Author's note:I have too many fics going. I shouldn't be posting this. But I am. Because I've been quiet long enough. Anyway, I guess my point is is that I really wanted to write this story.
I've had it in my head for a while. With the scenes recently, I've realized how much I miss the interaction between Jason and Liz...I was an original L&Ler (As in when JJ played Lucky)...I liked JaSam for a while, too. But everything comes full circle, right?
Anyway, I'm a Liason fan.I have been since the beginning.So-It would make sense that this story is for them, right?Anyway,to bring you up to date...Elizabeth confronted Lucky again about his drug addiction, among other things.(I.E. Maxie).Anyway, I can't say much without giving the story away. But It's Liason. I can say that much.
Disclaimer-I don't own the characters and in no way intend to harm them/copy any other storyline (fan written, on TV or otherwise). With that said...enjoy!
Elizabeth sat at the table, sighing. She had come into Kelly's a few minutes before, ready to just sit down and relax. She needed to think.
Staring at the papers before her, she felt tears sting her eyes. They were divorce papers.
"We can't really be over, can we?"She thought to herself.
Taking a sip from her drink, she knew what she had to do. She loved Lucky, and she thought a part of her always would. But she wasn't in love with him anymore.
Running her hand over the line that she needed to sign, she bit her lip.
"Maybe I should talk to him first.Think things through."Elizabeth thought. "It just doesn't seem right. Ending something that's supposed to last forever.But I got the papers. I have to."
It was something in the air. A sense of finality. Jason walked into Kelly's, hungry. He had been distracted the whole day. Sam had visited him that morning. She had claimed that she finally understood-that she was willing to accept the fact that they were over.
Jason felt glad to a degree, but still didn't believe her. He asked her if it was really what she wanted.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
A tear slid down Sam's cheek as she nodded. "Yeah.It's what I want.It's what I need to move on."
"Move on?"Jason asked, almost accusing.
"You had to have known I would. Jason-I can't do this anymore. You're distancing yourself from me...And you know what?...I deserve better.I'm sorry."
She pulled her engagement ring off of her hand, handing it to him. "I figured you'd want it back."
" can keep it."
"No.You said we were over, right?"
"Yeah.I don't want to hurt you.You were shot-"
"Please.Make this a little easier.Bye, Jason."Sam said, walking out.
End Flashback
Staring at Elizabeth, it seemed like she was upset.
"Elizabeth?"He asked, walking up to her table.
"Hey."She said, putting the papers back in the file.
"You don't have to stop what you were doing because of me.Are you okay?"Jason asked, seeing how upset she seemed.
Elizebeth shrugged, wiping a tear away. "I'll be fine.What are you doing here?"
"I was gonna get somethin' to eat.Liz-are you sure you're okay?"
"Jason-it's fine.I'm fine.I should get home...Cam's at Audrey's.I have to pick him up before it gets too late."Elizabeth said, standing.
Going outside, she wished it was over. She wished that she could have changed what happened.
"I lied to Jason.Why did I do that?He saw through it...I know he did."Elizabeth thought, staring up at the sky.
Opening the door, he saw her still standing there. "You know, Elizabeth-if something's wrong..."
"I can tell you, I know."She said, spinning around to see him.
His eyes conveyed something she hadn't expected. She saw a sense of understanding.
"Lucky and I-well..Me anyway..."Elizabeth sighed, frustrated. She hated knowing that Jason saw right through her fake front. She hated the fact that someone as clearly dangerous, as obviously fierce as Jason could care about her so much.
"What?"Jason asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
"I caught him...on the docks.He was kissing Maxie. I wanted to rationalize it..."Elizabeth said, sitting down at a table. "I wanted to believe that it was just an innocent thing.That Maxie had kissed him.She's been so emotional since Jesse's death."
Jason looked back, almost in disbelief.
"But-"Elizabeth said, shrugging.
"It wasn't?"Jason asked, sitting down across from her. The look in her eyes told him that maybe something in her needed him now. Putting the thoughts about his break up with Sam aside, he seemed concerned.
"Lucky said it was. He said that she admitted having a crush on him...when she was younger."
"What happened?"
Elizabeth shrugged, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I don't know. We've been drifting further apart over the past few months. I've been doing private nursing with Patrick...To get money for us.He insists he's okay.That he can handle being back on the job..."
