Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½….

Prologue: The pirate's life is the life for me!

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It was an early morning when the guide awoke. He had gone to sleep troubled that night, as if he forgot something. That was strange in itself because he had such a good memory. You had too in order to inform foolish travelers what cursed spring they fell into. However, he made it a habit to awaken early since you never knew when Jusenkyo would acquire more victims. So with a loud yawn he got out of bed and put on his uniform.

After a fruitless search for coffee, he grudgingly settled for just splashing his face with cold water. He grumbled how he should get some more supplies soon and bent down to pick up a face cloth when he heard a voice.

"Hey! Is anybody there?"

Eh? Another Japanese visitor? I wonder what he wants… "Just one moments honoured guest!" When the Guide opened the door, a peculiar sight greeted him. It was a man in a pirates outfit. With a parrot. He was standing on what looked like a treasure chest. There was even a pirate's flag flowing somewhat dramatically in the wind. You can understand why the guide was a little stunned.

The aforementioned pirate was pleased. He had finally found Jusenkyo and soon would harness its powers and become the strongest man on the planet. At this thought, he let bellowed a victorious laugh. "BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"


The guide had reached a point in his life where even a pirate on his doorstep will quickly cease to be strange. Still….the laughter was a bit much. "Honoured customer, how can I help you?" He greeted in a heavily accented voice.

For a moment the pirate did not respond, and then after a nod to himself leaned closer to the guide. "This is Jusenkyo right?" his voice came out in a raspy whisper.

"Yes kind sirs. But why are you looking for Jusenkyo" he asked in confusion.

The pirate began to chuckle ominously. He then stepped off the chest and reached below him. He then handed the guide a rather large bag full of bottles.

"Honoured customer…?" the guide held the bag confusedly.

"I want you to go down to the springs and fill all those bottles with a sample of a different cursed spring. You will be paid well for your troubles…" as he said this he pointed to the treasure chest.

"Honoured customer is very generous. But me must warn you, Jusenkyo is dangerous and…" before he could finish, coins were dropped at his feet. He cleared his throat. "I get right on it sirs!"

"Good." The pirate began, "I also expect you to list the containers of which cursed spring water is inside. I don't want any mistakes either you understand!"

"Of…of course!" the guide stuttered. "But why would honoured customer want with cursed springs?"

The pirate smiled and turned to the rising sun. "Oh, no real reason. I just wanted to see the power of Jusenkyo first-hand."

The guide knew he was lying. However, he was not paid enough for this job anyways and that gold this stranger offered was real inviting. What could go wrong?

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Many people in Nerima sneezed that morning.

To be continued…

Note: Well, this is the beginning of my first fanfic. I would appreciate any tips on how to improve so if anyone has any ideas please review! Thanks!