Howdy folks! This is the first fic I've ever actually sat down and wrote. R&R but please don't flame me too badly.. And yes, I know I can't spell.


Summary: TP/ Bulma is desperate for another little angel to spoil and show off but must convince either Trunks or Bra to settle down and start with the baby making! There are a few problems though.. Bra is in the height of her modeling career and Trunks... well.. He's just Trunks, the irresponsible, party-going, 35 year old, permanent bachelor. I mean, the only girl he wouldn't use and lose would be Pan, his best friend .. Wait! PAN!


The atmosphere was fabulous. The exquisite ballroom lobby of the new Capsule Corp Hotel was humming with decorative jazz music and the whispered laughing of Bulma's nearest and dearest investors.. I mean friends. Everything was going as planned. No drunken accidents or shattered ice sculptors. Not a word mumbled about training or fighting or tournaments. It was refreshing.. and a tad bit boring.

Bulma chuckled as Mrs. Hillsburry said something that must have been humorous. She realized that before that, she was sleeping with her eyes open, all the while smiling, nodding her head, and sipping her bitter cocktail.

She jumped awake as a little pink blur zipped past her vision across the room.

"Well that is unbelievable Margret! Excuse me." with that Bulma left the circle of boredom to follow the blur, hoping she had ended the conversation with something that had made sense.

She rounded the corner to see the blur standing on the side of the fountain praying to the penny she held in her little chubby hands. A tear welled up in the back of Bulma's eyes as she witness the adorable site. The most beautiful little blonde child opened her bright blue smiling eyes as she threw in her penny.

"What did you wish for?" Bulma spoke up as the pink clad porcelain doll panted.

" I wisheded that Grandmommy Harvey would let me keep the kitty cat I found. It's white and it has whiskers and a little pink nose."

Bulma fell in love.

"That was a good wish. How old are you?"

"She's 4. Now Dessera, what did I tell you about running away?"

She lowered her head,"You said that I shouldn't leave you and papa's side so that people won't take me away."

"We just worry about ya cause we love you so much. Haha, now go back to papa."

"Yes ma'am." she started to prance back to the ballroom and turned around to Bulma,

"Nice to meet you Miss blue haired lady. Please don't tell my wish or it won't come true! Bye!"

With that, she was gone.

" Haha, I'm so sorry, Bulma. I wasn't going to bring her here but when I said the word 'ballroom' she thought she could be Cinderella and just had to come."

"No no! Bring her around more! I miss having kids around. It's been years since we've had little things running around the house! I wish I could have a baby doll to spoil!"Bulma had a crazy glazed over look in her eyes.

"Well, they are a blessing. I mean, just look at me! They keep you young!"

Now Bulma knew it was probably the botox that kept the woman youthful but listened as she showed hundreds of her grandchildren's pictures.

"What about your children? They're old enough to be married and have families by now I'm sure!"

"Well, you know my daughter Bra is really into modeling and fashion and such. There's no way she would let that go for pregnancy."

"Well what about your son? He's on up there and such a... nice looking young man. Surely women are just lining up for him?"

Bulma gave a nervous chuckle, "Well, how can I describe Trunks.. He's.."

From across the room at the bar , the answer was givin to her as they heard a..

"SLAP! I can't believe you asshole! You stood me up last night! You are so.."

"I didn't stand you up! I swear, I just forgot! My friend was supposed to remind m.."

"Your friend shouldn't have to remind you! Uh! Whatever, I'm gone!"She turned in her prada heels and clicked away. Trunks shrugged, took a sip of his drink and continued his prior conversation with his business associates. The party continued.

Bulma cringed in embarrassment, "Maybe I should just get a puppy."