She shook her head, wiping away a stray tear. "Then I saw them again.Yesterday in the park.When I talked to him about it...he said it was about a case. He said he had to question her.But I saw what happened.I saw her handing him a...a bottle."
What she had said had ignited something in him. She was one of his closest friends and seeing her upset like this hurt.
"Do you know what it was?"Jason asked, his steel blue eyes echoing a sense of hurt blended with curiousness.
Elizabeth shrugged. "No.But he's been on his pain medication...Patrick has said several times that he hasn't renewed the perscription. The one he had would have run out by now."
Staring at the clock on her phone, she shook her head . "I'm sorry for pouring this all out on you."
"No, it's fine.Sam Uh...she gave me her engagement ring."
Elizabeth sat back down. "Why?"
Jason leaned back in the chair. Turning towards the building, they watched a young couple walk in.
"She said she finally agrees with me. That my life is too dangerous...and that she's moving on."
From what Jason could tell, Elizabeth looked surprised. "Jason I' there anything I can do?"
"No.It's over.Which is for the best."Jason said, shrugging.
Elizabeth put her purse on the table, sighing. "I don't know what to say. I should probably get going.
I'll see you, later?"
"Sure."Jason said, watching her walk away. "Hey, Elizabeth!You forgot your..."Sighing, Jason knew she could no longer hear him.
Elizabeth sat on the couch, exhausted. She had just put Cameron to bed, which took quite some time because of the fact he was crying.
She had to go in early for a scheduled surgery with Patrick. But for right then, Elizabeth wanted to rest.
Staring at the file on the table, she sat back up. Why did it have to be this hard?
"All I have to do is sign them.He'll still be a part of my life...he loves Cameron too much not to be.But he wouldn't understand..."
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Sighing, Elizabeth pushed herself off of the pillow.
"I'm coming."She said, walking towards the door.
"Jason...what are you doing here this late?"
Jason stared back at her, holding up her jacket. "You forgot this earlier."
"Oh."Elizabeth said, somewhat embarassed. Thankful for the company, she let Jason in.
"About earlier...I really am sorry.After everything you've gone through with Sam-"
"It's fine."Jason said, looking around the room. "Lucky isn't home?"
"He'll be home soon.I just put Cam to sleep...he kept crying so if he wakes up again tonight I'll have to bring him in."Realizing she was rambling again, Elizabeth shook her head. "I'm sorry about earlier-"
Jason held up his hands. "Really Elizabeth...Everything's fine.What happened between me and Sam has nothing to do with what happened with you and Lucky. You were needed to talk.So I helped you."
Holding up her jacket, Elizabeth shrugged. "Thanks...I guess?"
He nodded as the door reopened. "It's no problem."
"What's not a problem?"Lucky asked, shutting the door.
"I forgot my jacket earlier...Jason wanted to bring it to me."
Lucky stared at the man, suspicious. "Okay.Where's Cameron?"
"I just put him down.Listen Jason, thank you...I'll talk to you later."Elizabeth said, walking him to the door.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?If you don't want him here..."Jason whispered.
"No.No...I'll be fine.Good Night."Elizabeth said, shutting the door behind him. Turning back around, she was met with a stare.
"Why was he here?"
"I already told you...I forgot my jacket and-"
"I know.I know..."Lucky said, rubbing at his eyes.
"Are you okay?"Elizabeth asked, concerned.
"Yeah.I'm great...just fine.I talked to Mac today about picking up an extra shift tomorrow...looks like we're about to crack a big case."
"That's good."She said, plastering on a smile. The smile quickly faded to a look of worry. "Listen-we need to talk..."
"Liz-if this is about Maxie-"
"It's not about Maxie.It's about us.Just...sit down."Elizabeth said, eyeing the folder on the table. "Come on,Elizabeth..."She thought to herself. "You can do this...Jason why won't Lucky?Of course he won't.I'm the one who has to leave."
"Elizabeth?"Lucky called.
"Right."Elizabeth said, praying she'd have the strength. She took a deep breath and, still holding on to the jacket Jason had brought, decided that she'd do it. "I have to tell him..."
First of all, if you took the time to read this...thank you!It means alot. Now...if you'd be so kind as to review? know...I have a direction for this but I need to know...Do you think I should continue?