AN: Hey guys this is my first One Tree Hill fic. Hope you guys like.

"Hales! Haley!" Nathan Scott yelled as he entered the one bedroom apartment he shared with his wife. "Haley James Scott.!" He yelled. Again no answer.

"Okay babe, the wife is out, come on in." He said.

"Nathan Daniel Scott, you better not be bringing another women into this apartment." Haley yelled as she exited the bathroom, wrapped in nothing but a towel, beads of water rolling down her body.

Nathan just laughed. "Of course not baby. I was just playing 'cause you didn't answer me."

Haley placed her hands on her waist. "You better not be. You know tonight is my night to have a date here." She told him.

"The only date you'll be having Mrs. Scott is with me." He said as he ran towards his wife.

"Nathan, No!" Haley yelled as she ran to the bedroom.

Nathan tackled her onto the bed and began tickling her.

"No Nathan, stop!" She yelled through her laughing.

"Say it, say it Hales."

"Fine. Fine. I only date… you." Haley laughed.

Nathan stopped and smiled down at her. "See that wasn't so bad now was it." He said as he kissed her forehead.

Haley slapped him across the back of the head. "Duffus. You know I hate it when you tickle me." She said as she stood up, hung the towel on the back of the door and stood in front of her closet, nude, looking for something to wear.

"And where do you think you are going, Mrs. Scott?" Nathan asked as he laid on the bed and watched her wiggle her ass into a pair of jeans.

"I've got a date."

"With who, do I know him?"

"Actually, you do." She said pulling on a silk black top.

"Oh really and what is his name?" Nathan asked as he followed her out of the bedroom and stood in the doorway, with his arms on either side of the door.

"Yeah, it's your brother." She said as she walked underneath his arms and out of the bathroom.


"Don't you "Haley" me, you know what today is." She said pointing to the calendar Peyton had made her for Christmas.

Nathan looked over at the calendar. Today's date was circled in blue and inside it read. 'H & L BFF Date Karen's Café 7pm' and then scrawled underneath in Lucas' handwriting was 'Don't be late.'

Nathan sighed and followed his wife into the living room where she was putting on her shoes. "But Hales, practice was killer and I could really use some TLC from my wife."

"Nathan, come on, don't do this to me. You know how important these nights with Lucas are for me. We've really drifted apart since you and I got married and he and Brooke got back together. We promised to keep this date." She told him.

Nathan sighed dramatically and threw himself onto the couch. "Fine, go."

"Don't worry hubby, you'll get more TLC than you can handle, when I get home." She told him as she kissed him softly on the lips.

"Have fun." He grumbled as she left.

AN: Hope you guys liked the Naley banter. R&R thanks.