Authors note: I bet you're thinking…oh no…another unfinished project…aha…I'll work on all of my stories don't worry…all…six…of them (T-T) but you guys love me right? Okay yet another forbidden relationship…this one is gonna be between Kagome and her TWIN sister's fiancée! Ohhh:O isn't that hawt? I know it is. I think these forbidden relationships have become my trademark. I'd like you guys to give me some idea's as to some other people Sesshomaru can be that Kagome shouldn't be dating. Any advice is welcome.

PS: If you're wondering…she's an angel….kinda….gonna be explained later…yeah yeah yeah!


Simply Divine



"You get everything!" Kikyou screeched at the top of her lungs, slamming her door.

Kagome remained calm as servant surrounded her and the door. Kagome's face did not change. Her mother quickly arrived, panting from running to the place. But Kagome didn't grimace, cry, or smile. She didn't feel anything, didn't hear anything, as she stood at the door. But inside her world was slowly caving.

"My word! That girl! Always throwing so many fits! Why couldn't she be more like Kagome?" Her mother stated coldly, snapping at some of the maids in her anger.

Kagome just turned around without emotion. "Mother, I think she wishes to be left alone."

And with that Kagome left to roam the halls of her expansive mansion. It was only when she had reached her favorite room in the house, alone, that she let tears fall. Kagome screamed and stabbed at a pillow she often kept for moments like these.

Kagome would rather die, then for someone to see her tears; To see any strong emotions. Because she was the favorite. She was to be a great warrior and ruler. She would rule the northern lands one day. And she needed to be perfect. A perfect little Princess.

She had been taught, from a young age, that sometimes people were to be detached from strong feelings. But Kagome couldn't help herself. She reveled in these feelings, adored them in this little room of hers. But outside the room, if she was suddenly feeling some sort of strong feeling, she would just turn cold and detached.

She would smile, but a lot of the time it was fake. She would frown, but she was only mildly displeased. She would get angry, but she wouldn't yell, she would hiss. And so no one knew how she really was most of the time. But this was how it was.

And so Kagome thrashed at the pillow angrily. She loved her sister. They were twins, they had a connection. They were almost one. Although they didn't look completely like each other they still had a lot of similarities. They should be treated the same. But they weren't. They never were. Kagome had to be born with the gift. Kagome was born with the wings.

Those wings she was born with had convinced her parents that it was a sign. That she was Sacred and Divine. She would lead the kingdom to prosperity and happiness.

As Kagome stopped stabbing the pillow she sighed happily. She was tiered. Kagome chuckled as she removed her kimono and reached for the beautiful white silky dress within reach. She put it on smiling.

Kagome almost glided to the large window, so happy and content. This was when she was free. This when she was happy. As though it was magic, Kagome's soft pure white wings appeared. Kagome sighed she let herself fall out of the window, catching herself when she nearly hit the ground. She pulled up and headed in the large full moon giggling.

Kagome seemed to chase the moon for hours, when suddenly, she felt extremely weak. And like that Kagome fell out of the sky. Kagome fainted, hurtling in the dark forest.


"My Lord, you mustn't run away from the castle like this every time you get angry." A old voice came from a squat old demon.

"I don't care." The tall Prince said coolly. "How can you tell I'm angry anyways?"

The old demon chuckled. "Because you're running away like this."

"Leave me be." The Lord snapped as he mounted his black stallion and left, leaving the squat of a demon yelling for him to come back.

"Sesshomaru-Sama! SESSHOMARU-SAMA!"


As Sesshomaru road into the dark forest; he seemed to go on forever as he galloped through his father's lands. He didn't want to wait any longer for these lands to be his. That was what his argument with his father had been.

But his father had called him 'unsuitable' and 'childish' yet. That Sesshomaru needed to have a wife to run the lands properly. But the day that Sesshomaru fell in love would be the day his father croaked and Sesshomaru would own the lands then anyways.

Sesshomaru continued to silently fume when he saw something white fall from the sky. He rode the horse near the area where he stopped it and got off. He walked over carefully through the brush.

"What are you doing on my land?" He asked coldly before he finally came into the clearing.

He had reached his favorite place; a large clearing filled with long grass and a small abandoned house. The trees grew around the area, dauntingly large in the naked area.

He glanced around until his eyes fell on the figure of a small girl with white wings. She wore a white dress, though she was barefoot.

"Was this…what fell from the sky?" Sesshomaru posed the question as he cautiously approached the little girl. "An…Angel?"

"Tenshi!" Sesshomaru called out, hoping the girl would get up on her own.

When she didn't move he went over to her and kneeled by her, pulling her into his arms. He stared at the smaller body in awe. She really did seem angelic with the way the moon shone on her and caressed her straight brown hair. It was beautiful, because he had met very few women with brown hair instead of the usual black.

