It has taken me a little over a month to re-read and make slight changes, mostly the spelling, in every single chapter. I did manage to add a little more content here and there as I went on. Most of the longer chapters, I decided to split them up in the best possible spot I could find. Reasoning for doing that? Well it made me feel like I wasn't getting anywhere while editing, especially when seeing something like "3/20" pages. I guess that's enough chattering for now…Enjoy!


I'm only saying this once and it goes for every single chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not and never will own any of the characters. They are all ©Akira Toriyama.


Summary: It has been years since Goku left with Shinron, the Son's and Briefs' families haven't seen much of each other since. They get back together when Pan's 18th birthday is only weeks away. Trunks begin to act differently towards Pan little by little, by spending more time with her, taking her places and actually getting out to train more. How long will it take for most of everyone to notice the changes in him? (T/P, some G/B)


Trunks: 30

Pan: 17-18

Goten: 29

Bra: 17

Uub: 23

Marron: 26


Chapter 1

It was a nice Saturday afternoon and Pan was in her room, quickly picking up everything off her floor and putting things away, after letting it collect for quite sometime. The only real reason why she was in a rush was because her parents told her she couldn't leave the house early unless it the room was cleaned enough to look decent.

'Hm… I think that's it.' She stopped for a moment to glance around the room seeing if there was anything else that needed to be picked up and dusted her hands off, looking quite pleased for how it looked now. 'Yup that will do.' She snatched her bandana off the closet door knob and put it on. With that, she hurried out of her room and down the flight of stairs.

"I'm done with my room, Mama!" She said as she entered the dinning room to find her parents having sandwiches for lunch.

"Oh good, I'm guessing you're just going to rush on over, right? If so take a sandwich with you." Videl said, gesturing to the plate of sandwiches in the middle of the table.

"Yeah I am. Alright, Mama." She reached over the table grabbing a sandwich.

Gohan glanced up at Pan for a moment. "You're still going in those types of clothes?" He questioned, with a bit of a mouth full.

"Yeah. Why not, Papa?" She looked to him with a brow slightly raised.

Gohan swallowed what he had. "Well, you've been with that style for over three years; don't you think it's time for a new wardrobe? You are going to be a young adult in a couple weeks."

"Well I like this style because it reminds me of the times I've spent with Grandpa, but maybe I could use a new attire."

"Well since you're going to Capsule corps. early, why do you go shopping with Bra-?"

"Are you serious? She takes forever and would just have so much fun playing dress up with me and so would Marron, if she is included!" She shouted a little bit.

"Calm down, Sweetie." Videl said.

"I'm just saying that Bra could help you out some, just let her know the limitation of what you'll wear, is all."

Pan let out a sighed. "I'll think about it on the way there, but I have this feeling that she's going to want to drag me to the mall shortly after I get there, anyways."

"Well, alright. We'll be over there around six or so." Gohan said.

"Alright then, well I'm leaving now, bye." She said, leaving the room and going out the front door. She took a bite of the sandwich and lifted off into the air, beginning to make her way to West City. She decided to take it easy for a little while so she could enjoy her small lunch and the view the countryside had to offer. It was quite peaceful and beautiful, but she didn't really have the time to enjoy much of it. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small watch and she realized that she needed to get there quick.


Once she arrived outside of Capsule Corps residence, she knocked on the door.

Not much could be heard from the other side of the door than someone running to open it. The young blue-haired demi-saiyan swung the door open. "Pan! You're here, it's about time!"

"Hey Bra-" She started, as she was pulled inside before saying another word with the door closing behind her. Pan quickly turned around to face her anxious friend. "What's going on? Why did you pull me in so quickly?" She questioned.

Bra had a certain smudged look on her face as if she had planned something out that Pan might not want to take part in. "It's nothing for now, but you'll find out when Marron gets here."

By now, Pan was utterly curious and raised a brow to Bra. "Alright, I know you're hiding something from me. What is it you have planned already?"

"I can't tell you. You'll just have to find out for yourself. And I see you haven't yet changed your appearance yet. Tisk, tisk Pan, you really need a new style." She stood there thinking for a moment.

"You're the second one today, who has picked on my choice of clothing." Pan sighed a little and glanced around. "Where is everyone?"

