Chapter 2 – The Bargain

January 17, 1865

It's been several months since I've received my new maid. Her name is Misao. She has finally settled down, at least, enough so as to where she is comfortable around me. She was rather the nervous wreck when she first arrived.

She asked me a question today – she had wanted to know why I always stare out the window every night before I went to sleep.


I told her I didn't know why.

But that was a lie.

I know very well as to why I stare out my window every night…

"On your knees traitor."

Aoshi punctuated the command by delivering a swift kick behind the captive's knees.

The red-haired captive lurched forward catching himself upon his knees, long crimson bangs falling across his cat-like eyes that were dark with anger.

"General Shinomori, what is the status of this captive?"

"Your Highness, this man is the Battousai," Aoshi announced without preamble.

A collective gasp escaped the crowd. The nervous rustles of fabric sounded oddly loud within the ballroom as the crowd shifted uncomfortably.

There wasn't a man or fool within the kingdom that did not recognize that name.

Hiko leveled his impassive gaze upon the kneeling assassin before him. His eyes taking in the captive who had just moments prior made a foolish bid to kill him. He smirked –

The idiot never learned.

"His crimes?" Hiko drawled.

The question itself seemed to be moot point with who it was being referred to. The legendary Battousai…indeed, what were his crimes? It was almost laughable. Yet no one dared to raise their voice, lest they drew for the first time undesired attention upon themselves.

Undeterred, Aoshi proceeded to list the crimes the Battousai was to be charged for – a list that grew at appalling rates with each moment that passed.

As Aoshi spoke Hiko let his gaze wander over the court to survey the expressions and gestures of several key aristocrats. Men who held immense power and influence even within the elite circles of nobility. Men to whom the Battousai would make an invaluable edition to any of their "collections," not to mention bolster their popularity to god-like status.

His eyes narrowed in silent amusement. From what he could see however, it didn't seem that any of them were planning to make a bid. It was a pleasant surprise. Yet who would blame them?

No one.

And therein lay the reason he supposed. No one would blame them for not desiring to harbor the most notorious killing machine within the Kingdom of Delsaer. To lay possession to the Battousai was similar to sentencing oneself to a painful end. The man practically reeked of blood and death.

"The verdict Your Highness?" Aoshi questioned.

Hiko inwardly smirked. As if there could be more than one acceptable answer other than, "Guilty."

It was a shame really. Prized captives of such caliber were never sent to the fields for labor. If there was no bidder, the captive was simply sentenced to death.

"Remove the rebel emblem." Hiko commanded.

At Aoshi's signal a soldier broke from formation to carry out the King's command. Reaching out with one hand to catch a fistful of blood red hair the soldier gave a vicious yank, the motion jerking Battousai's head back as his other hand callously ripped away the leather choker. The resounding snap sounded eerily loud within the ballroom.

Through blood red bangs, gold eyes turned upwards to glare hatefully at the soldier.

It was a cold promise of retribution.

And retribution came…swiftly.

With a snarl the captive twisted sharply, tearing the chains that were linked to the manacles on his hands free. The loose chains whipped through the air like steel wires as he used the momentum of his rotation to slam the point of his elbow into the throat of the soldier

The soldier fell to the floor gagging. Blood and saliva dripping freely from his gaping mouth.

Horrified screams erupted throughout the ballroom as the women bustled to move farther away from the scene. Each hoping that distance would somehow provide them safety.

The four remaining guards immediately moved to restrain him, taking but a second to draw their swords. But a second was far too long - turning sharply he whipped the loose chains around the necks of two soldiers and pulled. The sickening sound of necks snapping quickly followed.

It was then that he felt the blunt end of a sword handle connect to the base of his skull, effectively blacking out his vision for a few moments as he staggered to his knees. Golden eyes looked up just in time to catch a streak of silver headed towards his unguarded head. It was a move meant for a swift decapitation.

Unblinking gold eyes tracked the path of the sword. He would soon feel the cold kiss of steel. It was too late to move out of range he reasoned, death was but a moment away.

I am not afraid to die.

He was a condemned man either way – dead or alive.

I have nothing to live for…

There was no redemption for a monster like him. Hope was nothing but a four letter word that carried little weight in his world.

and no one to live for.

He waited for death to come, but a voice broke through his musings.


It was a woman's voice.


His vision was suddenly obscured by sleek strands of black hair as the sound of metal rang deftly in the air as sword met sword.

Amber gems turned to gaze upon his unwanted savior – and for an instant…time stopped.

