Chapter six: the fifth reborn

Kira Ford and her boyfriend Trent Fernandez were sitting on the couch in Hayley's Cyber Space. Everyone else had gone home already and so it was just the two of them. Hayley had recently installed a large TV in front of the couch. She had given her permission for them to stay back after closing to watch some old Movies on the condition that they lock up after themselves.

Trent had just gotten up to stretch when he looked out the window and told Kira to "come and look at this". "What's happening?" She asked. "It's Snowing out there" Trent replied. The two ran out side to see it properly.

The minute that they appeared outside they were confronted by two balls of light. The one hovering in front of Kira was Yellow while the one hovering in front of Trent was White. They reached up to bat them out of the way. The minute their hands touched the balls of light they heard a loud roaring sound. They only had time to cry out in horror before they were engulfed by the Tsunami and their vision turned white. Overhead the Northern Lights Winked out of existence.