Chapter 1

Nikki Webb sat nervously awaiting to be called back to her ex-lovers office, after being greeted by a receptionist with an attitude and dumped in the waiting room something she was not accustomed to. As she looked around the art work hanging from the paneled walls and the antique furniture, she smiled slightly at the way she had to trick her ex into letting her rip out the glass and chrome walls that stood there a few years before. She had waited, after talking to him about it for weeks on end, for him to go on a business trip and in two days had everything removed and replaced in time for him to walk back in the office. Loving the way it looked, of course he wouldn't come right out and say it at first.

Taking a set in the antique leather chair against the fall wall Nikki stared out the window next to her the conversation with her grandfather running through her mind, the whole reason why she was here.

"What in the hell would posses you to steal nearly a million dollars from the company that you work for?" Nikki asked shocked sitting down in front of her grandfather at the kitchen table. "I mean did you think no one would notice that much being gone?"

"I don't know what I was thinking." He ran a hand through his bleach blonde hair though he was nearing sixty no one would ever think he was past forty. "I had to pay the track and casino's of before they had me killed."

"What about my trust found you still have control over that, why didn't you just take the money from that?"

Hanging his head in shame. "I already emptied the accounts."

"Both of them?" talking of the ones her mother and father had set up for her in case something were to happen to them. "Ric," she only called him by his name one other time in her entire life. "do you have any idea what Paul is going is going to do to you?" Her grandfather's boss being her ex lover, she knew what he was capable of doing.

Ric Flair lifted his head to look at his only grandchild, whom he raised when her parents were killed while being robbed on night, thank God he insisted that he keep Nikki. "Yes I know what he will do; he has already pressed charges to the fullest extent of the law. I'm going to be put away for many years to come. In fact I may never see that light day again." Nikki watched as tears filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry. I know how ashamed you are of me right now and I hate it and what I have done. I would rather they had stuck a bullet in my head then look at the hurt in your eyes.

"Grandpa don't say such horrible things." Nikki reached out and placed her hand on his. "I love you no matter what your problems are or what crimes you commit, don't worry I will figure something out. I will not let you rot in a jail cell for the rest of your life."

That is what brought her to his office today. Smoothing a hand over her newly bought black dress pants she caught sight of a door opening ahead of her. The door that led to his office, an older gentleman walked out looking very defeated, something she was used to seeing from other people when ever he was around. I guess if he wasn't like that then he wouldn't be the success he is today. She thought as the receptionist popped in the room drawing her attention away from the man.

"Ms. Webb," still has the attitude. "Mr. Levesque will see you now." Nikki nodded before standing on weak and wobbly legs she started walking down in the direction the older gentleman came from. Stopping in front of the double oak doors with her hand on the door handle she took a deep breath trying to calm her churning stomach.