"Damn it Vegeta! Stop running so fast!"

"Stop running so slow!" He barked back, gripping at her wrist harder. Vegeta began running so fast, Fiona found herself fighting to keep her feet on the floor.

"Slow down! No one is following us!"

"Oh trust me." He span on his heel, yanking Fiona into his front without stopping, threw her up and caught her on his back. She quickly threw her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "We are being followed. You just don't know it yet." And he bolted even faster down one hallway, down a flight of stairs, through another set of rickety doors and into the darkness of another corridor.

"Why don't you fly? Wouldn't that be faster?" Fiona gripped at his shoulders tightly, the air whipping at her sapphire eyes so much they were watering.

"And set off the Ki sensors? I think not. They would track us faster than we could breathe."

"Vegeta, where are we going? It's dark; I don't like it."

"Well you should have thought about that before you broke at least 3 of the ship rules. Made by Lord Frieza himself!" he snapped, jumping into an open elevator shoot, and falling freely to the bottom. Fiona hugged the back of his neck tightly. The scent of her fear was as strong to Vegeta as the constant erratic beating of her heart against his back. It was all he needed to spring off his landing foot and straight into the next hall.

Where is was even darker, with one light every few meters.

"3 rules? When did I break 3 rules!"

"1, you partook in a sparing match without a master present. 2, you were aware of the fact. 3, you fled afterwards to avoid punishment." He recited, having heard them repeated to him many times before. But he hadn't been as stupid as to get caught in the open like she had. No doubt at least half the recruits in that hall will be hot on their trail, knowing Dodorea would pay pretty money to anyone who brought in. "We're almost there."


"Here." Vegeta dumped her on her ass, and banged heavily on the cold, thick metallic door. "OPEN UP!"

"Password." Came a sly croaky voice. Vegeta snarled and banged on the door harder.

"I swear old man, if you don't open this fucking door right know I'm going to rip it off its hinges and tare you a new-"

"No password, no entry." Vegeta growled, banging on it once more.

"Spartacus." He spat through clenched teeth.

"Good boy." The door creaked open, and Vegeta yanked her inside.

As she had suspected, the man inside had none other than that number one Hentai, Dr Gero. "Ah, and I see you have brought Ms Fiona with you." He chuckled perversely.

"LOOK you!" Fiona growled, shaking a fist at him. "What did you do to me!"

"Nothing. Just a little tap." He winked at her. Vegeta rolled his eyes and chuckled darkly.

"You know Gero, you shouldn't flirt with girls who aren't too intoxicated by your fem-spray, to realise how repulsive you are. It never ends well." He then closed the door behind him, and returned to business. "I have a favour to ask."

"Ah, about time. It's been months since the last request from you. I was starting to think my best paying customer didn't need me anymore." He giggled croakily, and quick typed a lock combination into the door panel. "One of my greatest inventions. Not even Master Frieza could break that door down." He sighed with pride. "Now, what can I do for you your highness." Gero mock bowed to him, irritating Vegeta to no end.

But he had bigger fish to fry.

"I need you to hide Fiona for me." Gero's sharp ice blue eyes narrowed suddenly on Vegeta. But he stood tall and held his ground. Vegeta was not one to be intimidated.

"And why would that be, Vegeta? What have you and our little minx being caught doing?"

"I have been caught doing nothing. But Fiona is the one who needs to be hidden."

"And why should I hide her when I don't know why she needs to be hidden?" Fiona gulped. Nothing got past this guy, did it?

She started to get the feeling she had no say in any of this, and might as well not be there.

Instead, while the two bantered and tip toed around each other, Fiona cast her sapphire blue eyes around the room.

The lighting was bright, from long strips of glowing bars on the ceiling. Everything was made of a silvery blue metal, smooth like the colossal door, and masses of master computers and long work benches dominated the floor space. The table tops were clustered with trinkets that blinked and whirred, beeped and smoked. Blue prints cluttered the walls on pins and rolls of past projects leaned up against the wall, either forgotten, failed, or completed.

Fiona walked jerkily through the chaotically stacked tables with no chairs, looking at awe at each item she passed.

She stopped when she came to what looked to be a miniature furnace, the length of her foot to her knee, brown, with no fire burning inside it.

But she could hear the crackling of flames, and suddenly felt warm and fuzzy.

"-and then we came straight here. Happy now!" Vegeta hated being out witted. But Gero could reduce Frieza to a babbling idiot (in private), so he had no choice. Gero just left verbal trap after trap for him to fall in and never let him escape until he revealed what he needed to know. "Will you hide her?"

"What would I get for my troubles?" he smirked, looking over at the young human girl who for the first time since he had seen her, looked ravishing.

