Another pointless story to delay my updating of any other story. Let's all cheer for me and my delaying of updates.

This could very well evole into a Larxel... As for now, it's not. Just Axel and Larxene annoying the hell out of each other. Got it?

Why did I decide to call it "Mind Games"? I dunno. Guess the reason for that'll come up later. Maybe.

Mind Games

Chapter 1

Offer and Acceptance

Larxene's grip on her book tightened and her eyes narrowed. She was trying to ignore him.


Ignoring seemed to be getting impossible.


Her eye twitched.


"Dammit, what?" she yelled, slamming the book down on the table. "What do you want?"

In front of her, smirking, was Axel. He was leaning with his elbows on the table, head in one hand, and flicking the antennae-like strands of her hair. "Why, nothing at all," he drawled.

Larxene scowled. "You've been standing there for at least ten minutes, Axel. What the hell do you want?"

Axel sighed. "Maybe all this standing here has made me forget," he said, grinning.

Larxene glared at him and picked up her book again. "Go away, Axel," she snarled.

But the pyro had slid into the seat beside her and was now leaning close and looking at the open pages of her book. "So... whatcha reading...?"

Her eye twitched again. "What do you think I'm reading?" she growled, resisting the urge to slam a kunai through his throat.

"Marquis de Sade? Again? Honestly, Larx, you did need to find new reading material."

Larxene slammed the book down again and resumed glaring at the man sitting beside him. "Axel. What the hell do you want?"

Axel grinned. That one cocky grin that irritated Larxene. "Ah... Just wondering if you'd like to get a drink sometime. That's all."

"Dammit, Axel!" Larxene snarled, standing up and closing her book, taking it with her. "For the last time, I am not going to go to bed with you!" With that, she turned and started to walk away.

"Hmm? Who said anything about me wanting to go to bed with you?"

Larxene stopped, and turned back to face him. "Excuse me?"

"What if I just wanted to spend some time with you?" Axel continued. "You know, get to know the real you?"

"You're an idiot," Larxene responded. "And I will not - nor will I ever - go anywhere with you, alone. Got it?"

Axel's cocky grin widened.

Larxene turned and walked away.

"Oh, c'mon, Larx!" Axel called after her. "You want me! You just don't know it yet!" He ducked to avoid the kunai thrown back at him. "I'll take that as a 'yes, Axel! I would love to go out with you sometime'!" Another kunai. "Be ready at eight, Larx!" Three kunais.


She was pissed.

- - - - -

Larxene slammed her book down on the kitchen counter, surprising the only other person in there. "Who the hell does he think he is?" she snarled to herself, digging through the silverware drawer. " 'I'll take that as a yes'! " she said, mimicking Axel's voice. "I'll slam his head through a wall!" She continued to threaten him under her breath as she threw silverware over her shoulders.

Marluxia, who had been trying to enjoy a bottle of soda, raised one eyebrow as a fork slammed into the wall. "Larxene? What are you ranting about now?"

"Axel!" Larxene shouted, slamming the drawer closed. "That bastard's trying to set up a date with me! Why the hell does he think I'd like to go somewhere with him?"

Marluxia said nothing. He knew it was wiser just to let Larxene shout and talk when she was finished. After a few more minutes, she stopped.

"And where the hell are all the knives?"

"You took them," Marluxia said. "About two days ago. Something about maiming Demyx."

Larxene sighed and sunk to the floor.

"About Axel," Marluxia continued, taking advantage of her silence. "He said you two were going on a date at eight, right?"

Larxene mumbled something that sounded like a 'yes'.

"Well, it's almost eight. Better go and get ready."

Larxene blinked and looked up at Marluxia. "Are you kidding me? You're honestly saying I should go with him?"

Marluxia shrugged. "Humilate the horny bastard in front of his throves of fan girls," he suggested. "Take a camcorder. Record it all. We could all use a laugh."

Larxene blinked again, considering what he had said. "All right," she said after a while. "I'll go. Just to humilate him. But where am I going to get a camcorder?"

"Demyx's room."

Larxene sighed. "So, I've got to go out with Axel and raid Demyx's room? Holy hell... Marluxia, if I can't humilate Axel, I'll stab you to death."

Marluxia shrugged again. "Whatever you say, Larxene."

Larxene stood and stalked off, swearing under her breath at both Axel and Demyx.

"Now, what did Demyx ever do to you?"

Larxene froze.

"Heh. Better go to your room, now, babe. Almost eight."

Larxene's eye twitched. "Fuck off, Axel!"

Axel grinned. "I'm sorry, Larx. But with you not wanting to go to bed with me, I believe that is impossible. At least for the time being."

"...You are a sick man, Axel..." Larxene muttered, continuing down the hallway.

Axel walked after her. "I am not," he said. "Just horny."

Larxene shook her head and walked into her room, closing the door and locking it.

"Hey, Larx," Axel called through the door. "Semi-casual, all right?"

A pause.

"And don't worry. Hormones'll be off tonight."

Larxene yelled a string of curse words through the doorway, that Axel met with insane laughter.

"I'm going to get ready, now," he said. "Be here at eight."

"I know what time you're coming!" Larxene yelled. She sighed as the sound of Axel's footsteps disappeared and leaned against her doorway. I'm going to kill him... she thought. As soon as I humilate him, I'll kill him!

- - - - -

In his room, Axel grinned and smoothed down the front of his shirt. Larxene had agreed, which meant that she was obviously up to something. but he wouldn't let whatever she was planning get in the way of his plans. A night out on the town, he thought to himself while he pondered if he should change his hairstyle. What more could she want? His grin widened. Luxord is so going to lose this bet.

Axel's one arrogant jackass. Larxene's a sadistic bitch. This should be fun.

This so spawned from my boredom at 3 am. Just wish I had gotten up earlier... Oh well. At least I remembered how most of it went from when I thought it out in the early morning hours.

Review. Or not. I don't give a shit.