{Chapter 5} -Helping the Citizens-

When Rocket puts on all the power bands, it transforms into a giant rocket that was even bigger than Big Jet, Leo was surprised when Rocket transformed, Big Jet becomes so scared it flew away in fear as the gang was amazed to see Rocket as brave as he is. Rocket grabs the bus with it's super grab-nabbers that are bigger and stronger, to take to teams back to Louisana with all the donation boxes, June sees an object sticking out of David's pocket: a heal patch, a patch that helps him recover as David recovers quickly from his injuries and helps the gangs take the donations back to the citizens of Louisana, Leo and Preston help with the people on the north side. June and Tracy help with the people on the south side, Annie and Constance help with the people on the West side, Quincy and Michael help with the people on the East side and David and Ty help with the people at the Superdome while Rocket and the bus carried the supplies to the groups. The citizens are proud of the teams helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Leo wants Rocket back to normal cause' he figured out that he's too big to fit in the rocket room so David tells Leo "Just remove the power bands and it will turn back to normal" as Leo removes the bands, Rocket return back to it's normal self, when Leo said "Mission Compeletion" Ty yelled it on his megaphone as the group laughs. At the final curtain David is showing off his power bands with a muscle pose and says "Do I look good or what?" (The gang laughs) THE END