Her long ebony hair was wild and windswept, thicker, and glossy under the lamp light. Her blue eyes were brighter, and her body leaner and more…voluptuous?It seemed that way from her rounded behind, her shapely legs and slender waist. He noticed even her cup size had increased slightly.

Or was that just wishful thinking?

If his serum worked on her, then perhaps he could launch it as a new product, making at least 50 profit with the female population over last year. He would just need to monitor how the coupling affected the subject over all…

"What do you want for your troubles?"

Gero walked away from Vegeta, until he came up behind Fiona.

"Ah my dear, you have discovered my ioniser core."

"Ioniser core? What does it do?" Fiona had her arms crossed until she held her elbows, and basking in the soothing warmth of the machine.

"Depending on the setting it radiates either positive, or negative ions. It is set to negative I believe, causing a warm sensation."

"Where positive creates a cold one, right?"

"Exactly." He chuckled.

"So this is a domestic appliance? For heating?"

"At this setting, yes." Gero flicked the back switch and turned it off. "But at the next setting or higher still, it could cook your flesh and evaporate the blood in your veins." He remarked casually, unaffected by what the seemingly harmless contraption could really do.

He invented it after all.

Fiona gulped, and stepped to the side swiftly, making Gero laugh. "Oh my dear, it won't harm you. It's turned off." He looked to the next table. "Come, look over here my dear." He ushered her onwards, looking back and nodded to Vegeta. He nodded back, before leaving quietly via a travelling duct.

He showed her around all the different inventions that had safe, and dangerous settings for hours. Some of the things he could make the smallest of appliances do, was amazing!

Medical glasses that scanned the body of the person in front of you for illnesses! And weapons!

A hand held screen that can automatically link up with the nearest computer system and hack the mainframe to download information, or control the entire section of the ship!

Or the entire thing!

There were so many wondrous things, that Fiona found herself swept up in all the amazing things. She was like a child, pointing and asking questions that seemed to delight Dr Gero. It seemed no one ever asked what or why his inventions functioned, just when could it be finished and how it was to be paid for.

Her innocent curiosity beamed through her bright eyes, unchecked by her usual guards and gazing at everything in sight.

"Hay Vegeta! Look at this, Armour that tells you what damage you've taken in…battle…Where did Vegeta go?"

"Oh, him?" Gero pulled out a capsule from his pocket, which poofed into two comfy chairs. "He left three hours ago."

"THREE HOURS AGO! What time is it now!" Her eyes were boggling out of her head.

"Around lunch time. Are you hungry? Please, take a seat. I believe we should talk." Fiona sank into her chair, a purple round leather chair which hovered above a dark mahogany base. She nestled back into it and brought her knees up until her feet rested on the chair too, her arms crossed over her knees comfortably.

Gero vanished around a corner for a few moments, before returning with a large tray of what looked to be brown bread, and chicken.

But experience taught her to be weary with alien food.

"What's that?"

"Merely Kainde Amedha meat sandwiches." He handed her a plate of them. "They have been processed right here to take out all the acidity. Very sweet meat, I find." He took a bite and 'MMmmm'ed with approval. "See? Not poisonous." She nodded, and took a bite. Loving what resembled beef sandwiches. "All my poisons are over there." Fiona almost chocked, snapping her head round to look at the wall behind her. "You are welcome to explore the rest of the lab at any time. As long as you don't touch anything with the labels corrosive, explosive, virus, fungus based acid, flammable, or all the deadly 5." He chuckled, eating another sandwich and pouring a glass of milky liquid for them both. Fiona chomped on her food, gazing all around her.

They all had stickers on them in some form or another, all bright yellow and pink, with skulls, crosses, and fire signs on them.

"So…don't touch anything then?" Gero blinked at her as she turned round, before erupting with laughter.

"I suppose so." He chuckled again, handing her a cup. "This is close to your human milk. From the udders of a pregnant Rjet." Again, she had no idea what that was and just went for it.

It didn't taste that bad, a little thicker, but nice all the same. She would have guessed it was creamy milk from the flavour.

"So…did Vegeta tell you what I did?"


"And…" she put her plate and cup down very calmly. Until… "AND DO YOU FEEL GUILTY YET!" Dr Gero fawned innocence.

"What?" he gasped obviously. "Me, guilty? What ever for?" he then smirked, putting his own pots down.

"For making me go mongo loco on Nesumi!" she squeaked. "And my voice is really changing pitch thanks to you!"

"That is simply your vocal box expressing your discomfort. Nothing to do with the serum."

"Ah ha!" she jumped up to her feet, pointing at her. "I knew you injected me with something! What did you do!"

"Calm down my dear. I did say we needed to talk, didn't I?" Fiona pouted, returned to her seat, and waited with a scowl on her face.

