Disclaimer: I still don't own the Dark Jewels Trilogy and unfortunately I never will.

Chapter 7

Taking Over

"Well if you don't then I guess I should get started." Her hands then reached out and clamped down onto Selari's shoulder at the same time, as Selari's own hands reached out to do the same to her.

I won't let you have this body with out a fight. Selari whispers as both of their grips tightened.

"I wouldn't have expected anything less of us," the other one said gleefully.

Selari had won. Well the first round and only by some quick footwork and a couple of short blasts of power. She had then left the abyss and closed her mind off of it, trying to keep the other out. It was hard work and it was already making her tired. She didn't think that she could handle both Witch and the other at the same time. But really what choice did she have.

Witch was the first to move. She seemed to glide over to where Selari was standing. She seemed to be testing her or something like that. If Selari had been her and had known the chaos that was now currently being pushed upon her she would have killed her while she had the chance. But she wasn't and Witch couldn't see the inner battles.

"You are similar in some ways," she started to say as I said "Not much the same," Our smiles mirrored each other, both sharp and laced with only a small amount of humor.

"Do you fear me?" Selari asked. It was something that she had wanted to ask since the first and last time she had tried to meet Witch.

"No," was the simple reply.

"Really, that's good cause I don't fear you either," their was that smile again.

"So why do I sense fear coming off of you?" Selari grimaced at the remark and placed up a stronger shield around her. It was no good if she got an even stronger advantage then she already had.

"Not for you, but something that might come to pass because of this meeting." She looked thoughtful at Selari's remark, but didn't say anything. She just turned and sat down on one of the numerous couches in the room. Selari not knowing what else to do sat in a chair across from her.

"Can you fight it?" she asked.

Selari wasn't really sure how to answer that. She wasn't sure if she could. She had only won the first battle by petty moves and quick thinking. The other would never fall for them again that was sure. Really how long could she continue to fight herself? It just seemed like trying to keep water from spilling out of your hand. There was only so long that it would stay before it would slip between the cracks of your fingers. It was impossible to tell how long.

"For the time being I can," was the only response that came to mind without admitting that she really didn't think that it would be that long. In fact the next battle would be soon, if the amount of time that Selari thought had gone by. Witch nodded at this like she hadn't expected anything else.

"I will not hesitate to destroy you if it comes down to that," it wasn't a threat it was just a statement.

"I'd be disappointed if you did," the younger girl smiled slightly. "But do expect a challenge,"

"Of course."

After that Witch left. Selari was left alone to her thoughts and so much more. Eri and the others didn't come back to the room, she didn't expect them to. They would come when she was about to go make her Offering. They would let her concentrate, let her think.

To her it really seemed like a few moments had passed since Witch had left before it was time. Well it wasn't like she could pay much attention to anything but the pounding that was going on in her head. She was trying to get out again.


Wonder what would happen if she did win?


Would she destroy Shieon?


Would it be likeTerreille?

"Damn it Selari will you pay attention!"

Blinking she looked up at the three faces that surrounded her. Lizzy and Hannah looked worried, but Eri just looked irritated, but then again, when didn't he look irritated around her. So was this normal or was this different. Umm…something to think about later after he stops yelling,

"Mother Night," he exclaimed, "It's a wonder you are even here I shouldn't have expected anything better."

"Hey," she said defensively. Was it suddenly pick on Selari day and nobody had told her.

"Come on you have to go," He muttered and held out his hand to help her up. Selari glared at the hand and then smacked it away and got up on her own. Eri didn't take offence and just motioned for her to go first. Not looking at him she strolled past him with Lizzy and Hannah close behind.


"I don't like him." Ward communicated to his brother as he watched the new people settle down in the community sleep hall.

The community sleep hall was where all the new people would stay until they were assigned a new area to live and set up their own residence and business or what not. Some people only stay for a couple of days others it takes a bit longer.

"Like who?" Guard asked back on a Red thread, knowing that no one in Shieon was above a Sapphire at the moment.

"The new guy and his friend," Ward sent a mental image of the two.

"Aren't those the guys that Quinn was talking about Alec and Si-

"Yes," Ward interrupted.

"If you didn't like them why did you bring them into Shieon?" he asked.

