Chapter 1: Damn Socs

"Sis, wake up," I heard my brother tell me. I opened my eyes and I saw my twin brother Johnny standing above me. He wore his normal black shirt, jeans and jean jacket. I looked around and saw it was dark out and we were in the lot.

"What time is it?" I asked as I got up.

"Don't know," he said. "Let's go; mom and dad should be asleep by now." Then I remembered what happened. Dad got drunk again and started to hit us. We ran out to the lot and started a fire. Then Johnny started to cry and talk about killing himself. I hugged 'im and told him not to do that. It wasn't worth it and if he did like himself, I would miss 'im. He stopped crying and he soon fell asleep in my arms. He may be older than me by two minutes and I acted the older twin. I do look like him too. I have long jet-black hair with grease in it, tanned skin and black eyes. I had a couple bruises all over my body. I had on a black tank top, jeans and a jean jacket. Johnny and I could fit in one and other's clothes. We were the same size. After Johnny had fallen asleep, I fell asleep. That's all I remembered.

"Let's go," I said. "It's getting cold out here." I was weaker than Johnny in strength. He helped him up and we began to walk home. Then we saw a blue Mustang following us. "Damn," I said. I cursed more than Johnny. "Johnny," I said. "Run away now."

"I'm not leaving you here," he said as he walked over to the jungle gym in the park and sat on it. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it with my lighter. I gave Johnny one and lit it for him. Then the Socs parked, came out of the car and walked over to us. There were six of them. I really didn't look at them to see what they looked like. I thought there can only be four or five to a car. Who knows anymore?

"This must be our lucky night guys," said one guy. You can tell they have been drinkin. "We found two greasers in one place." Johnny and I jumped down. Johnny had finished his cigarette but I haven't.

"Bill," one of the Socs said. "Their just like babies."

"That makes it more fun," another said.

"You're not on your turf," I said. "Leave now."

"No babe," another said as he threw beer on us. I hated drinkin beer but I liked to smoke. I'm weird like that I guess. That Soc walked over to me and grabbed my chin. "Pretty little thing aren't ya." I put my cigarette on his hand and he let go of me. Johnny and I ran. They soon caught up with us. I was the first one down because I got tackled by three Socs. I looked at the other three and saw they were hitting Johnny. Then Johnny pulled out his switchblade and the Socs kept away from him. Then they held a switchblade to my neck. I wanted to grab mine but my hands were pinned above me head and a Soc was on top of me, who was holdin the switchblade to me neck. The last one was holdin' my feet.

"Drop the blade or the girl gets it," the one on top of me, I guess he's the leader, threatened. Johnny threw the blade down and the guys attacked him. I struggled to get these guys off me but the blade was pretty close to my neck. Plus I'm weak, as I stated earlier.

"Leave him alone!" I yelled. Then I got slapped in the mouth and punches on my lip and on the head. Then he cut me on my neck and stomach. The cut on my stomach was long and I was bleedin badly.

"Shut up," he said. "Matt, give me your bandana." The guy holding my wrists used his free hand and gave him the bandana. He dropped the blade and tied it around my mouth. I looked over at Johnny and saw they were done beatin him up. "Matt, removed her jacket."

"Vic and Bill get over here and help me," Matt said. I was struggling even more. I looked at Johnny was saw in his eyes that he knew he was helpless. They must have beaten 'im pretty good. Bill and Vic came over to me and held the part of upper part of my arm that wasn't covered by the jacket. Matt took it off and threw it.

"Be a good girl and be nice or I'll cut you," the one on top of me said. Then he put his hands on my waist and moved them up my sides. I know what he's tryin to do and I ain't goin to work. I saw Johnny was tryin' to get up to help me but the other two Socs beat him down again. I looked back at the Soc on top of me and saw he was taking off my tank top. I managed to get one hand free and slap him nevertheless Vic grabbed it and held it down again. "I said be nice," the boy on top of me said. I turned my head, shut my eyes and began to cry. Even with my eyes closed, I could still cry. I didn't want to see what happened next. I felt the Soc remove my tank top and he began to kiss my neck.

Then I heard them yell for each other to get out of there. I opened my eyes and saw they were runnin but from what? I turned around and saw a pissed off Dallas Winston. He was chasing after them. While he did that, I removed the bandana, put my tank top back on and grabbed my jacket. I got up and walked over to Johnny. He was beat bad and he had passed out. I grabbed his switchblade and placed it in my pocket. My body was screamin in pain.

