A/n so I have been wanting to a Lilly/Oliver story for a while but I just couldn't think of an idea hope you like it!

Lilly called Oliver's but once again he wasn't home. He was at Miley's house. He had been spending an awful lot of time with her lately and Lilly was starting to worry. She had spent a lot of time with just him for a real long time and she missed it. She knew it was stupid and Miley was just as much Lilly's friend as Oliver but she started to wonder if he liked Miley better.

The phone rang. Lilly jumped and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" Lilly said.

"Hey Lilly, its me," replied Oliver.

"Oh, its you," Lilly said as best as she could in 'I'm really mad at you' way.

"My mom said you've been calling, you could've called Miley," he said.

"I'll remember that next time," said Lilly angrily.

"Lilly, you seem mad what's wrong?" asked Oliver calmly.

Lilly exclaimed "You, that's what's wrong!" She didn't know what came over her. Oliver didn't do anything but she was so upset and confused so she just hung up.

Oliver on the other end was just as confused. He didn't see what he did that was so wrong. He was worried about Lilly and decided to head over to her house.

Lilly lay in her bed. What was that? She thought. She just completely flipped out on Oliver for no reason. Well she had a reason but now it just seemed silly. The doorbell rang and Lilly jumped up. She ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Oliver?" asked a confused Lilly.

"Lilly, is everything okay because you sounded kind of mad on the phone," Oliver replied looking kind of worried.

"I'm fine and I'm sorry it's just that…it's just nothing." Lilly couldn't come out with it.

"It's just what?" wondered Oliver aloud.

"You like Miley better than me!" Lilly announced. "You'd don't hang out with me anymore and you'd rather be with her. Every time I call your house you're either with Miley or looking for Miley or it's busy because you're on the phone with her. I mean she's my friend too and I love her and I understand you guys are friends but…" Lilly was beginning to cry.

"LILLY!" Oliver interrupted, "that's what you're upset about?"

"No, I just like rambling like an idiot in front of you!" she yelled.

Oliver laughed.

"It's not funny!" she exclaimed but between her tears she let a smile slip.

Oliver smiled back.

"Look Lilly I'm sorry if you feel that way but come on there are times where I call looking for you and you're with Miley," said Oliver.

"Yea but that's because I can do girl stuff with her I mean I don't have to drag you to the mall anymore like I used to," said Lilly.

"Or make me test your make-up," Oliver shivered at the thought.

Lilly laughed, "Yea but you were you were great at it."

"And no one will ever find out, not even Miley," Oliver said.

"Just between you and me," said Lilly with a smile.

Oliver left and Lilly felt much better. She was way overreacting about him liking Miley better. She gave Miley a call like she does every night and decided to not tell her what happened. It wasn't that important and it was between her and Oliver. And that's the way she liked

A/n that was chap 1! Review review!