Ward thought about it. He couldn't really recall why he did. He remembered coming across them somewhere, he thought it was Terreille. He only ever brought back a few and only those that couldn't make it to Kaeleer. He couldn't remember accepting them to come to Shieon. Which was strange because he normally had such a good memory, especially about the new ones.

"I don't remember," he answers.

"That doesn't seem like you, that seems more like me." Guard was getting a bit suspicious.

Guard was very much like his twin brother Ward, but if there was one major difference between them it was their memory. He had the horrible memory and couldn't on a good day remember what he had for breakfast. Ward on the other hand could remember what he had for breakfast two weeks ago and tell you what everyone else had.

"Do you think we should kick them out?" Guard said when Ward remained silent.

"No…not yet. But I do think that we should do some investigating."

"Great idea," Guard agreed happily.

"No not a great idea, but it's the only one I can think of at the moment. One of us will have to go to Terreille and find information on them. Which would leave us short one person here. Is that wise to do so?"

"Guess not," he muttered disappointedly. "But then what do we do?"

"I would say we ask Eri to do it, but that would leave the girls alone."

"But Selari can protect them. She doesn't need Eri to defend them."

"That's true," Ward conceeded.

"Of course we could always wait until Selari gets back and see what she says." Guard pointed out.

"That does seem to be the best option." Ward sighed.

He really hadn't wanted Selari to have to deal with something like this the moment she got back. He had been hoping to handle the problem with out her. But it seemed that he didn't have much of a choice on the matter. The only thing he could do now was keep a close eye out for the man. In fact he would tell them all to keep a watch out and tell the little ones to stay away from them.

"Problem settled, now tell me are any of the ladies…attractive." Ward could practically here the anticipation in his brothers voice.

"Hands off, you know the rules."

"But I only wish to serve them." He said innocently.

"Ya and I'm the High Lord of Hell."

"Mother Night, why in the name of Darkness have you been keeping this from me?" he said in shock.

"Go away" Ward laughed and broke the connection between them as a lady started to come up to him.

While helping her out, he kept one eye out for the two men in the back of the room. They were only talking quietly right now. And if Ward hadn't been suspicious of them he would have just thought they were any other two friends having a chat. But he was and so he couldn't help think that they were in fact talking of some plan that would ruin the peaceful realm that they had set up.

"I talked to Reya today," Alec said smugly as he laid back in the bed that he had been assigned to. His companion on the other hand was reclined slightly against the wall with a book in his hand.

"Oh," he says. Alec frowned at him, didn't he care. After all hadn't he been the one to make this competition. Alec knowing his friend like he did, knew that he hated to lose and at the moment it seemed like he couldn't care less.

"Ya we talked about all sorts of things and she even flirted a bit with me," he added the last part gleefully. Girls had never flirted with him before after all they had all liked his tall blue eyed friend better.

"Mmm, yes that is amazing." He mumbles his eyes never straying from the book in his hands.

Alec glared slightly at the other man. This was not going as planned. He was supposed to be jealous and angry that he was now losing to Alec. Why was he being so damn apathetic?

"Don't you care that I'm winning!" Alec demanded angrily. Finally the guy looked away from his book and over at him. He didn't even seem the least bit angry. In fact he seemed a bit too smug.

"You think your winning because, the girl flirted with you once." He laughed, "Oh my dear friend it will take more then sweet talking to ever win, especially when facing me." He then turned away from Alec and went back to his reading.

His mood thoroughly deflated sighed. Alec should have known better then to think that he could ever get this man jealous of him. Closing his eyes he resolved to come up with a brilliant plan that would both get his friend jealous and Reya in his bed. Now that that was settled a nap sounded good.

AN: You all must be so shocked. I mean it's only been two weeks since my last update and the way I've been going it's amazing. I bet a lot of you though that I wouldn't update for a month. I'm so happy that I didn't though.

It's almost been one year since I started this story and I've only got seven chapters. I'm so slow and lazy and all those other things that I might have called myself earlier on. But any ways enough about that.

I have decided that I hated writing Jaenelle. I didn't feel like I got her right. Did she seem like she was out of character? I'm really sorry if she is. Does anyone else have a hard time writing her? Okay well that's about it. Thank your to all that have reviewed.