"You know, scowling does not become you Fiona. You looked so much more attractive when you smile. Just look at the devastating affect you have had on dear Vegeta. He cares for no one but himself, and yet he has risked everything to being you to safety, to me." He sipped from his cup.

"How do I know I'm even safe here?" she raised a brow at him. Referring to her safety on more than one level. "How can I trust you?"

"Because my dear, I need you." He winked to her. "I happen to be very interested in your welfare, and the results the serum has on your welfare."

"The results is has? It got me into this mess!" She growled, sharp canines bared over her rose lips.

"And it can get you out of it." He said calmly.

She tried not to, she did, she really did, but she just couldn't stop herself.

"How can it get me out of this mess?" she sighed, sinking back into the chair and rubbing her temples.

"Allow me to continue the treatment, to give you what you need, and I will provide you sanctuary in my humble abode."

"You obviously don't know the meaning of the word humble." She rolled her eyes.

"Yes I do. Marked by meekness or modesty in behaviour, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. Showing deferential or submissive respect: a humble apology. Low in rank, quality, or station; unpretentious or lowly: a humble cottage." He then reached over to the computer panel, which was beeping commands. The tip of his index finger clicked open; a live cable snaked out of it and linked into a port hole.

Fiona blinked at him with an expression close to O.o, before opening her mouth.

"How did you…"

"I am an android my dear. I can do a great many things."

Fiona gulped, pushing her ebony locks behind her ears. Great, he's a fricking robot.

"This serum. What exactly is, you know, in it?" Gero laughed heatedly, and leaned forward.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" he whispered with mirth.

"I promise." Her eyes narrowed, cautious. He is enjoying this way too much. Asshole.

"Well…" he looked around for affect. "It has the combined hormones of the Saiyan, the Changeling, and the Ice-jin races." Fiona stared at his amused grin under that grey white moustache of his, before laughing like a lunatic.

"HA! Yeah right." She held her sides and laughed so much her cheeks went red. "You really injected me with alien hormones, yeah, sure." Hiccupped giggled.

"Not just any aliens. But the same aliens as Vegeta, your master Zarbon, and Lord Frieza himself."

"Wha…ha…huh?" her laughter suddenly came to a complete stop. Her face went blank, and her sapphire eyes blinked at him. "Come again?"

"Fiona." He chuckled. "You have the same hormones running through your veins now as Vegeta, Zarbon, and Frieza." She yelped. "Not them exactly." He assured her quickly as she looked like she was about to erupt through the roof with panic. "But the basic genetic foundation of their races."

"…their hormones…WHY!" she yelled again. No wonder her emotions were swinging from one mood to the next quicker than a woman overdosing on HRT!

"Because you obviously have problems with your…" the furious glare of her blue eyes, the way her ebony hair rose from behind her ears and waved like a tempest around her head, even her new slender prongs of hair flicking out, rippling like water, with crackles of blue lighting jolting every now and then around her body, her fangs extended, and her fists clenched…

How dare he?

How dare he use her like some lab rat in his sick experiment?

How dare he drug her with some foreign alien hormone concoction, just to see what happens?

Where does he get the right to just inject her at will with his alien juice for laughs?

Where does he get the right!

Fiona had sworn not to be weak anymore, and never to be used again.

And he goes and pumps his test serum, with hormones that might just kill her for all she knows, without her consent, like a weak little girl.

"Stop struggling. You can't stop me, you're only a little girl."

A little girl. That was all she was, a little, helpless child.

"I won't, I won't!"

"Oh but you will. Because you are weak."


The lid on her temper quaked and fell into oblivion, the contents of her self restraint bubbling angrily and pouring over the edges like molten rage. Her eyes gleamed, the feeling of seeing red returning, raw blood tingling in her nostrils and she could almost taste the metallic flavour of android blood on her tongue.

Did androids bleed?

She was about to find out.

Fiona growled deeply, like a demon of ire, fisting at the chair and slowly rising to her feet with such a menacing look of fire dancing in her eyes, Gero decided it was time to get some distance between them. "I will just-"

"Undo it." She spat. "I don't want to be a slave to my own emotions, change me back!" she barked.

"Do you really want that Fiona?" Gero seemed perfectly calm, walking around her and through the rattling desks. "I came to understand that your power level is rather…meek, compared to your colleagues." He then turned on his heel, facing her with gleaming excitement in his pale eyes. "And look at you know." He smirked, holding up a mirror. "Such Ki dancing around you. Just look at the power brewing and burning within the storm of your eyes. Just look." Fiona's scowling face froze as she saw herself in the mirror.

