First chapter edit! Woot!

It was a beautiful day in Konaha, a happy, joyous day. Kids played in the park and birds were singing. Teams at training grounds were taking their lunch breaks, it was about noon.

But one team was not.

Gai slowly paced in front of his students, who were standing in their usual formation. Tenten on the left, Neji in the middle, and Lee on the right.

All three, though Neji would never admit it, were worried. He was usually loud and exuberant, sometimes even annoying, and it was strange to see him so depressed and solemn.

Was something wrong? Did someone die? Was it Ninkame? (They wished, his turtle was so annoying.)

Finally, he stopped and looked at them.

"I have some good news and some bad news."

There was no doubt about it, Ninkame had left this earth, but he had life insurance so now Gai was a multi-millionaire.

" The bad news is that I am really a...a..." Gai then looked away as though he couldn't say it.

"A..." He students sad, encouraging him to go on. Did they get any share of the money?

"A pickle." All three gasped.

Lee then reached into his pocket and handed Neji $20.

"The good news is I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico."

Geico, fifteen minutes can save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

Well, that's the first one! On to the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, stop rubbing it in my face!

-Goes off to cry in a corner-