Legolas was tired and a little worried. While scouting out some strange tracks, he had gotten separated from the Fellowship. He hadn't seen them in several hours now, and had no idea what might have befallen them. The only thing he could think of was to keep traveling in the same direction that they had been headed. Hopefully he would meet up with them somewhere along the trail.

It wasn't long before the strange tracks which had drawn Legolas off the path in the first place reappeared, this time heading along the trail in the woods. With them came the thick stench of sweaty orc fellows. Frightened now, Legolas began to hurry. If orcs were after his friends, it was his duty to warn them.

Though Legolas sprinted along the path at full speed, he arrived at the scene of the battle too late. Dead orcs and men lay everywhere. He fell to the ground, paralyzed with shock. Elves were very sensitive fellows, and Legolas was no exception.

When Legolas came to, he was being dragged along by the hair. A huge burly orc had captured him! The elf struggled, but his hands and feet were firmly tied. The orc reeked of sweaty maleness and blood. The stink made Legolas feel even more light-headed than before, and strangely aroused.

"Let me go, orc!" he shouted. The elf was surprised when the orc dumped him onto the forest floor, grinning wickedly down at him.

"You're a pretty little elf," the monster snarled, tugging at its soiled loincloth. Legolas quailed as it began to strip, revealing a truly fearsome orcly physique.

"What are you planning to do with me?" he stammered, cringing away from its mighty orc-hood. The orc just laughed, flipping Legolas onto his belly.

Not many people knew it, but Legolas was secretly a nudist. All of his clothing was tailored so that he could rip it off whenever he saw a handy beach. When the orc rolled him over, Legolas' pants shredded away from him, revealing his round pink elf bum cheeks.

"Arr, it looks like a sweet sexual peach," the orc sighed, spreading Legolas's ass cheeks with one taloned paw.

Legolas mewled like a kitten, shivering at the orc's touch. Its black claws carved deep gouges into his sensitive taint, and he cried out in mingled pain and pleasure. Though he was saddened at his companions' unfortunate demise, Legolas had always harbored a secret love for dominant men. And they couldn't get any more dominant than the forceful, horrid orc straddling him now! "Please, don't kill me," he said softly, shivering as the orc continued to scrape at his butt-meat.

"I won't kill you, li'l elf," the orc crooned, ripping away the last of Legolas' clothing. "That would ruin all my fun!" The orc was panting now, tearing frantically at the straps that bound Legolas. Though he was now free to attempt an escape, Legolas was as hot for the orc as it obviously was for him. He lay still beneath it, panting eagerly.

"I love you, orc!" Legolas cried as the orc thrust its thorny love rod into his secret channel. The orc roared in triumph, pumping its ungodly rod into the elf's back passage. Legolas reached his climax at the same time as the orc did, its black seed searing into Legolas like horrid acid.

"I love you too," the orc said contentedly, taking Legolas into its big strong arms. They slept together, cuddling sweetly amid the mixture of foul orc bodily fluids and blood that stained the forest floor.