I've finally done it, I've begun to rewrite my story, Zamba's Awakening. I think this version's better, and I hope you all like it! So let's begin...

Zamba Nesshor sat sprawled out on the front porch steps of her house, idly gazing out into the street, watching cars pass by. She sighed and craned her neck back to gaze into the grey, cloud-filled sky. It kind of looked like it was gong to rain. She found herself watching the sky more often, like she was waiting for something. Of course, it could be that she was more bored lately, and found more fascinating things in the sky then on the ground. Yeah, it was the second week of summer, and she found herself bored out of her mind. There seemed to be nothing to do in the sleepy little town of Preeceville.

She squirmed around for a bit until she finally got up and went inside, tired of being alone at the moment and it was getting late anyway. The sky started pouring down rain as soon as she stepped inside and closed the door. She kicked off her shoes and went wandering through the house in search of her little brother, Hoai.

Hoai was twelve, with a happy go lucky attitude and large smile. He was currently in the living room watching a Japanese animated show, Zamba could tell from the animation. She sat on the couch and began to watch it with him. Okay, so there was this black-haired brown-eyed guy in a green uniform talking to a really short baby-like character that was dressed in a pink and blue outfit, complete with a pacifier and a hat with the letters "Jr." sewn on.

Outside, thunder rumbled and lightning flared threateningly. Zamba and Hoai jumped, then relaxed.

"Um," began Zamba, "What's happening? Who are those characters?"

"The one in green's Yusuke Uremeshi, he's the main guy. The one in pink and blue in Koenma, he's the main guy's boss." The brown-haired boy replied, turning back to his show. "Koenma is telling Yusuke about his next mission. Sounds like he has to find somebody."

". . . Why is Koenma a baby?" The black-haired girl asked.

Hoai shrugged. "I don't know, maybe that's how he ages?" As he finished his sentence, there was a loud crash, and the lights flickered then went out. "Aw, man! I won't be able to see the rest of my show." He protested.

"The power will come back on soon, don't worry; it's probably just a blackout of something." They waited a few minutes in darkness and silence, save a few occasional rumbles of thunder, then she said, "Okay, maybe not. A breaker probably tripped, I'll go check. You stay up here and tell me if the power comes back on."

She went to the kitchen and left her brother in the living room. The girl rummaged around in the drawers, retrieved a flashlight, went to the basement door and yanked it open, shining her light down into the dark. She rather disliked the basement, and wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. She ran down the steps, causing the dim beam of light to jump and twitch. She found the breaker box relatively quickly in her frantic search of the basement, and found that no breakers were flipped the wrong way.

Suddenly brilliant light flooded into existence behind her, scaring her more than half-to-death, and she dropped the flashlight in the process. She slowly turned around to see the source of the light, and was slightly surprised and relieved to find it not coming from the basement, were there were no lights, but from under the threshold of the door.

The lights seemed brighter than usual, but that, she assumed, was because her eyes had grown accustomed to the dark. As she began ascending the steps, she became suspicious when the light did not dim, but seemed to grow brighter. Hadn't she told her brother to call her up if the lights came on?

Shrugging off her suspicions, she turned the knob and opened the door slowly to that her eyes could have a chance to adjust. "Hoai, I thought I told you to tell me when the lights turned back on!" She scolded. There was no reply. The light became brighter, and her eyes just wouldn't dilate fast enough.

Impatient, she swung the door open all the way and stumbled into the kitchen.

The light wasn't coming from the kitchen, but from the living room. It was becoming almost barely tolerable. Zamba closed her eyes and fumbled her way into the next room.

"Hoai," She called, "Are you in here?" Once again, there was no reply. She opened her eyes and hissed in pain. The light was so bright. It was coming from. . . The TV? Her brother was sitting right in front of it, his back turned to her, creating a small shadow. "Hoai, get away from there!" She lunged at him, her eyes getting slight relief from the blinding light from the shadow he cast. "What do you think you're doing?" She raged, yanking him around to face her.

His pupils were completely dilated to the size of pinpricks, and tears were flowing down his face. His jaw was slack and drool was drizzling out of his mouth. He was limp. Zamba gasped, nearly shoving her brother away. Instead, she un-fisted her hands, releasing him. He slumped to the floor. His shadow moved with him, leaving Zamba to look strait into the light. She opened her mouth to howl in pain, but it never came out. Tear gushed down her face from the blinding light, and her pupils dilated as quickly as they could, causing more pain. It felt like her mind was being sucked out of her body through her eye sockets. She tried to force herself to look away, or close her eyes, just do something!

And then suddenly, she had not thoughts, no feelings, nothing urging her to look away from the beautiful light. Why was she trying to look away again?