They had been dipping their feet in the cool waters of the lake and enjoying the sunshine, basking in the quiet comfort of each others company.

Moments like these were rare.

"You have lovely hair," the boy with red hair said as he twisted an ebony lock between his fingers, rubbing at the ends gently.

The young girl blushed profusely, quickly averting her eyes to the side murmuring, "What are you talking about Shinta? It's black. It's dull. Boring even."

Mauve eyes softened as he shifted his gaze to the girl, "Well, I like it."

Aoshi's eyes narrowed upon a crown of blue-black silk, his strike being deftly interrupted.

"Please move princess."


"I will not ask again."

"He's mine." The words left Kaoru's mouth in a soundless whisper.

Aoshi's eyes narrowed as he tracked the movement of Kaoru's lips, "What?"

Kaoru's blade slid against Aoshi's to the hilt, both swords locked in a bid for dominance.

"You're being hasty Lord Shinomori," Kaoru said softly, though her voice was not missed by the silent court.

"How utterly unlike you…" Kaoru drawled as she lifted her head to meet Aoshi's gaze.

"Stand. Down. General." Kaoru bit out, piercing blue eyes flashing beneath black bangs. Her blood was still rushing hotly through her veins from her exertion.

Aoshi's gaze hardened, "You forget that I-"

Kaoru abruptly cut him off, "And you General forget that I," she applied more pressure onto his blade, "I…" she took a step forward "I am the princess! Now. drop. your. sword!"

Her words produced her desired effect as Kaoru felt the pressure against her blade disappear almost instantly as Aoshi took a step backwards. She was after all, the princess of Delsaer. It was treason to raise a weapon against her.

"Please explain yourself princess." Aoshi said; his words clipped.

Kaoru gave a delicate shrug, her sword hand upturned as she let the gleaming weapon slowly slip through her hand. The delicate blade clattered to the floor inelegantly. Kaoru didn't even blink. Her maltreatment of the weapon would mark her as an inexperienced swordsman in the eyes of the court. And with that, her ability to intercept the General's blade will be dully forgotten.

"This is an auction is it not?"

Aoshi merely narrowed his eyes as he left the question unanswered. It was rhetorical anyways.

"Then isn't it unwise to kill the man before hearing the offers?"

Kaoru ignored Aoshi's lack of response as she turned to face her father, the King of Delsaer.

"Your Grace," Kaoru bowed low.

Hiko, who had remained silent throughout the little episode, regarded Kaoru's posture of submission. After a brief pause he inclined his head towards her, "Please rise princess."

Kaoru straightened, her eyes raised to the elevated throne. The dull throb of adrenaline was ebbing.

"I have a request your Grace."

"I'm listening."

"I want this man alive."

Gold eyes narrowed in suspicion behind Kaoru, the look however went unnoticed.

Hiko's lips tilted to a frown. It was a rather rare occasion that Kaoru would throw her weight around as a princess.

"You know the law my dear, if there are no bids the captive dies. As with this particular case…" Hiko's eyes swept over the frightened crowd, "…I doubt there will be any."

Kaoru was unfazed.

"Which would be a wise decision on their part your Grace, for they could never hope to outbid a princess."

Hiko's frown deepened. Now that he thought about it, Kaoru had never abused her power like this before.

"Which is why," Kaoru continued "that I am requesting for this man." She could feel Battousai's burning gaze searing into her back. Suppressing a cold shiver, Kaoru plowed forward, "I have never made such a bold request before - your Grace knows this. For this one time please grant this for me."

It was Hiko's turn to narrow his eyes. He didn't particularly savor the idea of his daughter anywhere near that idiot.

Things were not turning out as planned.

"Granted." Hiko turned to Aoshi, "finish this."

Thin-lipped Aoshi delivered a curt bow "At once your Highness." Turning with every intention to carry out the command Aoshi came face to face with Kaoru once more.

"Princess, if you please." Aoshi stated, his words accompanied by a gesture to move.

"No, I don't please General." Kaoru returned.

Aoshi took an intimidating step forward. "You will move princess, or I will have you escorted from this place for defying his Grace's order."

Holding her ground Kaoru lifted her chin stubbornly, looking every inch the royalty she seemed. "You have no such power over me."

"But I do." Hiko smoothly interjected.

Kaoru started, though the only indication of her surprise was a quick widening of her eyes before she turned to face Hiko.

"Princess, you will let General Shinomori finish the custom cutting and branding or I will have you escorted to your chambers."

My daughter…what could you possibly be thinking?

