the weather had changed dramatically, heat waves were strengthened and cold chills were far bitterer. Marcus pushed back his bandana to wipe sweat from his brow, beads poured down his dirt-covered face as he sat for a quick break.

The new mercenary gig Marcus did with Tantalus paid well, but was far more work then treasure hunting and looting. After the disappearance of the mist most of its spawn had vanished with it, which lead to the natural monsters and animals becoming over populated. Marcus and Baku had spent the last two days cutting down on the populations around Pinnacle Rocks. The other members were working in other areas with similar problems.

A murder of crows flew overhead as Marcus stood and continued his rounds. He emerged from the wood and stood upon a collection of rocks and boulders. The sky was bright, the sun poured down onto the treetops and shimmering water that made up the landmark. Marcus overlooked the area, he had covered just about every nook and cranny and the population had dropped. But as he cast his eyes down into the ridges and depressions he noticed a place he hadn't see before. A pile of rocks hunched over a Cliffside hiding a passage through into a small gorge.

"Heeeey!" A familiar voice called from below. Marcus turned his attention to a clearing directly below him at see Baku, equally drenched in sweat, waving a large hand. Marcus smiled at the sight and called back "Hey Boss, how goes the hunting?"

"Crap, can't find nothin'. I guess we took care of most of them eh?" Baku shouted from below as he loosened his shirt. "The heat's killin' me…"

"I know how you feel Boss," Marcus hollered with a laugh. "I can see a missed spot from up here… over northeast from here, there's a pile a rocks with a passage through."

"Come down then and we'll check it out" Baku shouted as he rested himself on a collection of rocks.

"I'll go on ahead, catch up if you can Boss," Marcus turned away as Baku shouted a rude reply from below. He didn't take it as much; they had done that a lot to each other during the new jobs, just to amuse themselves.

Marcus found a site where the rocks of the cliff side had tumbled into the stream below. He used it to his advantage and hopped from rock to boulder. The passage was within his sights, and his thieving and treasure hunting instincts pushed him to find out what was behind the hidden passage.

Cold rain started to fall from the sky, a pleasant change from the on going heat wave. Marcus stood for a moment to let it pour over his sweat-covered face, it feel good. But, weather being as strange as it was lately, the rain picked up fast and it was soon pouring so fast and so hard that it would've made a Burmecian homesick. No longer knowing if the rain was better than the heat or not, Marcus opted for the shelter of a tree whose branches reached thickly, conveniently, next to the little passage.

Marcus had only sat for a short moment before Baku had found him, he was soaked and cursing the rain. Wanting to return to Lindblum quickly and get out of the rain, Marcus decided to quickly check the passage and head out. And of course, Marcus didn't inform Baku but headed in straight away.

The stone had made an arch here, and the grounds inside were no different than the outside. Somewhat disappointed, Marcus turned to leave, but stopped when he heard, somehow over the beating sheets of rain, a rustling in the foliage. He quickly unsheathed his sword, his eyes searching for the movement in the thick wood. It was hard to see through the rain, but he could faintly make out something moving in a nearby tangle of tree and bush.

He tightened the grip on his sword, his clothes dripped and clung to him. He watched the spot where he saw the movement, whatever was in the bushes must have known he had noticed it for he saw nothing there now. But just wanting to be sure, Marcus crept towards the tangled plants.

His steps sunk into the wet soil. He readied his sword for an attack. It was doubtful that there was anything of a threat, but he just wanted to be sure.

Suddenly, Baku cried out from behind him. A figure emerged in a panic. And flame engulfed Marcus in a painful grip; his skin burned away, he felt himself burning. Marcus let out an ear-piercing scream of pain, just before the spell wore off and Marcus fell dead to the ground.