Author's note: Okay, so this is my first fanfic ever and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I'm open to all criticism; so feel free to offer pointers and ideas for sequels or other stories!  So here it is, You've Got Mail!

You've Got Mail Chapter 1- Chat Rooms

Zack walked toward the candy counter of the Tipton Hotel with Cody following him. The twins had recently turned 16 later that month and had grown up quite handsomely. The boys greeted Maddie with a large smile and paid for their candy; Zack eyeing her with a grin.

"Hey, sweet thang!" Zack said smoothly to Maddie.

"Don't push it Zack, I'm not in the mood today…" Maddie said, pushing a strand of blonde hair off of her face.

Maddie had recently broken up with her last boyfriend, Chuck, and didn't feel like being hit on by the opposite sex was her top priority at the moment. Plus, it didn't help that she was still stuck with her job as the candy counter girl. She was going to be going off to college soon, so she hoped things would get better. But until then she would have to be optimistic.

Just then, London walked out of the elevator and hurried towards the three.

"Hey Maddie, Zack, Cody! You won't believe what daddy just bought me!" London exclaimed happily.

"A new Ferrari?" Zack replied.

"How'd you know?" London asked.

"Just a guess…" said Zack.

The four talked for a while till London and Maddie went off to go find a new outfit that London could wear while driving her new car. Meanwhile, Zack and Cody surfed the web in their suite on the 23rd floor.

"Hey, look, here is a singles chat room. This would be perfect for you Cody!" Zack joked as his brother elbowed him in the side.

"I wouldn't speak too fast, didn't you just recently break up with your girlfriend, Zack?" Cody remarked with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up!" Zack said. He had clearly been defeated that time. Lately, Zack hadn't won many fights against his brother. Which was really unusual since he always knew how to annoy his twin brother. He shrugged it off, he would have other chances to humiliate his brother later.

Later, Cody got bored of surfing the web and went to go get some sleep leaving Zack with the computer. He quickly went back to the singles chat room for teens and made up the screen name TheCuteTwin. Zack talked to a couple of people, not finding anyone really interesting until he got to the screen name SweetasCandy.

They talked for a while and really hit it off. She was nice, smart, and seemed pretty hot. Though he never actually got a description of her, he just knew she had to be hot. She was even globally aware; not that he really care if she was or not, but it was a plus.

Zack promised to get back on tomorrow night at the same time and signed off. He was desperate, especially after his last break up. Everyone he dated never seemed to compare to Maddie. But he knew he didn't have a chance with her, so maybe this girl would take his mind of her…

Author's Note: Okay, so this chapter was really short, but once I start getting more in depth with the story my chapters will be a lot longer. Thanks for reading the first chapter and taking time to read my story!