I don't own Twilight.

"What's wrong Bella? You seem a little tense." As she said that, she brought her face very close up to mine. Close enough for her breath to blow into my face as she spoke. I froze. It was the same delicious scent like Edward's. It wasn't as appealing as his was, but it was still amazing. It was only then that I took a good look at her eyes, since they were so close to mine.

They were red. I realized the reason I hadn't noticed them before was because they weren't a light, blood red. They were dark, like maroon almost.

I am not afraid to admit, that I want my Mom. No, I take that back. I want Edward. At least he could actually do something. As the realization hit, me, it finally sunk in that I was in a dark, closed up alley with a vampire literally 6 inches from my face, and by the sounds of it, she didn't like me very much. Oh crap.

My face must have shown her how I felt, because she smirked as she said "Is it finally coming clear to you Bella? What I am?"

"Who are you?" My voice was steady, but very, very soft, even to my ears.

For a split second, she almost looked surprised. Yes, I'm serious, surprised.

"You mean Edward didn't tell you about me?" She abruptly pulled her hand back. As I caressed my now red and bruised wrist with my other hand, I briefly thought of running for it. But of course, she could probably catch me. I looked back estimating the distance, but it was too far away for me to run. I'd probably trip anyway.

"I have to hand it to you, you're smart." Darn. "But what would be the point in running Bella? I know you're dying to know who I am. And if you ran, I'd just catch you and kill you here, and where would the fun be in that? No, I need you very much alive for my plan to work. I-"

"And what would this 'plan' be?" That was definitely not the smartest thing to say to a crazy vampire. For a second, her face turned hideously angry, and I almost shrunk back in fear, but no way was I backing down now. Then her face cleared, and she went on as if I hadn't interrupted.

"Tell me, has Edward ever told you that he can read minds? Yes I'm sure he has. And that disgusting girl he calls a sister can see the future, while her annoying boyfriend can alter feelings, I'm sure he's mentioned that too. But since you know nothing about me, you obviously don't know what my ability is. Let me give you a hint. This isn't what I really look like."

Before I could even say anything, her skin changed, getting paler. Her whole body seemed to get thinner and taller, but what I was most focused on was her face. Before my eyes, her face grew slightly longer, thinner, her nose thin, almost perfect as though drawn. Her lips became fuller, and redder, which really surprised me. She stopped changing, but last was her hair. It was astonishing, to say the least. It went from short and slightly frizzy, to long, down to her waist, smooth like silk, and had a certain sheen to it. But was most breathtaking was that it was the purest black I had ever seen. I don't think I've ever seen hair that shade before, and right now, I hope to never see it again.

All in all, she was absolutely, breathtakingly, beautiful.

"Yes, I know what you're thinking. How could anyone say goodbye to someone as stunning as me? I still wonder what Edward was thinking…Oh, silly me, I forgot he never told you." I didn't even hear what she said next, since, I soon found out that her voice had also change. Although it wasn't nearly as silky and irresistible as Edward's, it was still more beautiful than any humans' I had ever heard.

"Excuse me?" It was the perfect way to ask her to repeat herself, but I had no choice. In a way, I kind of knew I didn't want to hear what she had to say, but it was to late now. And by the time she said it again, I felt my heart breaking.

"Edward and I were in love."


Yikes, that wasn't very long at all. I promise, next chapter will be huge. This was just away to get the story on track. Next chapter, everything really starts!Please still review. I'd love to hear some suggestions on what you'd like to see. I already know exactly where I'm going with this, since I've written most of my ideas down ina notebook, but anything to keep it interesting...

Anyways, sorry that was so short. And that I took forever to get it up. I didn't even realize I forgot to post it until someone e-mailed me today. Once again sorry!