My Little Secret
Chapter Ten/Epilogue
Her eyes scanned over the time lines as she wrinkled her nose; there had been a disturbance again which meant that Rei has used her magic again. Pluto let out a sigh. She was starting to think about the time lines and how different they seemed to be but at the same time how alike they were. Both were finally at peace so maybe she could do something in order to make things easier? She was worried that it was going to start happening again and again unless there was a solution made.
Twisting her staff in her hand, she knew she needed to talk to the Queen about this and explain the situation; unless she was in on it as well and knew what was already going on. She waved her wand to lock the seal the gate for the moment she was gone…
Walking down the long halls, Pluto had called a meeting for everyone to join in the throne room, along with the unexpected guest. She looked at all the women sitting in their long gowns around the table while she was the only one in her senshi uniform. With a small smile, she looked directly at Serenity whom nodded her head for her to begin.
"As you know, Hiiro has crossed over into our dimension by who knows help," she started, giving a glance at Rei who winked in return. "I have been looking at the time lines only to uncover that they are both at peace, and nothing looks like it's going to threaten either one of them. As my thoughts continued, I thought of a way in order for this jumping to finally ended. Merging both time lines."
Minako let out a gasp while Ami quickly typed on her computer while thinking about the outcome of the calculations.
"They don't even know who we are," started Makoto. "How are we going to merge both ideas of our world and their world? We are different in many stand-points."
Pluto nodded. She was a bit relieved that Makoto would think on the behalf of both places instead of with her heart, which she could tell was taking over her emotions more and more.
Ami spoke up.
"It would take a while for me to program all of the configurations into the computer but with the right information inputted from both times, we should be able to merge without a large disruption. It would take me about a couple weeks in order to come up with the right formula to mix when they merge which will alter the memories of those in the both worlds so it wouldn't look like there was a change and this was how things were all along."
Rei nodded.
"It would make things a lot less complicated…especially since there is a child involved in this," she said, adding a grin.
"It would be best if we imported all the men over here in order to let them know who all of us are instead of altering their memories. I'm sure with the formula that Ami is going to make, it's not going to be hard at all to minus us from the alteration. It may take some time to getting used to it, but not really a big problem," said Minako.
Pluto nodded at the opinions and looked towards the queen whom hadn't said anything..
"Lets do what we need to," she said with a smile. Pluto looked towards Hiiro and motioned for him to come forward.
"I am going to need to take you back to the gate of time in order for you to come with me to collect your friends. The girls will take care of things here," she said. With a silent nod, he followed…
Quatre was relieved to see Hiiro return. He had been worried about Hiiro as soon as his Gundam disappeared from the radar. But, why was he gone for so long? Hiiro usually disappeared when he needed to think things through, and Quatre knew he wasn't over Makoto still...or the fact about Indigo. There was a different step to Hiiro as he walked; Quatre noticed it and continued to take a seat with the rest of the men.
Wufei still drank his whiskey on the rocks, which had become a frequent. Duo managed to come into the room, but his eyes were still sad. Makoto was once his, and now belonged to his best friend. It was a hard thing to think about and looking at Hiiro reminded him of how he had lost her. Trowa focused his attention between all the men while looking at Hiiro, waiting for him to speak.
"I was with her," said Hiiro. "She would like all of us to come visit and talk about a certain problem that needs to be solved."
Duo perked up. Maybe this was his chance; if he played his cards right, he could try to be with Makoto again...but maybe not. There was still hope in his heart.
"Then lets go," said Duo, springing to his feet.
Pluto lead them down the hall, aware of the stares she was receiving from the men; she knew they had never seen a woman like her before. Her olive skin, long deep seaweed hair, and the short skirt she wore as part of her uniform. Opening the door, she bowed to the Queen as the men filed into the room. With another bow, she left.
Minako gave a small wave to the men while Rei blew a kiss.
"Wow Mako, I wish I could have went on vacation with you," said Minako with a grin. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Duo; for some reason, he was just so attracting to her. Rei seemed to give a solitary nod in agreement.
"Yes, they are just so...hunky. No wonder you came back the way you did. I would have too," said Rei with a sly grin. Serenity cleaned her throat.
"That's enough ladies," she said, looking at the blush moving over Makoto's face and how Ami was starting to become squirmish from the subject. "Ami, please state the idea of this meeting."
Ami nodded and moved to her feet.
"Gentlemen, you were called here on behalf of the matter concerning the time lines. With people starting to frequent jumping between two universes, it's going to open up the lines for others to try and find a hole to where they can sneak through. In order to make both sides happy, we have came up with the idea of merging these two universes. It will help catch the holes, memories will be altered, and there will be no problems that we can foresee," she said and then took a seat.
"Just who are you exactly?" asked Wufei, looking over the palace they were in. Makoto smiled and moved to her feet.
"This is something that was kept secret. In our time line, we are warriors called Sailor Senshi. Here, we protect the earth from those that are trying to destroy it along with protect our Queen, Serenity," she said, directing towards her while giving a bow, "and the entire royal family. We each represent a planet and the powers are bestowed upon us when it is time for battle. I am the ruler of Emerald Tower, the senshi of lightening, representing Jupiter, and the Queen of Jupiter."
Rei moved to her feet.
"I am the ruler of Ruby Tower, the senshi of fire, representing Mars, the Queen of Mars, Rei Hino," she said, giving a bow. Minako moved up next.
"I am the ruler of Topaz Tower, the senshi of love, representing Venus, the Queen of Venus, Minako Aino," she said, blowing a kiss. Ami stood next.
"I am the ruler of Sapphire Tower, the senshi of water, representing Mercury, the Queen of Mercury, Ami Mizuno." Quickly she took a seat as Serenity took to her feet.
"I am the ruler of Crystal Tokyo, Queen Serenity, but everyone calls me Usagi. I represent the moon," she said and then took a seat.
It took a moment for everything to sink in. The men looked at each other, while Hiiro kept eye contact with Makoto the whole time, watching her blush. Rei leaned over to whisper in her ear only for Makoto to blush even harder while she pushed Rei away who in turn started giggling and then whispering to Minako.
"Wait," said Wufei, putting his hand on his hip. "So, you're all Queens or whatever in this time line? Why would we want to merge with you? Wouldn't we have to worship you or something?"
"No," said Ami, taking to her feet. "We just protect the planet. We don't want to be worshiped."
Wufei let that sink in for a moment.
"Then I don't see why not," said Quatre. "After all, I'm sure you are thinking of Indigo to go along with this decision It wouldn't hurt for Hiiro to be a part of his daughters life and who knows; perhaps Hiiro and Makoto will work out together."
Trowa nodded.
"It would be best for the child," he commented.
"Then we have an agreement," said Rei, looking at Serenity and receiving a nod. Ami moved to her feet.
"I will start testing the formula right away," she said, giving a bow and then leaving.
This was a start of a new beginning.