Nadia: -Crawls out from under covers and walks over to a calendar. She just stares for a moment and suddenly screams loudly, making Jak fall out of bed and waking up anyone within the range of the sun to the edge of the universe-
Random alien: Meep?
Jak: -Rubs his now sore head- Nadia, WTF?
Jess: -panicing from the loud noise-
Daxter: -covering his ears in pain-
Nadia: ITS SUMMER VACATION!! WOOT! Ya know what that means? MORE UPDATES!
Daxter: WHAT?
Jess: Nadia, you can't say that. Your laziness is going to be this story's downfall.
Nadia: I agree, but im having a little trouble dealing with the fact that IM A FRESHMAN!!!
Jak: ok, wth? Werent we just talking about summer vacation?
Nadia: It's summer vacation? OMG ITS SUMMER VACATION! WOOT!
Daxter: WHAT?
Jak: -groans and shakes his head in disbelief while Jess just laffs her ass off-
Chapter 12
"Home...?" Ed questioned, a twitch developing in his eye. "HOME?"
"Temper, Ed..." Al sighed, following the two of us inside. "Kumori probably had a very good reason for buying a house."
"Yep." I said with a nod. "I got an amazing discount!"
Ed and Al did an anime fall while I closed the door behind us and flipped a switch by the doorframe, illuminating the entire hallway before us. The boys gaped at everything they saw before them, from the huge chandelier above them to the expensive wood flooring below. Ed pushed open the french doors going into the living room, taking a look around.
"Like it?" I asked.
"Well, yeah..." Ed replied. "But WHY did you buy a house? We're like NASCAR, Kumori. You know we're on the road alot."
"Hardly anymore." Al cut in, looking out the back door.
"Exactly." I said. "We've been hanging around Central alot lately. More than usual. And besides, if we left for somewhere right now, FB would just call me back in for one reason or another."
"Kumori." Ed said sternly.
"Look, Ed. Unlike you, I'M busy."
"Listen, you--"
"Can't we all just get along?" Al asked quietly, seperating the two of us. "And Kumori's right. She is awful busy."
"Yeah. I barely have time to breathe." I stated with a glare towards my blonde brother.
"Well, feel free to stop breathing anytime." Ed hissed.
"Oh, yeah. I'll remeber that when I'm grading assesments next month, Edward."
"Guys!" Al yelled. "Let's just get some rest."
I awoke to the sound of my doorbell ringing the next morning. I reluctantly opened my eyes, blinded by the light shining into the room through the windows. I stood up painfully, my back sore from sleeping on the floor the previous night. I straightened my shirt as I walked to the door, wondering who in their right mind would disturb anyone this early.
"Hello?" I moaned, opening the door. There in front of me stood Lieutenant Maria Ross and Lieutenant Brosh, or whatever... I really had no personal interest at the moment.
"Miss Elric." Maria said in a deathly serious tone. She sounded pissed. I already didnt like where this was going. "What have you done young lady?"
"What?" I questioned stupidly. What the hell did I do?
"Running away from home! Stealing a car! Staying in a home that's not yours! Your coming with us, NOW." She growled, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out onto the porch, where I tore my hand away and pushed her.
"Look." I said, highly ticked. "One. Mustang's house ain't my home. I was just staying there. Two. I barrowed the car. And three, this is my house bitch! So, I'll give you three seconds to get off my property, or I'M CALLING THE MILITARY!" I yelled. "Wait...I am the military. Well, I guess that means--"
I was cut off by whatzizface-- Brosh, or whatever... snuck up behind me and covered my mouth and tried to drag me away. I bit him.
"Yeoooooooow!" He squealed. I kicked him in the shin and knocked him over. I hope I had rabies.
"You'll never take me alive, copper!" I yelled, pointing menacingly towards the two and rushed inside and locked the door.
"Kumori!" Maria shouted. "There's a time for quoting television and a time for being serious!"
"So?" I shouted in return. Ed and Al walked up behind me, asking what the hell was going on. I explained the whole thing, Al nearly fainting. The two outside began pounding on my door, and something snapped in the back of my mind. I swung the door open and stomped outside.
"Look, you. I don't have to do ANYTHING you tell me. Know why?"
The two shrugged.
"The great General Kumori Evonne Elric The First, Last, and Only. Shadow Alchemist. Has a nice ring to it somewhere. Um...yeah. GENERAL." I said calmly, exept for the word General at the end. (The 'First Last and Only' part wasn't on my birth certificate that went up in the house fire with a lot of my stuff, but I put it on the new copy. Hee.) "That means that I'm ABOVE ALL OF YOU!" I shouted in an unessesary tone. "I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING YOU TELL ME! MWAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!"
"Where is she going with this?" Ed whispered to Al.
"I don't know. But she has a rediculously long name." Al whispered back. Ed nodded in agreement.
Yeah. I really had no idea whatsoever where the hell i was going with this. I just made it up as I went. Its 3:35 AM right now, lol. Ha, Kumori's got such a long name. About Maria and whatzizface... I never really liked them, so i decided to abuse them. About the opening, i started on this back in June, but went on vacation and didnt get to work on it for quite a while.
CHAPTER FAULTS: Too short. Bad grammar. Possibly misspelled words. Everyone OOC I think.
1- WTF?
2- What do ya think of Kumori's name?
3- I forgot how to spell barrowed. Is it borrowed? Barowed? HELP.
4- What will be the fate of Maria and...and...
6- Why did I write such dumb questions? lol
Yep. Dumb questions. But I get really hyper when im tired. Im going to beeeeeeedddddd. After I post this. Then I'll go to sleep. Then i'll wake up. and eat. and--
Jak: Ok, Nadia. We get it. I'll go ahead and finish up. Uhh... let's see. What does Nadia usually do to close these...?
Jess: Here, you're doing it wrong. She writes a bunch of Random crap and then saves it. Then she posts it. Then she waits around for reviews and never gets them. Then she--
Daxter: -apparently has his hearing back- Here. I'LL tell you about Nadia. She's lazy, she takes WAY to long to update her stories, she's not that good looking, and you know what? She's not even funny! ...Ah, who am I kidding? She's a GREAT girl. And boys, She's siiiinglllllllle. -winks-
Jak: -glares-
Nadia: Daxter.
Daxter: Yeah, Nadia?
Nadia: ...You're fired.
Daxter: -starts crying like a three year old, grabbing Nadia's hand and getting down on his knees and begging.-
Nadia: -annoyed- ...Okay! Okay! You're not fired.
Daxter: Yay!
Eveyone (excluding Daxter) : Baby.
(HEY, Send us fanmail! See what happens!)