Life was good for a certain blonde ambitious girl with the name of Lilly Trescott. She had two amazing best friend and the perfect boyfriend. Sure he acted clueless at most times but she wouldn't change him in any way.

Miley had hit it off with Ryan. The two became inseparable and Ryan also became friends with Oliver and Lilly. The four of them would double date a lot. Ryan even liked Hannah Montana. She hadn't told him the big secret but she believes when the time comes she will.

Oliver was just happy he didn't screw things up. At first it seemed Jackson's plan would backfire and his friendship with both Miley and Lilly would be over but things turned out better than he expected way better.

Jackson was happy for Miley, Lilly, and Oliver even though he would never admit it. He just wished he was as lucky as his sister and her friends in the department of love. But he had no doubt in his mind that love would come his way.

"I think I'm going to tell him tonight," Miley said to her two friends during their card game.

"It's about time!" Lilly exclaimed.

"I invited him to the concert tonight I just hope everything works out," Miley said worriedly.

"When he finds out your Hannah Montana he'll be thrilled," Lilly said.

"Definitely," Oliver said with a mouthful.

Miley smiled. "I hope."

"Hey He'll be so happy he'll want to tell everyone, I just hope he won't get mad you for not letting him tell everyone, Then he will anyway and you'll get into a big fight and everyone will find out your secret identity and your relationship will be ruined," Lilly babbled on.

"Lilly no more pep talking from you," Miley said holding on to Lilly's lips.

"Well I have to get ready for my concert," Miley said, "I'll see you two tonight."

Miley went inside leaving the two alone.

"Oh I almost forgot I have a gift for you," Oliver said.

"I wonder what for?" Lilly said pretending she didn't know.

"Oh come on you've been hinting all month about how today's our month anniversary," Oliver replied.

"Your supposed to pretend that you just care so much about me you'd know when it is," Lilly said crossing her arms.

"Come on Lilly open it," Oliver said handing her the neatly wrapped box. She couldn't just give it back. So she grabbed it and quickly unwrapped.

"It's a crayon box," Lilly said disappointedly.

"Yeah like the one you wanted in Pre-K," Oliver replied.

"Ohh, how sweet," Lilly said yet still not pleased.

"You have to open the box to see the gift," Oliver said.

"I think I know what's inside a crayon box," Lilly said rudely.

"I would look inside," Oliver insisted.

Finally she opened the box and hanging on the yellow crayon was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Omigosh, it's beautiful," Lilly said placing on her finger.

"But I have to say no, I mean I'm only 14," Lilly said staring at the ring. It was a perfect fit.

"Huh?" Oliver said confusedly.

"It's not a wedding ring, it's a promise ring," Oliver explained.

"I know I was just kidding," Lilly said laughing at Oliver's confusion. "Wait a promise ring, what's that?"

"It's a ring that symbolizes the promise that you're the only one for me," Oliver said.

"That's so sweet," Lilly said but this time truly meaning it.

She reached to give Oliver a hug. He held on to her and sniffed her nice smelling hair. When she tried to pull away she laughed as he continued to smell it.

"Come on, we have to get ready for the concert," Lilly said grabbing Oliver's arm and dragging him. It was funny how some things didn't change.

"Wait," Oliver stopped her.

"What?" she said in a hurry. She dropped his arm and he grabbed her face and pulled her close. When they released she smiled. Kissing him was just as good as it was the first time she did. It was also funny how some things did change.

How cliché Miley thought as she looked through the window at her friends. She donned on her wig and heard her brother call her down. She looked in the mirror and smiled. This is the life.


A/n hope you enjoyed the story and don't worry there are more Hanna Montana fanfics to come.