Just a little one-shot of nothingness, because… well, why not? Please R&R.

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon in the Young Ones house, and the guys were all sat watching 'Bastard Squad' on the telly. Vyvyan, Mike and Neil were all sat on the old red sofa, while Rick was forced to sit on the Rickety chair. The others had made him sit there, because as they said, 'Rickety Chair' already had 'Rick' in it, so it might as well have Rick on it as well.

They had spent the day putting out a fire which began when Vyvyan had decided to launch a full attack on Rick because he'd tried to set SPG free. The attack consisted mainly of fireworks, and…. Well, you can see where I'm going.

Anyway, that was over now, and it was time to relax. Rick, intently watching the screen, began to wrinkle his nose at something. He then inhaled fully and-

'EEEUUUURRRGGGHHHH! Vyvyan! That's disgusting!' he exclaimed, leaping off of the chair and onto the floor, proceeding to crawl as far away as possible.

'Oh woah, heavy.' Moaned Neil, walking away to get tea started.

'This is worse than that time Neil made lentil cabbage and egg casserole!' exclaimed Mike, headed up to his room to 'read'.

Vyvyan merely said 'Hahaha, silent but deadly!', then put his feet up on the now vacated sofa, revelling in the smell of his success.