Dally returned and looked at us. "You two alright?" he asked.

"Johnny isn't," I said. "Dally, turn around for a minute."


"JUST DO IT!" He turned around but looked a second later. So I had to turn around. I removed my tank top and put my jacket on. I buttoned it to the top but it still showed some of my chest. I started to cut up, with my switchblade, my tank top and keep them incase Johnny had a serious injury. I could bandage him up until we got to the Curtis house. Then I removed his jacket and looked at what they did to him. They just bruised him. Then I saw he was cut in his ribs. I wrapped the hand made bandage around him. "Dally, can you pick him up and carry him to the Curtis house without hitting his wounds?" I asked.

"Sure but what about you?" he asked as he placed Johnny on his back carefully.

"I'll be behind you," I said as I got up. Dally began to walk and I followed behind him. I felt a little dizzy though. I could barely see what was in front of me. I put my hand to my forehead and found I was hot. The next I thing I know, I'm on the ground and eyes shut.

I wake up and I'm in a strange room. It was all white. I looked to my left and see Johnny in a bed next to me. Then I realize I was on a bed too. I had tubes all over my body, a breathing mask on and my stomach was stitched. I saw I had on a hospital outfit. I guess I was in the hospital. Johnny opened his eyes and looked around. He was doin okay. He had the tubes and mask too though. He saw me and tried to get up. I shock my head no and he guessed I wanted him to rest. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yea," I said as I put my head to my forehead. I still had a fever though. Then the door opened and the gang came in. "How did ya'll get in here? I thought they only let family visit," I said. I really don't want to see mom or dad though. They would hit me and Johnny even more.

"Here's a present for you two," Two-Bit said as he threw us a little stuffed Mickey Mouse toy. I got a hold of mine and threw it at Two-Bit. "Don't treat Mickey like that," he said. Then he started to talk to the toy. Damn he crazy about Mickey Mouse. No wonder he can't get a job.

"How are y'all feelin'?" Soda asked.

"I'm fine," Johnny said.

"I've been better," I said. "Where's Dally?" I just noticed he was the only one missin.

"Lookin' for those Socs that tried to rape you and kill Johnny," Darry said.

"We goanna smack them down good for this," Steve said. Ponyboy walked over and sat in a chair near Johnny. I knew Pony cared a lot about Johnny. The whole gang did and so did I. I may be weak but I came take care of myself. Johnny, he's weak and needs help. I'm never seen him really mad before. In fact, I've never seen him mad; only sad or quiet. I heard the door open and I saw my mother standin' in the door. Damn, she came.

"Get out!" she yelled. Everyone got up and left. Not because they were scared, because they didn't want to deal with her. She closed the door once they were all out, walked over to me and looked at me. Then she smacked me in my face. "You caused a lot of trouble for me and our father; both of you." She started to walk over to Johnny. He was shakin' like crazy.

"Touch 'im and I'll send you to Hell, bitch!" I yelled. I told you I did a lot of cursin'; especially if she was goin to hurt Johnny. She turned back and me and punched me in my stomach. My stomach started to bleed again. I was breathin' hard now. "Get out of here," I said as I removed my mask. Then blood came out of my mouth and I spit it on the floor. I saw my switchblade on the side and I took it. I placed it under the covers and brought the blade out. If she tried anythin' on Johnny, I would kill her. Well, not kill her but hurt her badly.

"Don't talk to me like that!" she yelled. Damn, she's goin' to try somethin'.

"Leave her alone ma," Johnny said.

"Shut up you piece of-" the door slammed open and there stood the gang plus Dally.

"Say one more thing and your dealin' with me," Dally said.

"Correction; all of us," Steve said as he cracked his knuckles. Then my mom storm out of the room, callin' the gang 'no good hoods'. Once she left, the Dally ran over to me and called for the doctor. He had seen what my mother had done to my stomach. The doctor came in and told them to leave. They left the room but I don't think they left the hospital. Then they had to moved Johnny out of the room and locate him. I hope the gang goes with 'im. I then shut my eyes and let the doctor and nurses do their work and cleaned up the blood I spit out of my mouth.