Chapter 1. -The Valentines-

During the Day the Kids get their valentines from their mailbox near the Rocket Room, The Kids' Valentines are from their Friends from their old missions. Annie gets Valentines from Little Red Train (Go west, Young Train) The Three Little Pigs (Farmer Annie) Rocket, June, Leo and Quincy. Quincy gets Valentines from The Joey (Jump for Joey) Little Mouse (The Mouse and the Moon) Rocket, Annie, Leo and June. Leo gets Valentines The Bald Eagle (I love to Conduct), Rocket, Annie, June and Quincy. Rocket gets Valentines from The other Planes (Hungarian Hiccups) Little Whale (Whale Tale) Leo, June, Annie, and Quincy. But all the sudden the kids discover that June didn't get hers, June thinks nobody cares for her, feeling sad she sniffles a little until Leo explains to June that maybe her Valentines got lost in the mail, So Leo and the gang must travel on a Mission to search for June's missing Valentines. Will June ever find her Valentines before the end of the Day?