Robin sighed as followed Patrick into the break room. She had tried to ditch him, but he had been relentless and she'd finally given in. The faster they talked the faster she could put Patrick behind her once and for all.

"So," she said because he was staring at her and not speaking, "You dragged me in here. What do you want?"

"I want…..I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before. About talking you that way in front of….Nikolas," he finished, practically spiting the name at her.

"Okay, you're sorry for calling me pathetic and attempting to embarrass me in front of my colleagues and one of my oldest friends. Good, can I go now?" She headed for the door, but he stepped in front of her.

"No, that's not all. Listen, Robin, I know that I said we shouldn't see each other anymore, but I'm starting to think that's not a great idea."

"Oh, really, you seemed to love the idea until about twenty minutes ago. Let's see, what has happened between twenty minutes ago and now that would make Patrick want to date me again—oh I got it! He saw me kissing another man. He saw that I wasn't in terrible agony over losing him and now he wants me back just to prove I still want him. How did I do, Patrick, do I get a gold star?"

Patrick, clearly irritated with how right she was struggled to answer, "That's not true. I mean, yes, seeing you kiss Nikolas did bother me, but no that's not why I want you back. I just, I think I was too hasty in breaking up with you. I mean, we had a great time. We had…"

"Great sex. Yeah, we did Patrick, but I want more than that."

"But you were happy with how it was. It was me that freaked out."

"And your freak out made me realize that I want more, I deserve more. Seriously, Patrick, you were making out with a woman who hates me and now you want me to what, go back to having sex with you and pretending you aren't flirting with everything in the skirt."

"I care about you Robin. You know that."

"No, what I know is that you hurt me. And worse than that you made me feel bad about who I am. You think I'm a self-righteous, bitch with no life."

"I don't…"

"We both know that's the truth. You don't like that I tell the truth to people, that I tell the truth to you and everyone else. You see it as judgment, I see it as honesty. But I have been lying to myself since the moment I met you, because I told myself that I could change you, that I could change for you, but now I see that I was wrong. I don't want to change you Patrick. This is who you are—you may be an egotistical philanderer, but that's you and you shouldn't change for me. And I shouldn't hide who I really am because you don't think its good enough."

"So what, Nikolas sees who you are."

"This is not about Nikolas, but, now that you mention it, yes. Nikolas has never asked for excuses for my actions. He accepts me, good and bad, just like I accept him, but you and me—we can't do that. Can't you see that Patrick?"

Patrick sighed, "Maybe I do know it. I just, I don't like seeing you with him. I don't like knowing we're not…." He shrugged not sure how to define what they had been.

"Well, I don't like seeing you with Carly, or anyone else for that matter and I don't like knowing that we won't…" she trailed off as well, staring up into each other's eyes.

She thought it was strange that they communication more in that one look than in their entire relationship. Nodding Patrick leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, softly, gently, before pulling away.

"Are we still...can we still be friends?" he asked and then laughed at how clique he sounded.

Robin laughed with him and nodded, "I'm not sure if we were friends before, but sure, we can give it a try."

"Okay, I'm going to…" he gestured toward the door and she nodded for him to go.

She didn't follow him immediately, but sat down on the coach thinking over their conversation. She felt as if she'd had some great weight lifted. During the last few weeks she'd somehow begun to think it was her fault that Patrick didn't want to be with her. Now she realized that they just weren't right for each other. She cared for him and he cared for her, as much as he was capable anyway, but they just didn't fit. So know she knew that and she could walk away with no regrets. And Patrick had helped her. He had allowed her to open her heart again. He'd reminded her that life wasn't just moving from moment to moment, but experiencing those moments. And that was exactly what she ended to do from now on.