"Tenshi…" He said softly, wanting to wake her, yet not wanting to at the same time.

Sesshomaru was amazed when suddenly her eyes snapped open and he saw a pair of mahogany eyes staring at him in large amazement. She was so surprised she jumped up and hovered in the air, using her wings to keep her distance.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" The girl said quickly, looking around. Her voice was so smooth and calm compared to her frantic exterior.

"You are on my lands Tenshi." Sesshomaru said quite plainly.

"T-Tenshi?" Kagome asked staring at him.

"Well if you don't want me to call you Tenshi tell me your real name." Sesshomaru snapped, annoyed with the obviously stupid question.

"Uh, no call me Tenshi…and you are…" Kagome looked at the young boy before her. His long straight silver hair went to his shoulders, he even had the taiyoukai markings on his face. And yet still she could not place him.

"Just call me Taiyoukai." Sesshomaru said coldly as he sat down on the ground, keeping himself up by leaning on his hands behind his back. "What are you doing here? A little girl of what? Five should not be here! Not at this time of night anyways."

"I'm ten." Kagome hissed, glaring down at the cocky boy below her. "It's not like you're a grownup either. You look only eleven."

"I'm twelve." Sesshomaru sighed. "You were pretty good at guessing though."

"I have to." Kagome grumbled. She then stopped herself in realization. She was being open with this boy…he even saw her wings. "Oh no!"

Kagome flew down beside Sesshomaru looking frantic once more. "You must never talk about my wings! You mustn't talk about me. I do not exist."

Sesshomaru peered at Kagome under heavy lids. "And if I don't?"

Kagome puffed out her cheeks and glared at him. "Well then I'll hit you."

Sesshomaru chuckled. "I'd revel in it." He stopped and stared at her. "Okay, I'll keep you a secret…If you promise to come and play with me every night."

Kagome knelt by Sesshomaru and cocked her head. Her eyes showing a caring side to her. "You want…to play…with me?"

Sesshomaru blushed and turned away. "Yeah, well I get bored. I can't stand staying in that castle."

Kagome smiled and closed her eyes shaking her head happily. "Wow, I've never had a friend before!"

Sesshomaru looked at her as though she was insane. "You've never had a friend?" Although Sesshomaru knew he wasn't one to talk; He'd never had any friends either…but he had expected this pretty and cute little girl to have a group of friends.

"No, not enough time with all my training." Kagome said thinking.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. "Well then it's settled…I'll be your first….friend."

Kagome laughed and nodded. "I have to go Taiyoukai-Kun!" Kagome said as she got up and dusted her dress. "I'm far from home."

"Where do you live?" Sesshomaru asked as Kagome flew up into the sky. Kagome looked down at him and winked as she stuck out her tongue.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out!"


Kagome arrived home tiered, but as soon as she fell asleep; She was woken up to work on tea ceremony work. Then she had teachings and other things she had to do everyday. But she was tiered and couldn't do anything right.

Her mother had begun to yell at her but she left to go into her special room where she dressed and thrust herself into the sky. She loved this sky.

Kagome barely made it all the way to the clearing where she looked down and saw the young boy waiting. She practically fell out of the sky as she stood looking up at the boy because he was so tall.

"As soon as the sun sets you must come okay?" He snapped.

"I'm sorry Taiyoukai…but I'm tiered." Kagome whined.

Sesshomaru looked Kagome up and down. She didn't look tiered, except for her eyes which seemed so dull in the moonlight.

"Fine, instead of playing tonight you may sleep." Sesshomaru said.

"Thank you." Kagome said bowing her head as she turned around to leave.

"I meant here." Sesshomaru stated plainly.

Kagome turned around and stared at him. "What? On the grass?"

Sesshomaru sighed as though the answer was obvious. "Come here."

Sesshomaru sat down leaning against a tree. He pointed to his lap. Kagome stared at him confused.

"You want me to…sleep on your lap?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Obviously." Sesshomaru growled.

Kagome sheepishly walked over to him and lay down, putting her head on his lap. Sesshomaru watched amazed as Kagome's wings almost magically disappeared as Kagome fell into a deep sleep.

Sesshomaru watched Kagome sleep, and found himself blushing. She was pretty cute. Small stubby legs that had not yet grown and cute little brown curls surrounding her. She was…cute.

Two years passed and the two friends continued to see each other every night, every night bringing a new adventure. They had grown to need each other and each adored how they were able to leave their lives behind when they played.

Sesshomaru found it strange when one day Kagome went up to him blushing.

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly.

"H-have you ever…kissed someone?" Kagome asked looking at the ground.

Suddenly Sesshomaru found himself blushing as well. "O-of course." Sesshomaru stuttered, of course….not. He'd never know anyone close enough to kiss other then Kagome.

