{Chapter 1.} -Stolen Eyewear-

Leo and the gang are flying on Rocket to the Vienna opera house in Vienna, Austria we're Leo enters a Lil' Conductor contest as Annie cleans Leo's glasses so that he can be ready, until Big Jet comes out of nowhere and flies over Leo and steals his glasses out of his head. Leo can hardly see where he's going, everything that Leo sees is blurry so Annie says "Leo are you okay?" he replies "Is that you, Quincy?" as Annie Giggles and says "Leo "I'm Annie", June had an Idea, "Why don't we call David for help?" Quincy says "Good idea, June" as she heads toward Rocket to call David on their communicator. David responses "David here" as June says "Big Jet stole Leo's Glasses" as David was shocked to know that stealing a pair of glasses is sick and wrong, as he brings a grapping hook, a laser/radar watch, a vision visor (Sort of like a pair of Sunglasses to help with anyone's vision) and 2 pairs of rocket shoes. David travels to Vienna to meet up with the gang, David sees Leo without his glasses, David says "I'm here to help you Leo" he replies "Is that you June?" as David laughs) "It's me David" he said, then he gives Leo the vision visor when Leo wears them can see better but he still wants his glasses back, so now the gang searches for Big Jet and Leo's stolen glasses. Will Leo ever get his glasses back?