Rodney sat down on his coach, disappointed. His former neighbor left, taking his cat with her. Of course, after four years during which he stopped by once, it was understandable... almost.

The remote control felt strange in his hands. The TV sprung to life, people gesturing wildly on the screen. There were times in the past when he would leave the TV on, on some news channel and listen to it, while cleaning the house. Now, he had nothing to do but look at it and try to fill in the sounds in his mind. An old woman was talking to a reporter. Judging by that news' title, it was something about pollution. It was strange to see different emotions making their way on her wrinkled face, as she listened to the reported and then answered the questions.

Each time he came to earth to 'visit', he avoided the news... any kind of news. They all seemed unimportant, and at the time, they were. Now, he found himself wondering just how big of a problem pollution was. Considering who they found to discuss the matter on TV with, probably not the biggest.

When he turned his attention back to the TV, he saw two young women, dressed in things that required less material than a napkin, waving their hands in the air. The joy of dumb commercials. With the power off button almost pressed, he waited to see what the advertised product was. Body lotion. The room darkened and Rodney headed for his bedroom, hoping the next day would be better.

- --- --- -

The young man was looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Sir, she's a wonderful cat, this is just a minor problem, I'm sure you can get over the fact that she's blind." The pet store clerk had spent over ten minutes trying to convince him to buy the small, white cat. Rodney had no problem with small, white cats, but he hadn't planned to buy a blind cat.

"I'm deaf," he said, watching the man's face change. "A blind cat deserves something more than a deaf owner. Now, do you have any normal cats?"

"She is normal!"

What world were these kids living in? "Don't give me the disabled crap. She's just as normal as I am, and that's not nearly enough for... Just show me other cats," Rodney finished grumpily.

The next cat he saw was a funny looking orange-white-black one. She seemed to be quite happy, considering the cage and all the commotion. Rodney took her, gently petting her head. "She seems nice enough."

"Will you take her?" the young man asked.

"Yes. I'll take a couple of food bowls and some cat food, as well. Oh, and a big sandbox." The man walked to the counter, probably thinking about prices and quantities, while he went to the small white cat's cage. He slowly opened it, putting his cat inside. After a bit of recon, they sat down, close together, and started licking their fur. Rodney was almost sure they were purring, as well.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, and saw the clerk smile at him. "Double the stuff. I'll take her, as well."

Two hours later, his two happy cats were dozing off on his couch, close to each other. Scratching the colored one behind her ears, Rodney said softly, "Looks like you'll take care of the two of us."

- --- --- -

Rodney was looking through the files Carson had put on his 'medical' CD. The explanation the Scot had found for his injuries were quite interesting. Any doctor looking over them would catalogue Rodney McKay as a very unlucky scientist. In a way, he was, but he didn't dare hope anyone living on Earth would ever understand that.

Carson had also added some more personal files to the disc: some of the files they prepared for the rookies, audio and video guides that he, being the foremost specialist in Ancient technology, never saw. He had to smile at Carson's optimism. He was sure he would hear again, otherwise he wouldn't have included the audio files.

It was strange how he never got bored of looking at pictures of Atlantis. The beauty of each detail never ceased to amaze him. When he was there, he saw them, but now, having the time, he really looked at them.

- --- --- -

Rodney considered taking the TV out of his house. He was sure that if he took it downstairs, it would be gone in less than ten minutes. It worked fine and all that, but it was annoying when turned on, and it was useless when turned off.

To be really honest, he found little use for most of the things in his house. He could live well with the bed, fridge and cats' stuff. Those and the big piano in his living room. He bought it when he moved in five years ago and kept it. There were many who questioned his talent, but after a while, he didn't care. He was never going to perform for others, but then again, music was never about the others for him.

He sat down on the small stool and let his fingers touch the wooden keys, remembering the sounds. If only he could hear the simple sounds... do, re, mi... nothing more, no voices, no other sounds, just... sol, la... all he wanted was the music, his music.

- --- --- -

The first thing he heard was a rather miserable meow. Not quite sure that bit was from reality or a lingering dream, he got up and went to check on his little flat mates. Dott was trying to steal some of White's food, probably just for the fun of it.

"Play nice, kids." His voice seemed the most fascinating thing he ever heard. It wasn't as loud as it would have been for anyone else, but he heard it. He tapped his fingers on the wall, hearing the faintest of things. Barely containing his excitement, he phoned the SGC, letting them know he'd be in for a medical check.

- --- --- -

Doctor Lam was quite surprised to see him there, especially since he had completely regained his hearing by the time he got to Cheyenne Mountain. After a few days of tests, he was informed that a new type of nanovirus was detected in his bloodstream. The thing that seemed to turn them off was the lack of Ancient technology in his vicinity, but Lam promised she'll figure it out.

A few days later, the small woman came to his quarters, informing him that 'Doctor Beckett managed to find a solution.' He subjected himself to their procedures, and was later informed that he was nanovirus-free.

"Are you going back?" General Landry asked after the results were official.

"No, I don't think so." He had considered this, ever since he heard the first sounds. As much as he loved Atlantis, going back at this point was... wrong. "No, I won't."

- --- --- -

White and Dott stopped playing, looking intently at him. He was sitting on the piano stool, trying to remember how it started. He wanted to sing, to hear the music controlled by his will. He wanted to explore, to discover, to know.

His fingers caressed the white and black wood.

Do... Re... Mi...