Kagome peered up at him with searching eyes. "You're lying."

"You sure do act tough for a twelve year old girl." Sesshomaru grunted.

"Fine then." Kagome said, suddenly feeling daring and angry after what he said. "Kiss me."

Sesshomaru stared at her blushing furiously. "No way."

"Scared?" Kagome chuckled.


"Well then kiss me." Kagome said, determination in her eyes.

"W-why?" Sesshomaru asked, still stuttering.

"B-because…I want my first kiss….to be with you." Kagome said, almost breathless, she felt like something was squeezing her heart. What a strange feeling.

"Well, then close your eyes." Sesshomaru stated gruffly, still looking away.

Kagome obediently closed her eyes and Sesshomaru finally looked at her. She still looked stunning as the day he found her. As Sesshomaru leaned in to kiss her, he was just a centimeter away from her lips when Kagome opened her eyes. Sesshomaru jumped backward.

"I told you to close your eyes!" Sesshomaru yelled at her, embarrassed.

"Coward!" Kagome hissed.

Angry, Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome's arm. "I'll show you a coward." And with that, Sesshomaru gently placed his lips on Kagome's.

Kagome felt her heart squeeze again. What was this feeling? Sesshomaru finally pulled away blushing, unable to look Kagome in the eye. Kagome giggled as she pulled at Sesshomaru kimono, pulling him into a surprise kiss. Did he feel the same way?

"See? Nothing wrong with it." Kagome chuckled. Sesshomaru was dying from too much blood in his face.

Sesshomaru turned away as he leaned on the old house. "Go home, we can't play anymore tonight."

Kagome frowned and left frowning. Sesshomaru was left alone blushing. That feeling, that feeling he had gotten when he kissed her…

Sesshomaru bolted towards the castle. Sometimes he didn't bring his horse and this was one of them. Sesshomaru felt like he was running away from something. Running away from emotions and feelings.

When he reached the castle he saw his father staring at him with angry eyes.

"Who is she?" His father said in a low growl.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sesshomaru said looking away.

"Don't lie to me!" His father barked. "Who is she? Who is that girl with wings?"

Sesshomaru went pale. All that blood in his face completely drained away. "She's no one."

"After two years of you going on gallivanting about at night, I find out that you've been seeing a girl?" The big man yelled angrily.

"It's not like that!" Sesshomaru yelled back.

"I was looking for you just now because there's a war about to begin." Sesshomaru's father started calmly, pacing. "So I used a miko to find you and what do I see in that reflection? You, kissing a girl with wings!"

The man frowned at his son. "Who is she? What is her name? What is her status? You are to inherit the lands with a wife by your side but only one worthy of the name Lady."

"I don't know." Sesshomaru hissed. "I just call her Tenshi. I know nothing else about her."

His father shook his head. "You will never see her again."

"But FATHER!" Sesshomaru yelled angrily.

"If you don't stop seeing her, we will seize her in the castle dungeons for trespassing." His father growled. "You will never go into that clearing again. Do you hear me?"

"But…Father!" Sesshomaru yelled, a tear pricked at his eye. "I love her."

Sesshomaru was surprised when his father slapped him in the face. "Men do not cry Sesshomaru. And you do not love her. I will decide who you love. I have begun looking for your fiancé."

Sesshomaru clenched his teeth. "I'll never bow down to you and your wishes."


The next night Sesshomaru snuck out his window. The doors of his room were heavily guarded. Sesshomaru ran as fast as he could, hoping no one would notice.

He finally pushed his way into the clearing where that innocent girl sat in the moonlight. Sitting on a rock. Her brown curls cascading around her shoulders and an innocent smile played at her face. Her wings outspread.

"Taiyoukai!" Kagome called out happily as she went towards Sesshomaru.

Just as Sesshomaru was about to smile and welcome her, he smelt people coming. People he recognized. And they were coming fast. His heart stopped when he smelt his father coming on his favorite horse.

Sesshomaru stared at Kagome hard, knowing only one thing to do.

"I hate you!" Sesshomaru screamed at Kagome. Something stabbed at his heart as he watched her gentle eyes falter. "I hate you so much I can't stand it! I can't stand being around you. Leave and never come back!"

Kagome began to cry, her spirit broken and shattered into millions of pieces. "…Taiyoukai…"

"If you come back I'll kill you! Do you hear me! I'll kill you!"

Kagome jerked around and shot into the air, speeding off into the night sky.

Sesshomaru fell to his knees, and for the first time in his life, cried so hard he felt he was going to vomit. Sesshomaru was surprised when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't have to look up, he recognized the weight of his fathers hand.

"You did the right thing son."

Sesshomaru shook his hand away, the tears stopping immediately as his eyes went dark.

"I'll never forgive you."