"Hm…Mom is working in the lab for a little while. Dad is in the gravity room as usual and well, Trunks is in his office, bummed away with papers for the next few hours." Bra said.

"Oh sounds like fun for the workaholic." She said sarcastically, referring to Trunks. "So how long will it be until Marron gets here?"

"Probably fifteen to twenty minutes. What do you feel like doing until then?"

"Oh, I don't know. What is there to do?" Pan asked.

"Well no one else is in the living room or the bottom area, so I can toss the radio on and we can jam or something."

"That sounds cool." Pan said and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a soda out of the fridge, while Bra reached for the universal remote and turned the radio system on and turned it up. By the time she got back into the living room, Bra was already dancing around.

"Come on Pan!" She tried saying over the music.

"Ok, ok. I'm coming." She laughed a little to herself at how Bra was dancing and placed her soda down on the coffee table. "But I'm not very good at dancing."

"What! Are you serious? Marron and I have some things to teach you then." Bra turned the music down a little and reached over to Pan, pulling her over, in front of herself. "Well, I'll teach you a few things at first and then you try it."

Pan gave a slight nod and then thought for a moment. 'I don't know about this, I think it's going to be harder than it was to learn how to fight.'


About ten minutes later, Pan was already leaning up against the back of the couch after having a short dance lesson, while Bra glimpsed over to the hanging wall clock to see how much time passed by, just as the phone went off.

"Bra, the phone is going off you better get that!" Pan said, getting her friend's attention.

"Oh right, the phone." She rushed off into the kitchen to get the phone as Pan turned off the stereo. "Hello?"

"Hey sorry I didn't get a hold of you a little early Bra, but I accidentally ran out of gas. So I'm going to be running a little late." Marron said from the other side.

Bra laughed a bit. "Oh it's all good, no biggie. I was just showing Pan how to really dance and all. So go ahead and take your time, then we'll see you when you get here." Bra said.

Pan peeked around the corner to see Bra on the phone. 'Must be talking to Marron and by the way it sounds she's going to be here a little late.'Pan thought for a moment. 'Hm, I can sneak out now and pay a little visit to Trunks, so I don't have to learn anymore of Bra's ridiculous dance moves for now.'She laughed a little to herself and started to creep to the door.

"All right, thanks for understanding, Bra. I'll be there once I can."

"See ya then, bye." Bra hung up the phone and turned around. "Well Pan, Marron is going to be-" She stopped in mid-sentence as she looked in the living room to find no Pan. 'Hm, where could she have gone?'

Pan leaned up against the outer wall to the right of the door, until she felt Bra's signature Ki move away. She slowly peered into the window to see if she left the living room and luckily did. She was glad that Bra never did know how to sense someone's signature ki or anything. She surveyed the area to see if anyone was walking by and she was being pretty lucky so far today.

She took to the sky and headed directly for Capsule Corps Headquarter. To what Bra said, he was up in his office, so that is where she was heading to. As she came upon the large building, she headed right up to where Trunks' office was located and slowly peered in.

The lavender-haired demi-saiyan was sitting there in a good sized room, inspecting papers few times before actually signing. There were two stacks of papers on the desk. One stack was already signed, yet the shorter of the two, and another one which wasn't signed. He placed his pin down and sat back in his office chair, letting his arms dangle to the sides of the chair and closed his eyes for a little while.

A second later, he sensed a familiar Ki. He scooted the chair back a little and turned to the window to find nothing, but knew someone was there and it wasn't his imagination. He grinned a little, getting up from his seat and making his way over to the window. He could certainly tell that she was there, but trying to hiding. So he stepped to the side to where he would be out of view.

She waited a moment before poking her head back to the window and when she did, Trunks jumped out from the side causing her to flip back. Trunks place his right hand to the back of his head and chuckled at her a little. He slid the window and felt the nice breeze coming in.

"So what are you doing out there?" Trunks asked.

"Oh nothing really. I just heard that you were bummed out and it looks to be that way."

"Well you don't have to stay out there, you know. Come on in if you want, Panny." He said taking a step back.

"Well if you insist. Could you lay off the nicknames? Or else I'll have to give you one." She said, moving on into the room.

"Maybe, it depends what you got."