At Hiko's words Aoshi advanced upon Kaoru, but not before he shot a meaningful glance over her head. The last two standing guards, all which remained of the original contingent, moved swiftly in to recover the loose chains attached to the now eerily placid Battousai. His attention, like those of the crowd, was riveted upon the slim form of the princess before him.

As Kaoru refused to give any ground, Aoshi deftly stepped around her. Kaoru didn't even spare him a glance; her eyes were trained upon the throne above her.

She had to find a loophole.

If she didn't, there was no way this man was getting away unscathed.

This man…who could very well be the boy from her past.

A voice in the back of Kaoru's mind prickled for her to be cautious – that she was being too irrational. It was highly possible that she was setting herself up for a free fall. She hadn't seen nor heard of Shinta for ten years now. It was as if he'd never existed. She had half a mind to relent. This was insane. But she couldn't hesitate.

To hesitate now was to lose.

Time was of the essence. She had but mere seconds. Mind whirring, Kaoru quickly ran through all possible measures within her mind. Tradition clearly dictated that all captives were to be cut, branded, and then sold to the highest bidder.

It was, as she had been taught, a matter of good business.

Cut them, brand them, and sell them.

Kaoru's eyes widened imperceptively – that was it!

"With all due respect your Grace, you will command General Shinomori to desist."

Hiko leaned back, steepling his fingers before him. Quirking an eyebrow he drawled "Will I now?"

Kaoru paused briefly for dramatic effect, aware that all eyes were on her. In a trial with such high stakes, every move made must count for something. There was no room for error, and even less for weakness. It was much like a game of chess. To win, she'd have to play her part perfectly.

Breathe, Kaoru reminded herself.

She could do this.

She would do this.

Slipping into her role, Kaoru let an enigmatic smile tilt her lips as she said, "Unless you wish to preside over a court hearing your Grace, between General Shinomori and myself – then yes, I do think you should call him off."


A pregnant pause filled the ballroom. Behind her, Aoshi, with his hand gripping fistfuls of red hair hesitated, his form becoming stagnant. Before her Hiko looked intrigued as he queried "Do explain Princess."

Kaoru's stomach did a nervous turn, but she persevered. There was no backing out now.

Just breathe.

"Your Grace had already deigned to give this captive to me. Do you deny this?" Kaoru questioned her voice coyly sharp as she took a step forward.

Advance one square.

"No, I do not." Hiko returned readily.

A predetermined move.

His response seemed to elicit a small smile from Kaoru.

How unnerving.

For some inexplicable reason Hiko was beginning to feel that he was losing ground in the current battle of wills. At what point he couldn't be sure. Nonetheless it seemed undeniable that at some point, unnoticed by him or anyone else, Kaoru had irreversibly tipped the scale in her favor.

The next move was hers.

Closing her eyes briefly before stretching her arms out in a furtive manner Kaoru continued, "Well then, if General Shinomori sees to the cutting and branding of my captive against my will…I have no option but to see him in court."

Advance one square right.

Turning slightly, Kaoru angled her body to the side to include both Aoshi and Battousai in her visual range.

This was it.

Lowering her eyelashes slightly Kaoru moved in for the kill, her voice distinct and compelling. "That man is now my captive. Meaning, he is now under my protection."


Kaoru let her eyes flit briefly to Aoshi, "It really is such a shame that the cutting and branding had not been finished first."

With that, Kaoru said nothing more, but the implications behind her last words couldn't have been clearer.

Rather stunned, as was the rest of the attending court, Hiko took a moment to process his options.

The property rights to a captive had never before been given in advance to the cutting and branding ritual in the history of the kingdom. Having interfered with Battousai's trail Kaoru had unwittingly opened up this unprecedented loophole – a loophole to which she had seized with amazing flair.

As was tradition, once a captive was sold, in this case given, all matters of affairs and rights were under the hands of the purchased owner. Treatment was dealt as the owner saw fit while a third party held no grounds to intervene. To question an owner's will over an already possessed captive was seen as a direct challenge to the owner. Consequently, with the property rights of Battousai already dictated to Kaoru, there was little that could be said or done in the current situation.

Hiko let out a harsh bark of laughter, "Well I'll be damned."

He had spent many a late night playing chess with his favored daughter. Considering the game of war as a template for the current situation it would seem that he had been the unmovable King, presiding over the polished marble playing field that had doubled as a ballroom. He with his pawn-like courtiers on one side while she, she had advanced from the opposite side of the board. Each move she made had been brilliantly calculated, her winning effects had proved it to be so. Kaoru had been the living embodiment of the only warring female piece of the game – the queen.

