Maddie had just finished up with a customer when London came running up to the candy counter. "Guess what, guess what, guess what!" she squealed loud enough that people glanced over at her.
Once the attention had faded, Maddie responded with one of her usual sarcastic remarks. "What? Did you finally figure out the meaning of quiet"
"No. Guess who I ran into today?" she asked, still smiling $500 earring to $500 earring.
"Uh... you got me; who?" Maddie was not in the mood to play games.
"No, that's okay"
"Guess." London refused to quit.
"NO!" and Maddie refused to guess.
"Fine, then. I ran into Trevor. The mer·it schol·ar." London had to say it syllable by syllable still.
"What'd he do? Run the other way"
"He said he just moved to Boston for college. He's actually staying here until college starts"
Just as London finished that sentence, Corrie, London's biggest fan, and Mary Margaret, came into the Tipton. Corrie immediatly ran up to London, but Mary just slowly trailed behind.
"Hey, London"
London slowly turned to face Corrie then slowly turned back towards Maddie. "Maddie, can I talk to you? Alone"
London quickly pulled her away from Corrie. "I have an idea"
"Now there's a Kodak moment"
"Well, you know how Trevor is coming here? And how Corrie is constantly stalking me"
"Yeah, what's your point"
"My point it, we should get them together. Trevor will be away from you and Corrie will be away from me!"