"Oh, I have one in mind. But you know, too much work isn't good for you." Pan said, leaning against the window seal.

"I know. I've heard that many times before, but hopefully soon my load with be lifted."

"How is that suppose to happen?"

"Well, Bra will begin to take some of the work off my hands, since she wants to try and prove herself soon. Due to that, I will not be so busy all the time."

"Oh, really? That will be good for you."

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. So why exactly are you here?"

"Besides being early for the little get together later, Bra called and wanted me over early for some reason and Marron is involved some how."

"You better watch out, you never know what exactly they'd plan out behind your back."

"I know. The reason why I popped up here for the moment is to see what's up and see that you can use a few minutes of a break."

"Oh, you were actually thinking of me, huh? At least I know someone cares. Come here and give me a hug, kiddo." He laughed and playfully giving her a bit of a loose hug and then ruffled her bandana.

She raised a brow to him along with a confused look while adjusting her head dress. "Trunks, you're acting a little weird and I'm not a kiddo, boxer-boy."

"Well, it's been quite some time since I've heard that nickname. Anyways, I was just playing." He laughed and went to sit down in his chair. "So you're finally going on 18 soon, right?"

"Yeah and I can say goodbye to being a kid."

"I know becoming an adult is one thing you have wanted for a couple years now and you'll be achieving it within a few weeks."

"Yep it is, I can't really wait."

"Well, it isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I'll tell you that, and there are more situations that you need to take action and control over."

"I'm ready for it."

"Are you sure you really are?"

"Yeah, ready as I'll ever be."

"Well, you can't go run and cry for help with everything now, so learn to handle it on your own."

"Yeah, I know that, Trunks. Just curious, but would you know what Bra and Marron has planned?" She asked.

"Um, no I haven't heard anything from them. You know how they are always hush, hush when they're planning revenge or something." He thought for a moment. "Though I do remember them whispering something about a little sleepover, but I don't know. Just be aware of it."

"Um ok, I think that's all I wanted to know because Bra wouldn't tell me anything when I got here. I do have this strange feeling they are going to drag me somewhere I don't usually like going to."

"Well alright then, if that's all, I need to get back to signing these papers before five-thirty." He said, turning around to face his desk.

"Alright, I'll leave you to continue signing your life away." She giggled a little and turned to climb out the window. "It seems like Marron is here now."

Just then, something popped into his mind and quickly turned back around. "Oh, wait a moment."

She glanced back at him for a moment. "Yeah? What is it, Trunks?"

"I do have tomorrow off, do you have anything planned?" He asked.

"Hm…not really, I was only going to spend it training. Why? What did you have in mind?" She said.

"Well, I was thinking we could hang out. If you want, we can get a bite to eat and I'll even help you train some. I have needed to get some training in and I rather not do so with my father. Know what I mean?"

"Are you asking me out?" She questioned.

"N-no I'm not Pan, just as friends. Not unless you want me to." He said a bit nervously.

"Oh yeah, that was a smooth one, Trunks. Well either way, sure. I miss hanging out with you, like it was for most of that year in space." She gave him a cute smile that would usually get to him. "Well I know they'll be looking for me soon. See ya later, Trunks."

He chuckled a bit nervously. "Chow, Pan-chan." He waved her off as she jumped out of the window then turned back to his desk, getting back to signing the papers a bit quicker than before.

Pan rushed back to the Briefs' home, knowing that Marron would be there at any time. She hurried to back to the door and sneaked in, as Bra and Marron came walking down the stairs.

"Oh, there you are, Pan. We were just looking for you. I was wondering where you took off to." Bra said, after she looked into the living room.

"Oh, really? I didn't know I was going to be missed that much." She said sarcastically.

"So where did you go?" Both girls questioned.

"Oh nowhere special, just went to see something."

"Right…who do you think you're fooling, Pan?" Bra crossed her arms and gave the I know where look.

"I don't know, but you don't know who it can fool."

"I don't get it." Marron said as Bra and Pan looked at her.

"I know you both have some form of torment planned out for me today."

"You'll see when we get there." They said, pushing Pan out the door and to the car.

Pan sighed, as the first thing popped into her mind was the word mall. 'I'd not be surprised if they'd talk me into playing dress up later.'
