Note: I do not own megaman, or any of the characters from the games.



And this takes place AFTER MMBN6 but before that scene at the end, assuming Megaman absorbed Cregar, so yes, the characters are in 7th grade

Chapter1:New School, New people

"WAKE UP!" A voice screamed, "If you don't you'll be late on your first day at your new school!"

"Ughh," A boy's voice groaned, "SolarMan, you could have woken me up earlier…"

"I tried," SolarMan said from his red PET, "But you are the most oblivious sleeper on earth!"

"Well," the boy said, "better get going," He stood up and walked out of the old house he was in, in fact, he was the only one who lived there. He walked until he saw a boy in an orange vest and blue bandanna running towards him.

"Hey!" the boy in the blue bandanna yelled, "Are you late for school too?"

"No," he said, "but I will be if I don't get there soon! Hey,"

"Yeah?" the bandanna wearing boy said,

"Do you know where Den Junior High is?" The other boy asked.

"Is that your school?"


"Well I'm headed there, so just stick with me!"

"HEY DREW!" Solarman yelled from his PET, "You and you're friend will be late if you don't hurry!"

"Oh, yeah," Drew said, 'Solarman, sometimes I wish there was a program to keep you quiet' Drew thought, as he and the kid with the blue bandanna started running towards the school. They rushed in, said goodbye, and the kid with the bandanna ran down the halls. He barged into the class.

"Lan Hikari, you're late," the teacher said.

"sorry sir…" Lan said, taking a seat.

"Lan," a blue net navi said from inside his PET, "You're always late!"

"Quiet Megaman…" Lan said.

"Lan," a girl's voice said from his left, "you can't keep being late!"

"Good morning to you to Mayl," Lan said, 'that's what she and megaman have told me many times recently,' he thought.

A boy with brown, curly hair, brown eyes, wearing jeans, black shoes, and a shirt with a red plaid cloth jacket walked in calmly.

"Drew, you're late," the teacher said.

"Yeah," Drew said, "I figured that much out on my own," he walked to the desk on the right side of Lan and sat in it.

"Every one welcome our new student Drew. And now, that everyone is here," the teacher said, "I am Mr.Lare, and today's lesson will be on Net Navi and Net Op relations. Who can tell me more on this subject?"

Mayl's hand went up quickly, but Drew's was up first.

"Mr. Drew?"

"Net Navis are operated by Net Ops, mainly in battle, but the Net Op can control the Navi whenever he needs to, but the Navi must first go into "Operation Mode." When In operation mode, the Navi is controlled by his Net Op, but the Navi is still in control. The Net Op is just sending instructions the Navi will most likely follow, but if he doesn't like his Op, he may operate himself. Another thing about Navis and their Ops, is Full Synchro, a time when a Navi and its Op are linked in their actions and thoughts. Sometimes, the Op and Navi will literally fuse together, the Op is still present in the real world, but his consciousness is in the cyberworld. The navi gains some of its Op's features like eye color, or hair color, but sometimes, they change entirely. If they go out of sychro while in this state, the Op's consciousness is expelled, and sometimes, they remain as data in the cyberworld, until their Navi is jacked out. If the Op is deleted, or his Navi is deleted while they are fused, the Op will die. Is that enough for you?" Drew answered. The entire class was astounded.

"Amazing," Mr.Lare said, "just a student, and he knows more on this subject than I could teach!"

"Wow," Solarman said from the computer on Drew's desk, "Mr.Lare must not be such a great teacher then!" This caused the class to start laughing.

"Well Drew," Mr.Lare said, If your navi thinks I'm bad at teacing, maybe you'd like to show the class what great teachers you are."

Solarman was jacked out of the computer, and Drew walked to the front of the class. The chalkboard was also a screen, letting everyone see what would appear on a PET's screen when jacked in.

"Jack in! Solarman, Transmit!" Drew said, jacking Solarman into the board. The golden colored net navi appeared on the screen.

"Whoa," Lan said, "Solarman looks just like Sol-Cross Megaman!"

"I based Solarman's style off of Sol-Django. Then, I added some of my features to him, like my eye color, size, attitude, and the way he thinks." Drew said, responding to Lan's comment, "these customizations make us extremely alike, and thus, we easily synchronize. But enough talk, now I will demonstrate." He turned to the board, "Full-Synchro!" He yelled. But instead of him going into the cyberworld, Solarman left the board, and fused with Drew in the real world. Afterwards, Drew looked like himself, but with all of solar boy Django's clothes on, including his sword, Gun-Del-Sol, and Sol-De-Vice. His eyes looked around the room. "Well this isn't normal... Dang," Drew said, "and I can't demonstrate without destroying the entire building, so I guess we'll just have to wait... Solarman, return to your PET." Drew returned to his normal state as Solarman's data returned to the PET. Drew walked back to his desk and sat down, as Mr.Lare started another lesson.