The Surprise

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown or any of its characters

A/N: 7/6/11 Edit: Fixed spelling errors, and the infamous 'ease dropping' mistake. Switched Daddy to Papa, and a few grammar errors. Thanks to all those who pointed them out!

Chapter 1: The Call

"Moshi Moshi Papa!"

"Hello Kimiko, how are you?"

"I'm so excited for next week! I can't wait to see you!"

"Oh your mother, Keiko and I have some big plans for your special day!"

Kimiko giggled into the phone, "Like I said, I can't wait."

"Well Kimi, I was just calling to make sure you knew when you were coming and all. Your flight will leave at 12:00 p.m. next Saturday, and you should come into Tokyo around 5:30 p.m. because of the time change. Wait for us in the private lobby."

"Okay Papa, I'll see you then! I'd better go, everyone is probably wondering where I am. Bye! Love you!"

"Bye, Bye Kimiko, I'll see you soon, I love you!"

Kimiko sighed as she put down her cell phone and opened her door, jumping backward as Raimundo, Omi and Clay fell into her small cubicle of a room. "What were you-" Omi interrupted her as they all got up.

"We were, what do you call it, spying or ear dropping, Raimundo?"

"Omi! You aren't suppose to tell her, you're supposed to make an excuse!" Raimundo sighed and lightened up, "And its eaves dropping," he chuckled.

"Why where you guys eaves dropping on me?"

"Uhh, we were...Why you going back to Tokyo next week, Kimiko?" Clay asked trying to change the subject.

Kimiko gave up trying to get it out of them and said, "It's for my sweet sixteen in a couple weeks, but I'm going early for a few days."

"Tell me, what is a 'sweet sixteen'? Is it sixteen of something that is sweet?"

Raimundo burst out laughing, while Clay and Kimiko glared at him, and Omi stood there with a confused look on his face.

"A sweet sixteen is when you turn sixteen, Omi. It is called 'sweet' because it's a great year, and a lot of stuff happens." Clay tried explaining over Raimundo's laughter.


Raimundo suddenly stopped and put his hand to his cheek. "Hey, what was that for? It hurt!"

"It wasn't funny Rai." Kimiko scolded him like a sister as she walked into the kitchen for a little snack. As Omi was just about to follow, Clay dragged him and Raimundo into his room, just down the hall.

"We should do something big for Kimiko, like have a surprise party!" he said in a high whisper.

"Yeah we should, if Omi here can keep his mouth shut." Raimundo laughed, though his words were true.

Omi opened his mouth to say something back, but then stopped as he thought he didn't have anything to say. "What shall we do for it?" is all that came out of his mouth in the end.

"I don't know," Clay admitted, "Let's go talk to Master Fung about it!" With that, they raced from the room, eager to see what their sensei would say.


A/N: I have officially began editing all of my stories to work out kinks, and make everything make more sense. I'm going to try and keep all of my sucky writing the same though :) I hope this helps a lot better! Author's notes may be shortened just so people don't waste their time reading them anymore :) hope you enjoy the improved version of the story!