Hearts of Sorrow

Chapter 1

Who needs me?

Riku's POV

It had been several weeks since the events at the World That Never Was. He was surprised at how little the island had changed in the two years he was gone. Same sky…same ocean nothing had changed…except his two best friends Sora and Kairi. They had recently gotten together as boyfriend and girlfriend and the relationship looked like it wouldn't die anytime soon. He remembered how exciting things were when he was in the other worlds..though he was alone most of the time it was better than being nearly ignored by his best friends. As for Selphie,Tidus,and Wakka they were fun but sometimes a little too childish for his tastes. He always thought he should have stayed in the darkness….since no one cared for him…the King was gone and Sora and Kairi were too in love to notice him. "If only the door to darkness would open again" Riku thought but he remembered Sora locking it with his key blade. The Keyblade….that loathsome weapon…he always seemed to be too busy either saving the world or being with Kairi..ever since that weapon appeared things had changed…in his opinion for the worst.. As he brooded over these thoughts he heard a loud voice behind him.

"Hey Riku! Feel like fighting today?"

He turned around to see Tidus with a wooden sword in hand. He always seemed to make a habit out of fighting people…It was fun two years ago but it began to wear on his nerves now.

"Again Tidus? Don't you know when to quit?"

"This time I'll beat you!"

Annoyed at Tidus's persistence he drew his wooden sword and walked to the middle of the beach.

"Fine..but when I beat you again this time no crying."

As he waited for Tidus to walk over he remembered the times when he fought Sora. Sora always seemed to be better at him fighting..even with the power of darkness he still couldn't beat him…he couldn't understand why though…before Sora had the key blade he wasn't that strong to begin with..but when he had that weapon in hand…he still couldn't beat him…even with his weapon Soul Eater. He was once again lost in his thoughts when Tidus's voice woke him up.

"We gonna start or are you just gong to stand there all day?"

Looking up he saw that Tidus was in a offensive stance ready to attack. He pulled out his wooden blade and rushed after Tidus. He effortlessly blocked Tidus's attacks and was attacking him fiercely. Tidus seemed to be no match for him…"But how could he be" Riku thought. After all he;s had way more fighting experience than this kid ever had in his life. He quickly got bored of the battle so he finished off Tidus with a counterattack turning into a finishing move against Tidus's back. Tidus was down before he could even counter.

"Hey no fair! That was too fast!"

" I can't help that I'm better than you."

"Just wait until next time!"

"By the way have you seen Sora or Kairi around?"

"Those two lovebirds? They went out someplace….they never seem to get tired of each other huh?"

"Yeah." Riku thought disgustedly. It was sorta obvious that Sora and Kairi liked each other anyway…but they could snap out of their love for one second and play attention to everyone else. Riku thought sarcastically.

"Well anyway I'll see you tomorrow for another match!" Tidus ran off before he could say anything against it….he could be annoying most of the time.. He decided to check out the rest of the island before he returned to his house. He walked around the island taking in the view and the sounds. A while back he couldn't wait to leave this place…and now he decided that coming back to it wasn't worth it either. Sure, he was happy for the first few days..just to able to relax finally..but now it was just way too boring for him. Besides if Sora and Kairi were too involved with each other to notice him then perhaps they didn't want him after all on the island. He turned around and walked to the dock…then he began rowing away from the island back to his house. His last thoughts as the island drifted out of view were a wish that he was back in the darkness…away from this place.