There was a light blue aura licking at her body, all around her. Like the one Vegeta had. Her pupils had dilated, her hair resembled a furious tempest of dark tendrils, lifted by her own Ki, and she had fangs. Not long ones, but sharp, and very…canine.


"It appears, there are certain side effects I have not counted on." He held his chin, deciding the worst of her rage was over. He handed the mirror to her, Fiona enwrapped by her own image. "I believe that this may have something to do with the nature of the hormones. It was expressed to me from a number of associates or ours, that although you have the obvious potential to become a skilled fighter in this army with a lot of training, it would be worth nothing if you were so unable to get close to your target to be useful. All it would take is for your opponent to clock on that you were uncomfortable with proximity to males, and your weakness would cause you to lose all grip on your concentration and possible get you killed. A flirt here, and touch there, sneak attack, and you're dead. Well, I couldn't stand by and let that happen, now could I?" Fiona blinked, her hair falling back down her back in wild curly locks, her nose length bangs flicking out ever so slightly, and her eyes as bright as ever. But calm, for once. She was back to normal. "So with the strongest hormones pulsing through your circulatory system, well, it would all be solved!"

"Ho do you figure that?" she asked quietly. Now that she was thinking again, Fiona couldn't help but be amazed with the power she had felt, the potential rage and burning drive she had never felt before.

"Because if you had an imbalance of pheromones then your sexuality would become so deliciously obvious and comfortable for you, your phobia would be cured!" he clapped his hands together, and a small round droid hobbled over one of the tables before handing him a note pad. "I must record this. I never expected such interesting complementary attributes to be caused simply by the presence of alien hormones." He scribbled furiously.


"Indeed you are." Gero seemed absolutely pleased with this turn of events. "Now that I think about it, hormones control every function in the biological body. From the brain passing messages to the feet to take a step, to the menstruation cycle, to even digestion. So naturally, with the basic compounds of all the different kinds of hormones from the big three species, no wonder you have developed inhuman abilities! The same hormones that tells your adrenal glands to release adrenaline into your blood stream to increase your heart rate and energy, in a Saiyan, for example, regulates the flow of Ki within you." Although Fiona was listening intently, it appeared that Gero wasn't actually talking to her anymore. "Of course, Humans don't have the capacity to generate or manipulate larger amounts of Ki without cooking themselves well done. But with the added boost of Saiyan hormones, which will also contain Saiyan Deoxyribonucleic acid, not to mention the intricate triple Helix structure of the Ice-jin genetic makeup, not forgetting the compatibility of the Changeling genes simply because of its adaptability to transformations-"

"WOW! Stop right there!" Fiona covered his whiskery mouth with both gloved hands. "I didn't understand a word of that, but I take it that this is explainable, right?"

"Oh Fiona." He seemed elated with joy. "Don't you see? I have successfully added the strongest attributes of the three strongest races in the universe into your tiny little body. I have succeeded!" Gero seemed to furiously note down everything he just said and more, before looking to her baffled face. "I will have to ensure your supply is maintained daily. After 24 hours, the serum wares off, but I will work hard to make a machine to produce the serum on a larger scale." He blinked. "I should have it done in an hour." Fiona gulped. Scary big brained robot…

"So let me get t his straight." Fiona had to follow his scuttling figure through the lab to a closed door on the far side. "I'm still human right?"

"Yes my dear, and so much more!" he picked up a remote, and pointed it to the back wall. With a loud clang, it lifted up like a fire wall and Fiona looked to him with an ebony brow raised. "In there my dear, is enough room for you to hone your new abilities, after discovering them of course, and redeem yourself!"

"How!" Fiona gripped at his sleeves. Could this be the answer to her prayers? Could she at last be as strong as she had always hoped? Maybe now she could keep up with the likes of Vegeta…

"No doubt your absence will be noted and not appreciated. But just think, if you stay out of sight long enough, train hard enough, when you finally do return to your master, wouldn't it be nice to say you had improved your power level ten fold? Over ten times over! You would be forgiven for that feeble excuse of a crime and probably rewarded for your hard work." Fiona couldn't help but wonder if the authority were really that fickle around here…

"I'll do it!"

"Oh, excellent!" The ancient looking android Dr seemed as happy as a small boy who's favourite toy boat just sailed over the Atlantic ocean, all by itself. "I will send droids to assist you and I'm sure I can spare 18 to see to your needs."

"Wha-who?" but as stealthily as snake, he slipped behind the foreboding door, and locked it with a bang. Fiona was about to go after him, when a speaker box on the door crackled.

"This is my private laboratory Fiona. Do as you please in any other part of the lab, but never enter this room. Understood?" Fiona nodded, and opened her mouth to reply. "Good, good. Occupy yourself in the training hall, and I will send 18 to you shortly." It buzzed, and she knew he had just hung up on her.