Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or anything associated with it.

A/N: Ahh I just thought of this fanfic after seing the latest episodes in japan... What if May arrives at Drew's home city? xD Let's discover it... I hope you guys'd like it

Chapter 1

Before starting their journey to the Shinoh region, our heroes decided to make a stop in La Rousse City to visit their friend Tori. Tori's dad had been working on something lately and they were told he wanted to show it to them.

"Now we made it" said Brock as they entered the city

"It's good to be here again... I really want to go to that Battle Tower" said cheerfully Ash

"Don't forget what we came here to, Ash" said Max as a robot got near them "Hey, here come our passes"

"Oh no... you aren't going to take a bad picture of me this time" said May who hid behind Max while she arranged her hair

"Come on May, just let it do it's job" said Ash as he and the others got their pictures and now where getting in the transporting bands (A/N: sorry I don't know their name)

"Hey guys, wait for me" as May said this the robot took her picture, and then joined her friends

"See? it wasn't that bad" added Ash

"I still don't like it" said May hopeless

They continued their way to Tori's house, when they got there they he was waiting for them with Plusle and Minum

"Hey Tori!"

"Ash, good to see you again"

"Good to see you too Tori... I see you and those guys are really well"

"Yeah... hey guess what! I finally entered the battle tower and won my first battle!"

"That's awsome!"

"Well I have to admit it was all because of my partner who helped me a lot... but I still did well as I've heard"

"Yeah... hey would you like to battle with me at Battle Tower? We'll win this time!"

"But Ash, didn't we come to see what Tori's father made?" added May, who wasn't in a good mood since she got another bad picture

"Oh yeah... let me introduce you someone" added Tori

Tori walked the into the lab where there were some people concentrated in their own work, Tori went over a green haired girl about 16

"Andy... I wan't you to meet some friends" said Tori to the girl

"Guys she's Andy, my best friend here at the lab, she always keeps me informed about the latest research of my father and..." Tori was interrupted by Brock who began with his typical flirt (A/N: I couldn't come with a good line for him so let's skip this part)...that was stopped by Max's hauling Brock's ears

"Thanks... I guess" sweatdropped Andy

"My name is Ash"

"And I'm May... the one who saved you from Brock is my little brother Max"

"Nice to meet you guys, I've heard a lot of you from Tori. He told me you were the ones who helped him with his pokemon fear and now he's even able to battle"

"We were happy to help too, as we got to met Deoxys"

"You know Ash... he'd came to visit me sometimes" added Tori


The group continued talking but were interrupted by a young man to talked to Andy

"Andy, would you please come and help us?" he said as he came along with the group

"Oh Professor... I'll be right there"

"Tori, how are you... who are your friends?"

"They are Ash, Pikachu, May, Max and Brock... they were the ones who helped with Deoxys long time ago"

"I see... well my name is Dawson, it's nice to finally meet you" he said with a grin and then turned to Tori. "Tori, I'm afraid I have to take Andy away from you" said Dawson with a sweet smile that made Andy blush slightly.

"Oh It's ok, we were just leaving... Ash and I were heading to battle tower right Ash?"


A/N: well that's it for first part... i'll be uploading Part 2 quite soon just let me think what you thought