Disclaimer: I do not own Dark Jewels Trilogy, as you all know.

AN: Ok so I waited awhile to start this, but really I wanted a break from this story. And of course there was the fact that I had so few reviews for my last chapter. But since I love this story and love all of my reviewers I have decided to continue on.

Oh and for all people who are new to this story it is the sequel to Nightmare's Made Flesh. Now since I'm just making it up as I go I don't know weather of not you should read the first one before reading this one. How bout this you read this chapter and decide for yourself weather or not you need to read the first one.

Italics are the private communications between the Blood

Italics are normally used for the Blood, it will just be the other part of Selari

Bold lettering is when inanimate objects are speaking (Selari's replies will also be in bold)

P.S. I'm only putting this thing up in this chapter.

Chapter 1

Twenty and Counting

"You have to." The young man stated firmly. "We all have to. We're getting a bit old and we can't wait forever. Despite the fact that you might want to you can't." the man was glaring at a young woman who had her back to him. Her black hair hanging loosely down her back.

"What have you all discussed this and decided with out me?" she asked still not turning to look at him. The voice was emotionless and a bit cold, but Eri was not fooled by it. He knew that she was just acting, she didn't like showing her true emotions. She thought that they got in the way.

"You know we wouldn't do anything with out you, Selari. But we did have a talk and we were all in agreement that now is the time to go." She still didn't turn around and Eri didn't think that she would ever look at him in the face during this conversation.

"Fine if you all wish to do this then when would you like to leave." She told him tolerably. He glared at her, she always did this. Every time they even got remotely close to going she would pull this sort of thing, and find an excuse where she wouldn't have to go.

"Your coming too, you know." He told her.

"Somebody as to stay here, we all can't go, you know." She said the last part a bit mockingly.

Eri was seriously considering strangling her at that moment. For they had already gone over this. In fact they have gone over if for the last three years. And every time they went over the same things. And whenever she got into a corner she would change tactics that he wouldn't be prepared for and then getting her way in the end.

It was then that Guard and Ward burst into the room, followed shortly by Reya and Lizzy. They all started to gather around him, waiting to hear how this little war was going.

"Same as always," he muttered. There were sighs of frustrations that came from them all. They had all tried numerously this past week to convince her to go all ending with the same results.

"Don't worry Eri this time we will be leaving and she will be coming with us." Ward said stubbornly. They all glanced at him, knowing that he said this every time. And every time she still wouldn't come.

"Ward what makes you think that she'll come this time when she hasn't all the other times?" Eri asked.

"Because she can't wait any longer, she as to do this. After all she can't truly be the Queen of Shieon until she makes the Offering. And Selari loves Shieon and she would do anything for it, you know." Ward stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Selari still being in the room had heard everything that they had been saying. And she didn't like what she was hearing. It made her back stiffen just hearing what they had to say. She hated the fact that Ward was right and that she would have to make the Offering. If it had been her choice she would have waited a bit longer, in a year or so, a decade even. But some of them weren't going to live for a very long time, after all not all of them were of the long-lived races. They really didn't have decades to wait like she did.

"I'll go," she said quietly.

"Finally, I have been trying to get you to go forever. I can't wait for us to be at our full potential." Her other self said gleefully.

"You act like it's a crime to wait this long." She told her.

"Well, Witch made the Offering when she was 17. Your behind her and I want to catch up."

"You do know that your pathetic, right?" she asked.

"You do know that your cruel, right?" she asked mockingly.

"You do know that it is very rude to answer a question with a question, right?" she questioned in the same tone of voice as her other self.

"You do know that you are being rude by doing just that, right?" their was a hint of laughter in her voice.

Can we stop playing the You do Know game. It is such a useless way to spend your time.

"My, my, the Wind is in a cranky mood. Always trying to ruin our fun." She mocked the Wind.

I am not cranky as you so put it. I am trying to stop you two from wasting valuable time that we could use in another way.

"I'm going to have to agree with her. You are cranky," Selari told him.

Fine then if you do not value my opinions then I shall leave you two to your immature games.

"Finally I never thought that he would leave," she muttered.

"Me neither," she agreed.

"So you will come, and you won't change your mind?" Guard questioned.

Selari shook her head. She had to go sooner or later it might as well be now. Plus she wanted to keep Shieon safe, and if this was the only way to do so then so be it.

"It's amazing she finally agreed to go, we should celebrate," Lizzy exclaimed.

"No we should all go pack and leave immediately before she goes and changes her mind." This was from Reya.

"Yes, I agree with Reya we should leave soon. That way we can get back here in quickly," Eri said. He didn't like the idea of leaving Shieon for a long time, but knew that this was a necessary journey that he would have to take.

"It's great to hear that you have so much faith in me to think that I would change my mind and disappoint you all." Selari said a bit sarcastically.

They only laughed at her and left to go pack their things.

"We should go pack too." She told Selari.

"I guess," Selari said with a sigh and she started to head towards her room.

"Don't be too worried, after all we might get to see Divear,"

AN: And that my friends is the end of this chapter. Why you might ask, it is because I can't think of anything else that I should add. Any ways it should end here with what I have planned for the next chapter. Of course my plan could change it constantly does.

But enough with my silly ramblings, please review and tell me what you think of the story so far.

Oh and the next chapter won't be as short as this.