The immediate stakes had been high, and Kaoru had surreptitiously positioned herself to be an unavoidable obstacle in the ploy to remove Battousai from the playing field. She had had Aoshi, his bishop perhaps, by the neck even as Aoshi had his sword drawn against her fallen red-haired pawn; all the while keeping him, the King fully aware of her opposing presence.

Queen indeed, Kaoru obviously had not planned on being denied.

Inclining his head slightly towards Aoshi he spoke, his tone brokering no room for argument, "You heard your princess General. Back off."

Aoshi's frosty gaze shifted to Kaoru.

"Of course" Aoshi said, voice clipped, jaws clenching. His easy compliance however was belied by the sudden violent jerk he gave as he brought the blunt end of his sword handle to the back of Battousai's head for the second time that night.

Battousai's form slumped forward as his body went slack against the chains, the edges of his red hair brushing the floor. A thin line of blood appeared beneath his fringe, coursing down the lines of his face like a crimson ribbon before dripping off his chin.

The red liquid beat an intermittent rhythm as it splattered onto floor.

The sudden movement brought Kaoru's startled gaze back to Aoshi, her expression changing to one of outrage as her eyes shifted to the prone body.

"For easier transportation princess," Aoshi explained in clipped notes, "it's easier when the captive is…" his blue eyes casted a disdainful look to the body at his feet "…unresisting. Your captive shall be delivered to your chamber shortly."

Kaoru took a breath. Now was not the time to start another fight. She had her captive. What was best now was to get out of this situation as quickly and cleanly as possible.

That and she didn't know how much longer she'd last. The adrenaline had long since left her.

Perspicacious eyes locking with Aoshi's Kaoru spoke, "Not shortly General. Immediately."

Turning fully to face Hiko once more, Kaoru bowed "My thanks your Grace for your magnanimous gesture tonight." Rising slowly while keeping her head carefully lowered Kaoru said "and now, I humbly request to quit the scene."

Hiko gave her an acknowledging wave.

An apologetic smile flitted across Kaoru's features as she stood and set her eyes upon the man on the throne, but the expression passed as quickly as it came. With a last bow Kaoru turned to walk out of the ballroom. The guards posted at the door moved quickly to accommodate their princess. She swept out easily, the last glimpse, a mere sliver of her gossamer blue gown.

The court, all of whom had been transfixed began to stir as the grand double doors clicked shut, as if awakening from a spell. The enchantment was gone. Low, edgy, nervous murmurs began rippling through the crowd.

Hiko could count the number of times he had been bettered on any occasion and the figures didn't even add up to one hand. This of course didn't change the fact tonight…

He had been thoroughly outmaneuvered.

"I need more wine." He muttered before draining the remnants of the rich liquid from his cup.

As soon as the grand entrance doors clicked shut behind her, Kaoru broke out into a brisk walk. Maneuvering down the long marbled hallway, her eyes focused on nothing but what was ahead of her.

Rapidly she turned at the first available corner, an adjacent hallway with one of its walls paneled from floor to ceiling in glass. With one hand bracing her against the wall Kaoru doubled-over in violent dry-heaves. Her stomach constricted and twisted unevenly, as if to purge an unseen malaise. In the absence of the adrenaline rush, rolling panic had quickly settled in its place and had been growing at alarming rates since she quit the ballroom.

As the worst of the empty churnings passed, Kaoru slowly straightened and ran the back of her hand against her lips.

The bitter after taste of bile was all that was left to mark the incident.

Leaning back with a weak hand across her disquiet stomach, Kaoru stared unseeingly across the hallway and beyond the window panes. Soft beams of moonlight filtered through the glass, bathing her form in silver. With a quiet sigh Kaoru closed her eyes and slid down to the floor, her hair trailing behind her like black ribbons

In the yawning silence of the empty hallway, elusive images of a young girl and a boy with flame-colored hair danced behind the black screen of her closed eyes.

Author's Note: Dear faithful readers (…well whomever is left…I shall find out soon =x),

Remember in Chapter 1 – when I said something along the lines of 'never intending to update so fast again'?

Well, it was also not my intention to update so dreadfully slow either.

Trust me when I say…I felt guilty and awful for leaving you all hanging for so long. It is because of all your lovely reviews and kind prodding that I bring you Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is under way – please continue to show your loving support by clicking the review button!

Reviews are yum for my writing muse. =]